Transcript Document

• Hammurabi is the best known
and most celebrated of all
Mesopotamian kings. He ruled
the Babylonian Empire from
1792-50 B.C.E. He was
concerned with keeping order
in his kingdom. He compiled a
list of laws. When he began
ruling the city-state of Babylon,
he had control of no more than
50 square miles of territory. As
he conquered other city-states
and his empire grew, he saw
the need to unify the various
groups he controlled
• China’s most famous
teacher, philosopher,
and political theorist,
whose ideas have
influenced the
civilization of East Asia.
• Homer is credited as the
Greek poet and author of
Western Literature's first
and most influential
works Iliad and its
sequel Odyssey. For
hundreds of years these
two works of Homer,
written in ancient formal
Ionic Greek diction mixed
with dialect, have been
the subject of numerous
translations and
Alexander the Great
• Alexander the Great was born to
parents King Philip II and Queen
Olympia. Tutored by Aristotle, he
took charge of the Companion
Cavalry at age 18 and aided Philip in
defeating the Athenian and Theban
armies at Chaeronea. After the
death of his father, Alexander
garnered the support of the
Macedonian Army and eliminated
his enemies to become king and
leader of the Corinthian League.
Alexander went on to conquer Persia
and Egypt, his kingdom ranging from
the Mediterranean to the border of
India. Just 32 when he died from
malaria, he is regarded as one of
history’s brilliant military leaders
and most powerful rulers.
Julius Caesar
• Roman general and
statesman Julius Caesar
turned the Roman
Republic into the
powerful Roman
Empire. A coup ended
his reign, and his life, on
the Ides of March.
• Greek philosopher
whose way of life,
character, and thought
exerted a profound
influence on ancient
and modern philosophy.
• He is considered an
essential figure in the
development of philosophy,
especially the Western
tradition, and he founded
the Academy in Athens, the
first institution of higher
learning in the Western
world. Along
with Socrates and his most
famous student, Aristotle,
Plato laid the foundations
of Western
philosophy and science.
• At eighteen, he
joined Plato's Academy in
Athens and remained
there until the age of
thirty-seven His writings
cover many subjects –
including physics, biology,
zoology, metaphysics, logic
ethics, aesthetics, poetry,
theater, music,
rhetoric, linguistics,
politics and government –
and constitute the first
comprehensive system
of Western philosophy.
• Adopted by Caesar,
Augustus Reigned 31 BC
– 14 AD) had to fight for
his throne. His long rule
saw a huge expansion in
the Roman Empire and
the beginnings of a
dynasty that, over the
next century, would
transform Rome, for
better and worse.
• also referred to as Jesus of
Nazareth, is the central
figure of Christianity,[whom
the teachings of
most Christian
denominations hold to be
the Son of God. Christianity
regards Jesus as the
awaited Messiah (or
"Christ") of the Old
Testament and refers to him
as Jesus Christ, a name that
is also used in non-Christian
• The reign of Justinian was an
extremely significant period.
It marked the final end of
the Roman empire; the
establishment of the new,
Byzantine empire; the
beginning of Western
Europe's unique position
within the civilizations of the
Old World; and made
possible the spread of Islam
and the rise of the Franks.
Although this lecture
concentrates on the role
played by the Gothic Wars in
Justinian's reign, there is a
great deal more to be known
about this remarkable man
and about Theodora, his
even more remarkable wife.
Yaroslav the Wise
• Yaroslav the Wise was
grand prince of Kiev from
1019 to 1054, one of the
brightest representatives
of the Riurykide
(Rurikovich) dynasty, who
was best known in
eastern European history
as a powerful leader of
the early centralized
Kievan Rus state. He was
the son of Grand Prince
Vladimir I
Ivan the Terrible
• In 1547, Ivan IV, grandson of
Ivan the Great, was crowned
the first czar of all Russia
Cathedral. In addition,
Moscow became the capital of
the Holy Russian Empire.
• In the same year, Ivan married
Anastasia Romanov. He
married several more times
after her death in 1560, but
this first marriage seems to
have been the happiest. The
Romanov dynasty ruled Russia
from 1613 to 1917, and traces
its claim to the throne through
Anastasia's brother, Nikitu.
• Muhammad was born in
Mecca approximately 570
C.E. and was a member of
the Quraysh tribe. As with
Moses and Jesus, we know
little about his childhood.
His parents died when he
was young, and he never
learned to read or write.
When he was 12, he visited
Syria and had his first
exposure to Jews and
Christians and apparently
developed a respect for
these "People of the Book."
Abu Bakr
• Muhammad’s closest
companion and adviser,
who succeeded to the
Prophet’s political and
functions, thereby
initiating the office of
the caliphate
one of the most powerful
and influential
Muslim caliphs (successors)
in history. He was a
companion of the Islamic
prophet Muhammad. He
succeeded Abu Bakr (632–
634) as the second caliph of
the Rashidun Caliphate on
23 August 634. He was an
expert Islamic jurist known
for his pious and just