PPoint - Doctor of the Future

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Mentoring the Mentor
Stuart White, DC, DACBN, CCN
Whole Health Associates
1406 Vermont
Houston, Texas 77006
[email protected]
Mentor goals:
To declare what is possible and establish
a commitment to that possibility
Address personal and professional
barriers limiting the ability to serve
Evolution of vision/mission/ethics that
drive success
Create immediate action steps to apply
learning and growth
Mentoring the mentor:
Who are the mentors? – Practitioners
Who are we mentoring? – Patients and
What’s the purpose? – Optimized life
How does it work? – Whatever you learn
you teach someone else (anyone else)
Who’s is included? – Self selection, you
pick yourself
Mentoring the mentor:
Each participant attends monthly teleconferences (1
hour in duration, 4th Thursday of month) creating a
round table discussion/exploration of the dynamics
and details of a nutrition-based wholistic practice
Each participant chooses a colleague in his/her
world to convey the notes and information – no
information squandering
Issues/problems/questions are considered a learning
process for everyone, although individual’s remain
All questions, comments, case studies to be directed
through email to SP rep who will compile and include
in next teleconference ( must be submitted 10 days
When the student is ready – the
teacher appears
The patient is manifesting the
practitioner not the other way
They are causing us to be an
aspect of genius that they are
prepared to encounter
It is their evolution we assist
Our evolution is to awaken to
their stage and pace of growth
the water said to the rock
“You can change”
the rock said back
“No I can’t”
This Zen pondering implies that your
life is to answer the question of
whether or not you can change
There is that which is changeless over
earthly changes
There is that which changes as is by
Shameless beauty 
The single growth/healing limiting
factor is shame/lack of self worth
Helping people achieve their perfect
body/state is for more than themselves
Looking upon shameless beauty is
inspiring and therapeutic
Inherently we know, intuitively we
perceive, instinctively we pursue educated we are cynical to the
Greatness must happen elsewhere
We invite people to manifest human
Eternal truth If we split open the cherry tree
We find no flower there;
It is the Spring that becomes the seed of
the blossoms
The healer’s journey
Therapeutic rationale –
why/what are we doing?
Racial Possibility
Genetic potential
Take on greater
challenges – expand the
scope of practice, raise
the bar, set the standard
Results achieved are
demonstrated to practitioner
and patient
Confidence builds in the law and
the ability to normalize
7 Pillars of Healing
Endocrine/Hormonal – Disruption & Depression
Glycemic Management – Insulin/Cortisol Dysregulation
pH Bioterrain – Net Acid Excess
Inflammatory status – Cumulative Repair Deficit
Immune burden - Toxicity, Infection & Infestation
Circulatory Status – Arterial, Venous & Lymphatic Competence
CompleteTropho-Restorative Cycles – Uninterrupted
Processes of Repair, Fortification & Synchrony
4 - Inflammatory status
 Cumulative Repair
Deficit – functional
 Cytokine driven
inflammatory levels drive
the adrenals
 All inflammation is
perceived as a wild animal
trying to eat you - fight
or flight
 Cortisol increases,
adrenals fatigue
Immune Tolerance
”Don’t be so Reactive”
 Understanding of oral tolerance
mechanisms is evolving rapidly – one of the
most active areas of research areas in
 The role of normal flora and the nature
of antigenic presentations are the key
areas of interest
 Lack of tolerance is now seen as root
cause for many intractable diseases and
autoimmune conditions
 Re-induction of tolerance is the only
treatment/prevention modality that
addresses the cause of disease
 Probiotics, prebiotics, antigen
introduction offers safe and efficacious
means of treating disease
Immune Tolerance
”Don’t be so Reactive”
 If it weren’t for tolerance we would
constantly fighting a war with the
foreignness everywhere
 Complex feedback system developed
through reactor and moderator
substances activating and suppressing
immune/ inflammatory response creating
an immune capacity of tolerance
 Net reactor chemistry x net moderator
chemistry = immune tolerance
 Especially strategic to the autoimmune
circumstance – goal is to reduce immune
burdens and promote immune tolerance
and thus reduce immune reactivity
 Infections, infestations, toxicities,
allergens, injuries, inoculations, etc. create
a burden teasing out intolerance and
excessive reactions
Epidemic Intolerance
In last 50 years there has been a 40 fold rise in allergic asthma in the
developed world – the same period marks no rise in the developing
 1 in 7 children born in the developed world will develop allergic
 Juvenile Diabetes has risen 5 fold in developed world – no increase
in developing world
 Environmental pollution has been eliminated as the suspected cause
 Children with juvenile diabetes had fewer childhood infections
 Children with no infections during the first year of life are 5 times
more likely to develop diabetes or asthma
 Every infection in the first year of life correlates with a 20%
reduction in the risk of developing diabetes
 Measles sufferers have 3 fold lower incidence of allergic disease
 Antibiotic use in first 2 years of life increase teenage allergies
 Sterile artificial environments weaken the developing/learning
immune system
The Hygiene Theory
 Children raised in ‘less hygienic’
environments has significantly less
allergies than western counterparts
from a ‘more hygienic’ environment
 Linkage with disease simply
indicates exposure to a wider
variety of antigens
 Allergic infants have significantly
different gut flora compared to
non-allergic infants
 Manipulation/supplementation of
gut flora safely optimizes antigenic
exposure and reduces allergies
Immune Defense – 5 levels
A healthy Immune defense/ Repair System (IDRS)
equals ample capacity to neutralize foreign items
(translate foreignness to friendliness) resulting in no
delayed allergies or hypersensitivities
Five lines of defense:
1. Mucins – effective polysaccharide traps of toxins,
pathogens, immunogens (mucins say if you are foreign, you
are excluded)
2. Secretory IgA (sIgA) - synthesize complex protective
3. Probiotic Microflora – 8-24 billion mixed flora (9 strains)
to degrade toxins and produce nutritives
4. Mucosal permeability barrier – excludes large molecular
weight foreign substances (immunogens, antigens)
5. Dendritic cells including macrophages, fibroblasts,
monocytes, endothelial cells … - to recycle foreign invaders
and cell debris responding the same to infectious and noninfectious invaders ( 50 billion consumer cells x 50
organisms / immune reactor = 2.5 trillion items consumed
daily – brushing teeth introduces 2-4 million of foreign
invaders) – able to handle easily any known pathogen
(tuberculosis, Lyme’s, Syphyllis, etc.)
Immune Defense – 5 levels
Healthy Immune function protects
Five lines of defense:
1. Mucins – Trappers
2. Secretory IgA (sIgA) - Binders
3. Probiotic Microflora – Metabolizers
4. Mucosal permeability barrier – Excluders
5. Dendritic Macrophages – Engulfers
Toll-like Receptors TLR– ancient family of proteins that
mediate immunity in all life forms – without TLR’s the
entire immune system crashes, over-activity causes up
regulation of the immune system and autoimmune activity
Innate immune system throughTLR’s produce cytokines
which target problems and activate the adaptive immune
system (antigen/antibody)
TLR’s are so basic that they can defend against every
known organism by dismantling the basic protein/ genetic
codes that they are made from – 10 TLR’s have been
identified in the human
Immune TLR’s –
Innate immunity
Speculation that Thymex and PMG’s act directly on this
innate immune system because of the immediacy of the
responses seen and resultant cytokine inflammatory
Nutrient strategies
”Let’s cause a change in the outcome!”
 Gut lining repair is a complex chronic project
 Probiotics – Lact Enz (4), Lactic Acid Yeast (4), Zymex (6)
 Prebiotics – Soluble fiber in Gastrofiber (4), Lining repair and
inflammatory down regulation with Chlorophyll (2), Cataplex AC (10)
 Dysbiosis – Parasites controlled with ZymexII (6), Multizyme (4), Calamo
(6), Garlic (Mediherb) (2) enteric coated, Wormwood Complex
(mediherb) (2)
 Immune facilitation – Echinacea (2), Ganoderm Shiitake (2), Cat’s Claw
Complex (2), Astragulus (2) (discontinue when febrile)
 Immune bolstering – Immuplex (6), Sesame Seed Oil (6), Thymex (8),
Cyruta Plus (6), Congaplex (10), Allerplex (10)
 Toxic Metal Cleansing – Chelaco (2-4), Cruciferous Complete (2),
Spanish Black Raddish (6), Livaplex (6), Cholacol II (6)
Immune Burdens
Allergies & Infections
 Subclinical & cavitated infection
creating chronic immune burden
 Food allergies creating chronic
adrenal stress and immune burden
 Toxicity interfering with
biochemical pathways
 Infestations & dysbiosis creating
chronic immune burdens, exotoxic
burdens, nutrient depletion and
intestinal wall damage
 Stress increasing adrenal activity
and reducing immune functions
Determining Food Allergies
 Blood type sensitivities Eat For Your Blood Type, D’Amatto
 Most food allergies are delayed sensitivity
reactions – difficult to objectively determine
 Elisa Act lymphocyte response assay Dr. Russell Jaffe
Serammune Labs, Virginia, 800/525-7372
 Elimination is the most accurate and labor
intensive - 2 week elimination then reintroduce and
watch for 4 days for reactions
 Histaminic Reactions (rash, red eyes, serous
secretions) vs. Immune Activity (fever, catarrhal,
lymphatic congestion, aching)
 Basic 4 allergies that most complicate healing
process – wheat (gluten), corn, soy, milk (casein)
 Additionally suspect chocolate, peanuts, tomatoes, beef
Adrenal Stress Indicator
Saliva test through
Measures Cortisol, DHEA, and gliadin
levels from which an impression of gut
lining health can be interpreted (also
screens for gluten intolerance
Useful as a follow-up to foundational
5 Stages of Inflammation
 1 – Cytokine release from damaged cells
 2 – Erythema increased blood flow
 3 – Swelling plasma leak from capillaries
into damaged area
 4 – Leukocyte infiltration for clean up
 5 – Fibrous tissue infusion creating
Inflammatory inhibition by cortisol
 Cortisol has five effects on inflammation
 Stabilization of membranes reducing rupture and
cytokine release
 Decreases capillary permeability thus limiting
 Decreases migration of WBC’s
 Suppresses immune system and T lymphocytes
 Lowers fever, interferon release and thus
 Licorice can increase effects of Cortisol (1 tsp
twice daily), thus is used a bridging protocol with
Catecholamines Production of
catecholamines is from:
Digestive distress
Anxiety and stress
There is no distinction
between stressors everything is a wild animal
trying to kill you
Cavitated infections
 Especially under the teeth, diverticulosis,
severe infections near or in bone, body
cavities like sinus, ears, pelvic, intestinal
 Up regulate immune system gradually
beginning with Sesame Oil Perles
(6/day), followed by Thymex (10/day),
then Immuplex (6/day), Congaplex
(15/day), Allerplex (15/day), Echinacea
(4/day), Astragulus (4/day)
 Clear infestations with Zymex II (6/day),
Multizyme (4/day), Wormwood Complex
(4/day) – also treats mycoplasmic
 Finally use Chaparral with high
concentration of NDGO (strongest
known antioxidant) – will clear systemic
infection including bowel dysbiosis and
Do-it-yourself Candida Test
 Spit first sputum in the morning before
putting anything in the mouth into a
glass of water
 Check the water every 15 minutes for
up to one hour
 If you see strings (like legs) traveling
down into the water from the saliva
floating on the top, or “cloudy” saliva
that sinks to the bottom of the glass, or
cloudy specks suspended in the water
then the saliva is carrying a fungal
 If no strings and the saliva is floating
after I hour it appears you are Candida
 Support with Zymex, Zymex II, Lact
Enz, Lactic Acid Yeast, Immuplex, and
alkalize the gut
Heavy Metal Toxicity
 Endocrine disrupters are the most pervasive
and severe impact of heavy metals
 Most common metals are Pb, Cd, Hg followed
by benzenes, chlorine, fluoride
 Best common chelating agents: milk thistle,
cilantro, bladder wrack (Pb, Cd, Hg), garlic,
 Essential to strengthen parotid function, liver &
kidney support, promote methyl group formation
and detoxification with folic acid, folate, B6 and
Heavy Metal Toxicity
 1 in 6 children diagnosed with developmental disorder
 1 in 45 homes have an autistic child, 10 years ago 1 in 10,000
now 1 in 149
 Causes of death: #1 heart, #2 cancer, #3 hospital, #4
neurogenic (mercury)
 Inability to methylate creates dopamine buildup (hyperactive),
autism, Alzheimer’s – requires genes MTR, MTRR,
MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase) – if missing
from one parent or two determines inability to excrete and
predicts problems
 Thimerosal is ethyl-mercury used as topical antiseptic and
preservative in vaccines and contact lens solution
 Mercury/heavy metal toxicity associated by numerous studies
with heart disease and cancer as well as neuro-degeneration
 Mercury known to bind at beta receptor of GTP (Guanisine
triphosphate) and dismantle tubulin molecules resulting in
collapse of cellular structure – this is why it preserves so well34
In the news - Looming truth
Mouse study from Columbia University
6/04 shows certain strain of mice
susceptible to autistic-like responses
after Thimerosal (ethyl-mercury)
Hawthorne 3:1 extract
100 mg
Milk Thistle 70:1 extract
100 mg
Garlic bulb powder
100 mg
Enteric coated capsule to preserve Garlic (Alliin) potency
excretion pathway health
healthy liver function
antioxidant protection
Deemed Physiological Priorities
Endocrine balance
Supplementation & lifestyle
Glycemic regulation
Low carb diet
Reduce immune burdens
Supplementation, detox, allergy removal
Mentoring Ideas: PMG’s
Input on dealing with patients who are vegetarians resistant to
taking protomorphogens PGM – Be in the patient’s evolution
– inquire is it spiritual or physiological, moderate or absolute?
Consider doing the patient’s way with the emphasis on creating
trophic changes in tissues, glands, organs, systems – if it
doesn’t work suggest that we keep the PMG as a possibility
for future if results are not forthcoming
Without PMG drop into MediHerb and pathway facilitation –
BCSO, Tribulus, WYC, Linum/B6, Chelaco (detox
hormone disruptors) – the student causes the teacher to
appear – we are channeling their power and basically creating
vegetarian PMG’s by intent
Explain PMG’s are almost vegetarian because they are water
soluble protein mineral extracts that may be similar fundamental
growth factors as are found in vegetable kingdom
Disclose that your experience and familiarity is with these
therapeutic tools, but you’d be pleased to learn another way as
good or better through a discovery process with them
Lastly give strong recommendation and respect their choice
only when they are presenting a serious malady in which you
determine experimentation is irresponsible
Hand out attached word document “Trophology”
Eternal truth To study the healing way is to study the self;
To study the self is to forget the self;
To forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten
thousand paths
To be enlightened by the ten thousand paths is to
remove the barrier between the self and the
No trace of enlightenment remains, and this no
trace continues endlessly
Dogen Zenji
Mentoring Ideas:
The heart and its rhythms
Tachycardia – ablation is the easy way
out and often not successful if evaluated
over many years because the heart loses
its ability to modulate and respond to
Red carpet approach – see attached
handout – Cardioplus(6), Cataplex B
(6), Cataplex G (6), Organic Minerals
(6), Cataplex F (3), Calcifood (4),
Linum/B6 (4)
Burning sensation on the tongue
suggests B vitamin imbalance, especially
explore B, G, Folic Acid, B12,
Neuroplex (2)
A Clinical study –
Student make teacher look good!
Update: Repeat stress test and
echo cardiogram showed increase of
ejection fraction from 20% to 36%.
William (60 years old, carpet cleaning business) flew down from
Ohio presenting cardiomyopathy for past 5 years – done
everything (chelation, Cleveland Clinic), feeling terrible, loss
libido, brain fog, general asthenia, sleep disorder, toenail
fungus, etc.
Began Thymex (10), Symplex M (6), BCSO (2),
Hypothalmex (2), Albaplex (6), Cataplex AC(10), SSO (6),
Cardioplus (6), OPC (1), Glutamine (1.5 g), Tribulus (2),
CoQ10 (300 mg), Astragulus (2), Echinacea (2)
Last seen 6/22/05 – after 2 months – ecstatic, feels better
than in five years, sleep improved, lidido improved, strong &
energetic, elimination of stimulants, brain fog almost gone
Beyond my expectations, almost absurd to be able to achieve
these results after all this man has been through for the past 5
years – message is that it is simple, not complicated and difficult
and expensive, when the time has come for healing and being
finished with the learning/suffering experience
What’s next – he’s enrolled – he loves renewal – we love just
being next to him
Accomplished in 60 days after five
years infirmity
Prime drivers - Thymex, Cataplex
AC, Sesame Seed Oil
A Clinical Study: Autoimmune
Yvonne first attended 08/04 – Lupus onset
’95, presenting stomach disorder, multiple
joint pains, night sweats, bruising, fatigue,
IBS, Raynaud’s, foot numbness
Cataplex AC (8), Symplex F (6),
Hypothalmex (2), BCSO (2), SSO (6),
Inositol (3), L-Glutamine (3), Calcifood (2),
AF Betafood (12), Choline (6)
Within three months no joint pains, off all
medications (3), training for marathon
Ran 2 marathons within three weeks – came
down with severe viral flu – exacerbated the
autoimmune condition – frightened her like
original onset in ’95 – returned finally to
drugs – required another three months to
quiet things down
Use autoimmune handout attachment to
create chronic strategy
Eternal Truth
How are we educated by children, by
animals! …
We live in the currents of universal
Martin Buber
Take on the process yourself
Practice promoting long-term immune tolerance by
repairing the gut IRDS
Use the 7 pillar approach – shift from symptoms to
systems – treat the cause
Consider inflammation/immune burden as a
paradigm for understanding and navigating chronic
degenerative disease – people want a therapeutic
Use saliva tests to determine the quantity of
salivary IGA (90% derived from gut lining
production) – determine state of gut erosion status
– use prebiotics (Cataplex AC), probiotics(Lact
Enz), Chlorophyll, soluble fiber Gastrofiber to
repair and rebuild
Use hair analysis to determine toxic metal status
and detoxify ‘gradually’ with Chelaco (2-4)
Sequential gradualism – aka 7 pillars of health –
lifetime care monitors these parameters
Action steps for tomorrow
Consider every patient for nutritional needs
Publish Trophology, Allergies & Inflammation, and other
handouts in the waiting room
Use interview technique to begin to identify the digestive
competence of the IRDS
Establish low carb approach “Phase II” system to support
health intestinal function – begin the development of your
mastery in this field – teach the patients what you are doing
they will gladly try to improve themselves – then get ready to
see the really big diseases respond – but remember the
practitioner appears only when the patient is ready – give
them and their inherent genius all the credit
Schedule Mentoring the Mentor phone coaching sessions
Prepare to dazzle the yourself with the scope of change you
offer your patients – show yourself the 7 pillars profoundly
cares for the whole person while also exceeding standard of
care for their disease issues as well
Change the rock even though it doesn’t believe it can, show
the change, build the confidence, take on greater challenges,
change the world (the really big rock)
How we long to
become that which
we hardly believe we
Pir Viliyat Kahn
Give generously
As you have received