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• Doç. Dr. Nurver Turfaner
• Department Of Family
Activities of daily living( ADL)
• Basic ADLs:
transferring, toileting,continence,eating
• Instrumental ADLs:Using telephone,
driving, using public transportation,
shopping, preparing meals,
housework,taking medicine, managing
Ability: Physical assessment
6 maneuvers task ( function tested )
• 1. Both hands behind head ( hair
combing, washing back, etc)
• 2.Both hands together in back of waist
( lower extremity dressing, hygiene)
• 3.Sitting, touch great toe with opposite
hand (lower extremity dressing,
Ability: Physical assessment
• 4.Squeeze examiner’s two fingers with
each hand (opening jars, doors, etc)
• 5.Hold paper between thumb and lateral
side of index finger while examiner
tries to pull out ( picking up objects)
• 6. Stand from chair with hands crossed
over chest (transferability)
Ability: Cognitive assessment
• Mini-mental state
• Orientation:What is the
(year)(season)(date)(day)(month) 5
• Where are
we?(state)(city)(town)(hospital)(floor) 5
• Registration:Name 3 unrelated objects. Ask
for all 3. Repeat until patient learns all 3.
Record number of trials
• Attention and calculation: Serial 7’s
(93,86,79,72,65).Stop after 5. OR spell
WORLD backwars. D L R O W 5
• Recall: Ask 3 subjects above 3
Naming: pencil and watch 2
Repetition: No ifs, ands or buts 1
3-stage command: Take paper in your
right hand, fold it in half,and put it on
the floor 3
• Reading: Close your eyes. 1
• Writing: Write a sentence. 1
• Copying: Intersecting pentagons 1
• Scoring ≤ 20 = dementia
Motivation: Assess depression-Single
question:’’Do you often feel sad or depressed’’
• Short geriatric depression scale
Choose the best answer for how you felt
over past week ( Yes or No )
• 1.Are you basically satisfied with your
life Y
• 2.Have you dropped many of your
activities or interests N
• 3.Do you feel your life is empty N
• 4.Do you often get bored N
• 5.Are you in good spirits most of the
time Y
Motivation: Assess depression-Single
question:’’Do you often feel sad or depressed’’
• 6.Are you afraid that something bad is
going to happen to you N
• 7.Do you feel happy most of the time Y
• 8.Do you often feel helpless N
• 9.Do you prefer to stay home rather
than going out and doing new things N
• 10.Do you feel you have more problems
with memory than most N
Motivation: Assess depression-Single
question:’’Do you often feel sad or depressed’’
• 11.Do you think it is wonderful to be
alive Y
• 12.Do you feel pretty worthless the way
you are now N
• 13.Do you feel full of energy Y
• 14.Do you feel your situation is hopeless
• 15.Do you think most people are better
off than you N
• ‘’ Normal’’ answers indicated in bold (Y
/ N)- › 5 ‘’ Depressed’’ answers=
positive screen
• Falls are common in the elderly and
can result in serious, even fatal,
• Most falls are multifactorial in
• Physicians should ask about falls
periodically, because many elders
consider falling normal and may not
report it.
• Falling is preventible, and there are well
recognized risk factors.
• A thorough evalution of falls, targeted
treatment, and management of risk
factors can reduce the risk of future
• Physical restraints are not necessary to
reduce the risk of future falls. They are
likely to increase the risk of injury and
should be avoided.
• In a patient who falls, sedating
medications should be minimized or
• All patients who fall but who are able to
participate in an exercise program
should pursue a program of balance
training and strengthening.
Initial Evaluation of Falls
• History
Circumstances of fall
Vision or hearing deficits
Medical conditions
Medications( especially sedatives,
psycotropics, antihypertansives, narcotics,
• Functional abilities
Initial Evaluation of Falls
Physical examination
Postural blood pressure
Heart rhythm
‘’ Get up and go’’ test
Visual acuity
Targeted neurologic examination
Targeted musculoskelatal examination
Hemodynamic response to carotid sinus
massage ( in appropriate patients)
Initial Evaluation of Falls
• Diagnostic Studies
• None required routinely
• If indicated in the appropriate
patient: complete blood count,
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level,
creatinine, electrolytes, glucose,
thyroid function, vit. B12, Holter
Risk Factors for Falls in Older
Age-related changes in
Muscle activation (delayed onset of
compensatory activation in response
to postural changes)
• Blood pressure (reduced
compensatory response to postural
Risk Factors for Falls in Older
Age › 80 years
Cognitive impairment
Functional impairment (measured by
changes in activities of daily living)
• Visual impairment
• History of falls
• Gait or balance deficit
Risk Factors for Falls in Older
Use of assistive device
Leg weakness
Orthostatic hypotension
Psychotropic or sedative drug use
Female gender
Frequent fear of falling
Urinary Incontinence
• In the elderly, urinary incontinence affects
up to 30% of women and up to 15% of men.
• Maintaining continence requires more than
intact urinary function; it also requires
mobility, motivation, proper access to
facilities and relatively intact function.
• Acute changes in continence are often caused
by underlying medical conditions (e.g,
infection, hypoglycemia), and the incontinence
may be reversible
• Men are more likely to have overflow
and urge incontinence. Women are
more likely to have urge and stress
• History, examination, urinalysis, and
post-void residual bladder volumes
usually lead to the proper
categorization of incontinence, with no
further testing needed.
• Kegel exercises, bladder training
exercises, and use of an incontinence
diary are effective for managing urge
Urinary Incontinence
• Stress incontinence is poorly treated
with drug therapy but successfully
treated with surgery; urge incontinence
is poorly treated with surgery but
successfully treated with drugs.
• Drugs used to treat urge incontinence
are all anti-cholinergics, and sideeffects may limit their use in the
Urinary Incontinence
• Functional incontinence is common in
frail or demented elders and is treated
with environmental adjustments and
with scheduled and prompted voiding.
. Incontinence and asymptomatic
bacteriuria may coexist in nursing home
patients, but incontinence does not
improve with eradication of bacteria.
Certain medications should be avoided
in the elderly.
Age alone should not be a criterion for
avoiding the use of drugs with
appropriate indications (e.g.,β-blocker
after myocardial infarction)
A certain degree of polypharmacy (use
of numerous drugs) may unavoidable in
the elderly, but each drug should be
associated with an appropriate
• Avoid using one drug to treat the
adverse effect of another.
• The effects and toxicities of some
drugs change with aging, resulting in
more narrow indices.
• Renal function declines with aging and
has an impact on the dosing of many
drugs, whereas liver function generally
does not.