Patient Entered Data Queue

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Transcript Patient Entered Data Queue

LMR Fall Release
Notes: Placeholders and Accelerator
Users of the LMR have requested a way to define a placeholder within a Note or
Custom Paragraph that they can quickly locate and document.
Quicker, easier documentation
Can be used in Free Form Note Templates, Structured Note Templates and Custom
This enhancement allows the user to define a placeholder within a Custom Template,
or Custom Paragraph. The user can then easily access that placeholder by using an
Accelerator Key.
Since these placeholders can be used in a Custom Paragraph they will be available
anywhere that Custom Paragraphs can be used.
Creating a Custom Template or Paragraph with Accelerator Keys
1. Begin a new Free Form Note Template, Structured Note Template or
Custom Paragraph
2. Enter the desired text
3. Enter “###” any place in the free text area where you would like a
4. Click <Save> button to save the Template or Paragraph
Using a Custom Template or Paragraph with Accelerator
Press the F2 (Accelerator Key) to jump to the First/Next Accelerator “###”
in the document.
When saving a note containing placeholders, if all placeholders have not
been addressed, LMR will not allow the note to be saved as Final.
Visit Forms
Purpose is to enhance the customization tools for sending forms to PG
patients by including additional parameters and enhancing usability of these
tools for the patients and providers.
-Include additional configuration parameters
-Customize for specific patient population or visit type
-Electronically submitted forms will allow providers to review and accept coded
entries directly into LMR
-Providers will also have the ability to manually update medical record via direct
links to specific modules
-A practice can have multiple Visit forms configured for various patient
Patient Information
Upcoming Visit
Allergy List
Medication List
Conditions (Problems)
Health Monitoring (Smoking Status)
For Staff Use
Visit Parameters
Configuration parameters to send the form
electronically (for PG patients only) can be set
for each form.
What the Patient Fills Out
Adding a new medication:
Adding a new allergy:
Adding a new problem:
Accessing Patient Entered Data Queue from
the Schedule
Patient Entered Data Queue
Click on form link to access data
LMR will not allow you to Accept or Reject until all sections have been reviewed
“Patient Information” and “Upcoming Visit” sections do not
require any provider actions.
Actions Required
<Accept All> - system will place all transactions to patient’s record
<Accept> - provider will accept individual entry only
<Change> - provider will be navigated to a pop-up LMR edit screen for
the appropriate module
<Add New> - provider is navigated to appropriate module to manually
enter new data
<Inactivate> - provider will inactivate problems
Smoking Status
<Save for Later> - saves updates, all information remains in Patient
Entered Data Queue
<Done> - saves updates, form will be removed from Patient Entered Data
Queue, user will be alerted if any sections were left unprocessed
<Cancel> - exits screen without saving any changes
Alerts on Activation
Providers will now be alerted when re-activating and
inactive medication from the Inactive Medication tab
Display Medication Action in Note
“Action” taken on that medication, “Reconciliation Description” and
“Pharmacy Type” can all be added to notes.
*This enhancement is entirely customizable
Summary Screen (Tooltip)
Hovering over a problem will now display more
Custom Paragraphs
Custom paragraphs can now be used within Problem
module to write comments