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Affiliate Schools
Online Orientation
Message from the CEO
We are delighted that you have chosen The MED as a clinical training
site. We hope that your experience at The MED will be a valuable
learning opportunity that will enhance your career!
Regional Medical Center at Memphis is the oldest hospital in Tennessee
and is committed to providing quality healthcare to all in this community.
We enjoy a rich and historic 180-year plus tradition of providing
excellent service and highly specialized care to the citizens of Shelby
County and the entire Mid-South. It is our commitment to continue this
I am deeply honored and proud to lead this great institution into the next
chapter in its history. It is a privilege to foster and lead a team of healthcare professionals
dedicated to excellence and committed to quality. Through the actions of and communications
with our employees, you will experience a team of highly trained healthcare professionals
delivering compassionate and quality care to you and your family. You will see a healthcare
organization that achieves growth and sustainability by focusing on quality improvement and
accountability. You will see a healthy and sustained Regional Medical Center.
Reginald W. Coopwood, MD
President and CEO
Affiliate School online orientation is designed
to inform Faculty and Students of their role,
expectations and scope of practice while
involved in patient care at Regional Medical
Center (The MED).
• Facilitate communication between affiliate
schools and The MED
• Enhance Patient Safety
At the completion of orientation, participants
will be able to:
1. Embrace the mission of The MED.
2. Identify roles and responsibilities of
program coordinator and students.
3. Apply safety and infection prevention
4. Discuss the role, expectation, and scope
of practice for students.
Overview of The MED
• Since 1829, The MED has been the forefront in attending to the
healthcare needs of it's community.
• The MED, Tennessee's oldest hospital has always taken pride in
it's unwavering dedication to providing patients with the best
possible services.
• Centers of Excellence include Trauma and Burn Centers; High
Risk Obstetrics; and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
• Rehabilitation Hospital, Wound Center, Sickle Cell Center, Adult
Special Care and subspecialty outpatient clinics
• Please visit www.the-med.org for additional information
Mission, Values, & Vision
Mission: To improve the health and well being of the
people we serve by providing compassionate care
and excellent services.
Values: We value quality
Vision: In collaboration with our academic partners,
we will be the premier healthcare system advancing
the qualities of life in our communities.
Instructor & Student
The primary responsibility of instructors
are the Students
Please click on the link below to review our Affiliate
School policy that outlines role and responsibilities
of faculty, students and schools
Affiliate school policy
Fundamentals of Communication
Regional Medical Center at Memphis has incorporated a
Studer principle referred to as AIDET to enhance customer
service. Faculty and students are required to apply AIDET
when interacting with patients, families, and others.
– Acknowledge
– Introduce
– Duration
– Explain
– Thank You
Fundamentals of Communication
Greet customer with a smile, maintain appropriate eye contact, and
demonstrate a warm, receptive attitude with everyone you come in contact with.
Offer your name, your role in the customer’s care and communicate your ability and desire to
help – this requires your full attention to the other person.
Explain how long a procedure will take, how long the patient may have to wait,
or if you are walking with someone, how long it will take to reach your destination.
Provide detailed information about a test or procedure, such as why it is being performed,
who will perform it, whether there is pain or discomfort, and what will happen afterward. Be
sure to answer the patients’ or family members’ questions.
Thank You
Sincerely thank the patient or visitor for choosing the hospital
and for trusting you to provide care.
Patient Rights
The MED recognizes its role in providing a foundation
for respecting the rights and responsibilities of
patients, their families, physicians, and other
The patient has the right to obtain relevant, current
and clear information concerning their diagnosis,
treatment, prognosis and information related to
specific procedures and/or treatments including
relevant risks, benefits and side effects and also
possible results of not receiving care, treatment and
Patient Safety
Patient Safety is a priority at The MED.
Our Leaders have established specific
expectations that demonstrate our
commitment to patient safety.
Enhancing Patient Safety
Report the following to a MED Manager or Supervisor:
• Clinical Alarms
• Damage Walls, ceiling or water on the floors
• Broken Equipment
• Potential patient safety issues
• Suspect of Abuse and Neglect of patients
(Tennessee Law: if abuse and neglect is not reported it
is a Class A Misdemeanor)
Always practice Infection Control Principles
Enhancing Patient Safety
• Report all Needle Sticks and Injuries
• Use Standard Precautions when dealing with patient’s
bodily secretions.
• The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will
be provided at no cost. Fit Test must be completed at
affiliate school.
Restraints Application
 Only trained employees of The MED are
allowed to place a patient in clinical restraints.
 Students are not allowed to place a patient in
clinical restraints!
Incident Reporting
Incident is defined as any event which is not
consistent with the desired operation of the facility or
care of the patient.
Examples include:
• Physical harm
• Unauthorized leaves by patients
• Patient dissatisfaction
• Mistaken identity
• Hospital acquired infections
• Unexpected and unexplained returns to surgery
Student’s Role during
Incident Reporting
• Students should report incidents to
Management even if there is no injury.
• Who is included in an Incident?
– Incidents involve healthcare employees,
students, patients, family and/or nonemployee.
Enhancing Patient Safety
“The inability to practice medicine with
reasonable skill and safety to patients due to
physical or mental illnesses, alcoholism, or
drug dependency.”
American Medical Association (AMA)
Impaired Healthcare Staff
Impairment is in the form of alcoholism, substance
abuse, chemical dependency, mental/emotional,
instability, or senility.
Warning Signs
Consistently documents the administration of pain
or nerve medications for patients who have not
needed the medications before or after that nurse
has cared for them.
Reporting & Investigation
In the event of a suspected impairment
posing a serious and immediate threat to
a patient, report it immediately to Management.
Confidentiality Agreement
Protecting the privacy of our patients is critical.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) was enacted to ensure that personal medical
information is protected.
Faculty and students are required to submit a signed
copy of The MED’s Confidentiality Agreement to
Training and Development prior to clinical rotations to
insure privacy of our patients
Protected Health Information
Any patient’s health or personal information
transmitted orally, recorded, paper or electronic
 Patient name and address
 Social security number
 Medical records
 Billing information
Faculty and students should avoid using waiting areas
to interview or brief patients or family members.
Privacy & Students
• Faculty and students are allowed to make reasonable notes,
including patient identifying data, but are cautioned that such
information is extremely confidential.
• You may discuss patients by name or location only in a private
• Be mindful that there are often patients & family members on
employee elevators, in hallways and in the cafeteria.
• Prior to sending a fax, check with management.
Privacy & Students
• Do not read records that do not pertain to
your assignment.
• Do not leave patient information
unattended in public areas.
• Do not leave material unattended when
using a copier.
• Do not leave computer displays showing
confidential information — log off when
Social Networking
Never take pictures of patients or
family members while in a clinical
Bluetooth headsets, cell phones,
iPods, and iPads use are
prohibited in the clinical setting.
Cultural Diversity and
The MED is sensitive to cultural, racial,
linguistic, religious, age, gender, and
other differences, as well as the needs
of persons with disabilities.
Interpreter Services
A Healthcare Interpreter is a bilingual individual trained in
interpretation skills and medical terminology, which
facilitates understanding in communication between people
speaking different languages in health care settings.
A Healthcare Interpreter is the voice for the patient
describing symptoms or asking questions.
Call the Telephone Operator at
(901) 545-7100
“0” from any hospital telephone
How to reach an Interpreter?
Page Interpreter for a Quick Response
(901) 790-9189
Call the Telephone Operator at
(901) 545-7100
(‘0” from any hospital telephone)
Emergency Codes
Code Red
Report Fire
Code Blue
Cardiac Arrest
Code Pink
Infant Abduction 545-7700
Code Orange
Hazmat Incident 545-7700
Code Brown
Bomb Threat
Code Black
Floor or building evacuation
Code Yellow
Disaster Internal or External
Code White
Workplace Violence
Code Gray Alert
Severe Weather in Area
Code Gray
Relocate to corridors
Code Clear
Fire Response/Evacuation
Race – Fire Response
Pass – Operate Fire Extinguisher
Rescue Anyone in Danger
Pull Pin
Activate Nearest Pull Station
Aim Nozzle At Base Of Fire
Confine Fire By Closing Doors
Squeeze The Handle
Extinguish Fire or Evacuate
Sweep Spray From Side To Side
• Evacuation – Horizontal beyond the next smoke compartment
• (Fire doors) Vertical is down the stairway
• Fire Pull stations – summons Memphis Fire Department, located at every
stairway door and exit door
• Fire extinguisher location – at each nurse station and every 50’ of travel
• Note the wall flags pointing to extinguisher and pull station
The MED is concerned and committed to safety and health
for its’ employees, patients and visitors.
The Workplace Violence Prevention Program promote
safety and security in the workplace.
MED Security
Call 911 for Emergencies
Call 545-7700 for Non-Emergency
Workplace Violence (WPV)
WPV is any act of physical violence, threats of
physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other
threatening, disruptive behavior that occurs at the
work site that can affect or involve affiliate school
participants, employees, medical staff, contract staff,
patients, visitors, vendors, etc.
Workplace Violence (WPV)
 The MED will not tolerate violence in the workplace.
 The MED will make every effort to prevent violent incidents from
 Acts or threats of physical violence, including intimidation,
harassment, or coercion will not be tolerated and must be
reported immediately.
 Affiliate participants as well as staff, guests are required to help
make The MED a safe workplace.
Infection Control
 Wash Hands
 Use antimicrobial soap or alcohol
antiseptic handrub before donning
gloves after removing gloves.
 Use care to avoid touching
contaminated surfaces in the room
after washing your hands.
Infection Control
Standard Precautions are to be used for the care of all
patients. They are designed to reduce the risk of
transmission of microorganisms (Bloodborne
pathogens and other pathogens) from both recognized
and unrecognized sources of infections.
Standard Precautions Include:
• Blood and all body fluids, secretions, and excretions,
except sweat
• Non-intact skin
• Mucous membranes
Airborne Precautions
 Airborne Precautions are designed
to reduce the risk of Airborne
transmission of infectious agents
 Airborne transmission occurs by
dissemination of either airborne
droplet nuclei or dust particle
containing the infectious agent.
Airborne Precautions
 Patient is to wear a surgical mask if transport or
movement is necessary.
 Notify the area where patient is being taken of the
required isolation precautions and the reason to
expedite the procedure.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): N-95 mask.
 Staff should wear an approved N95 respiratory device
and staff must be fit tested to wear the respiratory
 Wear other PPE as required.
Contact Precautions
 (In addition to Standard Precautions)
Visitors Report to Nurses Station
Before Entering the Patient Room.
 Patient Placement: Private room.
When not available, cohort with
patient infected or colonized with the
same microorganism.
 Patient Transport: Patient must
remain in room except for urgent
Blood-borne Pathogen
Blood-borne Pathogen Transmissions in the
Healthcare System are usually caused by:
A cut with a sharp object
Contamination caused by a break in the skin
Contamination of mucous membranes by blood
Needle Sticks
After an Exposure to Blood or
Other Body Fluids
 Needlestick/Cut: Wash the area.
 Splash/Splatter: Irrigate the area.
 Notify your Instructor.
 Fill out your OJI.
 Call Occupational Health @ 5-7166 M-F 7-4:30 PM.
 After hours/week-ends and holidays report to the Emergency
 If you have any questions you may page 790-9697.
 Good hand hygiene is the single most effective way to
prevent the spread of infections.
 Use the correct PPE when handling contaminated
 Use safety devices.
 Do not recap needles.
 Practice good hand hygiene.
General Expectations
• Students should be on their assigned units
at the start of the shift.
• If the student must be late, every attempt
should be made not to disrupt the work of
the unit/department.
General Expectations
Students are expected to follow the dress code policy.
• Reflect business-like and professional atmosphere.
• Hair and nails shall not obstruct work with patients, or
interfere with performance when working with machinery
of any type.
• Wear PPE’s (personal protective equipment) in the
environment of care according to guidelines.
• Adhere to departmental uniform policy.
• Student ID badges must be worn at all times while on
duty with picture and name visible.
• Avoid excess make-up, perfume, shaving lotion, jewelry,
and nail polish.
General Expectations
 Students should answer the phone by identifying the
unit, self, and stating “How may I help you?”
 Students may answer any call light.
 Students are expected to maintain the confidentiality
of all patients.
 Students must not have loud and boisterous
conversations in the organization.
• I have successfully completed The MED’s Affiliate School
online orientation policy.
• I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in
the policies presented during the online orientation.
Student Signature_________________________
Instructor Signature________________________
Complete this form and submit to Training and Development