Transcript Slide 1

The complete solution
to managing
real budgets
and SUS validation
The Activity Report is generated from the feed supplied from the Clinical System.
Here you can see the areas where iQ Budget Manager has been able to programmatically deduce
the fields required from the information Summarised in the Practices Clinical System.
Here you can see the areas where iQ Budget Manager has not been able to programmatically
deduce the fields required, this could be for a number of reasons, for example a poorly coded clinic
letter or the information is not recorded locally…
The user has the choice to complete the record by referring back to the scanned letter, and
completing the required fields.
Required fields can be determined locally, Red meaning required, Orange meaning desirable.
iQ Budget Manager deduces charge codes by mapping Read Codes (v2or3) through to ICD and
OPCS codes to suggest relevant Clinic Codes and HRG Codes.
Where there is only one suggested code, the “For” field is automatically completed and
highlighted in Green
Here you can see the areas where iQ Budget Manager has not been able to
programmatically deduce the exact HRG Code….
….however, iQ Budget Manager will present suggested codes for the user
to select from.
The list is ranked by liklihood with the most likely at the top.
If multiple codes are suggested you have the option to select a group of codes, rather
than a specific HRG Code.
Multiple codes would then reside in the system for subsequent validation.
Better quality Summarising results in a faster
and more accurate validation, leading to better Quality and
Patient Safe Data
Because data is processed daily by the Practice and stored within
iQ Budget Manager, when the SUS data arrives it is imported and compared
instantly to the appropriate months activity.
Day 62
Day 61
Day 56
Day 55
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
This is the only way to validate to ensure the Practice can meet the
Reconciliation Point in time.
Here we can see a summary of a statement that’s been imported.
In this sample report, 95 SUS records have been imported, the application has linked and accepted
as many as possible automatically.
Leaving only the exceptions to review, this means that validating is achievable within the Inclusion
date and Reconciliation point
Records where no documentation has been received can be rejected by the user.
The user enters a preset reason as to why the item has been rejected.
Some items will require manually linking, in this example, the practice has entered a Follow-up
Attendance, but the Provider has charged for a New Out-Patient Attendance
iQ Budget Manager, also automatically accepts records where both the SUS and Practice records
match, and only presents the user with exceptions, the user can choose to accept the difference or
raise a query.
If the user chooses to query an item, a preset list of reasons will appear, this enables queries to be
sent to the Provider in a uniform manner.
The result are reports containing items that require further investigation with the Provider.
Extensive Reporting Functionality
iQ Budget Manager not only validates provider charges, but also ensures other local and
national targets can be met and monitored. It automatically generates the following reports
 Monitors Re-admissions within 30 Days
 Monitors Budgetary Spend (Top Line and Detailed)
 Monitors Referral Patterns
 Monitors the Quality of Discharge Summaries
 Monitors Referral Sources
 Monitors Discharge Medications
 Monitors Contractual Arrangements with Commissioned Providers
 Monitors CQUIN & QIPP Targets
 Monitors the Timeliness of Clinic Letters and Discharges
 Monitors Local & National Tariffs
 Monitors Excess Bed Days
This list is not exhaustive and many custom reports have been produced
by working locally with each PCT/PBC Consortia/Localities