Transcript Slide 1

Senior Case Presentation
by Octavio Ruiz MD
Case presentation
 History:
 a) Chief complaint: Naucea/ vomiting for 4
 b) HPI: Patient c/o n/v intermittently for last 9
months, almost all day for the last 4 days,
along with progressive weakness, fatigue,
poor appetite, and myalgias. Denies fever,
diarrhea, abd. pain, dysuria. Pt. went to MD 2
wks ago gave him Tigan and Prilosec witch
made no change.
Case presentation
 c) Past Medical Hx: None
 d) Past Surgical Hx: Pin Rt. Leg 20 y. ago
 e) Medications: Tigan, prilosec.
 f) Allergies: NKDA
 g) Family Hx: Mother breast Ca. and thyroid
problem??, Father DM.
 h) Social Hx: Tobacco ½ ppd/30 y., Cannabis
daily, ETHO none, IVDA none.
Case presentation
 i) Review of systems: + weight loss 4 lbs/2
wks., dizziness, SOB, cough and sputum.
- diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsia, seizures,
hallucinations, depression.
Case Presentation
j) PE: T 96.8, HR 85, RR 16, B/P 94/66, Wt 155
General: A+O X 4, NAD.
Skin: decreased skin turgor with some
increased pigmentation on elbows.
HEENT: NC/AT, PERLA, dry oral mucosa, pt.
crying with tears.
Neck: No JVD
Chest: Symmetric, lungs CTA.
Heart: RRR, PMI 5th IC space L MC line.
Case Presentation
Cont… PE
Vascular: Good pedal and radial pulses B.
Abdomen: Flat, Nl BS, soft, NT/ ND, no
Genitalia: No masses, no skin changes.
Structural: No CVA tenderness.
Extremities: No edema, no cyanosis.
Neuro: DTR’s 1+ B., no focal deficits, CN II-XII intact
Lymph. Nodes: None palpable.
Case Presentation
 Labs: What labs would you like to order?
CBC: WBC 10.1, HBG 15, HCT 43, Pl. 408
CMP: Na 112, K 7.0, Cl 82, CO2 14, BUN 40,
Cr. 1.4, Ca 10.8, Gap 16
Serum Osml. 249
UA: SG 1.005, Osm 286, Na 64, K 13.6
Screen: Baseline cortisol, ACTH and aldosterone
levels, then give ACTH measure cortisol and aldos.
At 30 and 60 min.
Case Presentation
 With info provide what is your Dx?
Hyponatremia (see copy provided)
a) Adrenal insufficiency:
-Primary (Addison’s disease)
-Secondary (low ACTH production)
Case Presentation
 Addison disease:
Etiology: Most common cause world-wide Tb.,
in developed West countries is autoimmune
destruction “adrenalitis” usually as part of the
polyglandular deficiency sx., all fungi except
Monilia cause adrenal destruction,
hemorrhage, mets., AIDS, amyloidosis,
adrenoleukodysytrophy, congenital adrenal
Case Presentation
 Pathogenesis: Primary adrenal insufficiency
is due to destruction of the adrenal cortex 2ry
to: autoimmune destruction, infection,
neoplastic, iatrogenic, traumatic, vascular and
metabolic. When 90% of cortex destroyed
signs and symptoms appear, feedback
inhibition of the hypothalamus and pituitary
gland is interrupted and ACTH is released
continuously. ACTH and MSH (melanocyte
stimulating hormone) are components of
same progenitor hormone.
Case Presentation
 Epidemiology and Risk factors:
Incidence: 5 – 6 cases/ 1,000,000 population
per year.
Prevalence: 60 – 110 cases per 1,000,000
Sex: Male to female ratio 1: 1.5 – 3.5
Age: Most common in people aged 30-50.
Risk factors: Expression of adrenal cortex
antibodies (ACAs).
Case Presentation
 Diagnosis:
Symptoms/ PE: Weakness and weight loss of 1-15
Kg are universal features of Addison's dz. In adults.
N/V, abd. pain present in about 90% of pts.
Depression, irritability and decreased concentration.
Physical exam: Skin hyperpigmentation, Nl skin or
vitiligo, women loss of hair in androgen stimul. Areas,
S/D BP low.
Labs/x-rays: Absent aldosterone = Low Na, High K,
AM 6-8AM cortisol levels > 19 mg/dl normal no
further workup, < 3 Dx., 3-19 indeterminate.
Case Presentation
 Dx. Contin…
Indeterminate: Then do ACTH (Cortrosyn)
stimulation test 350 mg IV then blood cortisol
at 30 and 60 min. Level > 18 mg/dl exclude
Dx., 13-17 indeterminate, < 13 Dx. Adrenal
antibodies and TB. Should be R/O. MRI/ CT
equally good.
Diff. Dx: Acanthosis Nigracans, Lentigo,
malignant melanoma, vitiligo, hypoth.
Depression, Anorexia nervosa.
Case Presentation
 Treatment:
Cortison 25/300 mg qd. PO/IM divided q 8 hrs., hydrocortison 100 mg IV
then contin. Infusion 100 mg q 8 hrs for 24/48 hrs.once stable 50 mg po
q 8hrs.
New studies: Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Mar;19(1):8599. (The populations with the highest risk of Autoimmune AD are first
relatives of patients with AAD and patients with autoimmune diseases,
particularly those with chronic hypoparathyroidism or with premature
ovarian failure. Acta Paediatr. 2004 Dec;93(12):1663-5 (Thyroxine
replacement unmasked Addison's disease and precipitated an acute
adrenal crisis. On physiological steroid replacement therapy, her
"hypothyroidism" resolved.
Intensive Care Med. 2005 Mar;31(3):388-92. Epub 2005 Feb 10 (A
single bolus infusion of etomidate could be a major risk factor for the
development of relative adrenocortical deficiency in ICU patients for at
least 24 h after administration. Female gender is an independent
protective factor.
Information gather from PubMed.and the NLM.