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Division of Urogynecology and
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
Department of OB/GYN
Average age is 51.4 years
95% confidence interval of Bell Curve gives a range of
45-55 years. Less than 2% occur before age 40.
Factors associated with early menopause
Cigarette smoking (1.5 yrs earlier)
History of short intermenstrual interval
Family history
Chemo / Radiation / Genetic factors
Unrelated to number of prior ovulations, pregnancies,
use of OCPs, height, weight, age at menarche, race,
class or education
Elderly Population
In 2000, life expectancy:
79.7 years
72.9 years
Once you reach 65:
Women expect to live until 84.3 years old
Men expect to live until 80.5 years old
Therefore, more than 1/4 of a woman’s life is
spent in menopause
Transitional period
Hallmark is menstrual irregularities
Shortened cycle length
– Skipped cycles
– 10% of women will have abrupt cessation of menses
Median length of 4-5 years
Median age of onset is 47.5 years
General feature is depletion of follicles with
loss of granulosa and thecal cell function
6-7 million oocytes at 20 weeks fetal age
1 million oocytes at birth drop to 400,000 at puberty
300-400 ovulatory events over lifetime
Accelerated follicular loss 2-8 yrs before menopause
Granulosa cells produce less inhibin, which provides
negative feedback for FSH secretion by the pituitary
Increase in FSH levels
After menopause, LH levels are also elevated.
Would you check a FSH or LH level to diagnose
Menstrual irregularities is the primary reason women
seek medical attention
Cycles shorten as increased FSH triggers early
Skipped cycles due to anovulation
Long periods of anovulation can lead to excessive
estrogen states and irregular, unexpected menses
Do you think the perimenopausal women can
get pregnant?
Guinness World Record = 57 yrs & 120 days
So, remember to recommend contraception. Low
does oral contraceptives may be used in women
without contraindications (i.e. smoking).
Hot Flushes
Subjective feeling of intense heat followed by skin
flushing and diaphoresis.
Sudden dilation of peripheral vasculature secondary
to abrupt estrogen withdrawal. Skin temperature
increases and core temperature drops.
Usually, occurs for a few seconds to minutes.
Duration is about 1-2 years. 25% for > 5 years.
Genitourinary atrophy
A variety of symptoms
Atrophic vaginitis, urethritis, recurrent UTIs,
Pelvic organ prolapse is NOT caused by estrogen
Urinary Incontinence
Atrophy of estrogen-dependant tissues such as the
urethra may contribute to existing causes for urinary
Typically addressed with local application of
estrogen cream
Sexual Disturbances
Decreased interest in sexual activity
May be related to decreased testosterone levels
May be related to psychosocial stressors
Anatomic changes secondary to estrogen deficiency
Atrophy of vaginal mucosa and lower urethra
Thinning of vaginal mucosa with decreased lubrication and
elasticity, leading to dyspareunia
Sleep Disturbances
Estrogen appears related to producing restful, deepstage sleep
Hot flushes more common at night
Wakening or disruption of deep-stage sleep
Contributes to feeling of overall fatigue
Mood Swings / Irritability / Depression
NOT associated with menopausal hormone
changes alone
Stage of life associated with multiple changes (e.g.,
children leaving home, parents aging, retirement)
Hot flushes and fatigue can lead to emotional lability
Cognitive Function
Some types of memory and brain function may be
influenced by estrogen
Some evidence suggests that Alzheimer’s disease
is less frequent in estrogen users and the effect was
greater with increasing dose and duration of use.
Adverse Health Effects
Cardiovascular Disease
Leading cause of death in US women (f/b
malignancies, cerebrovascular disease and MVAs)
Death rate for CV disease is 3X the rate for breast
cancer and lung cancer.
Changes in lipid profile in menopause
Increased LDL
Decreased HDL
? Decrease in triglycerides
Adverse Health Effects
Spinal bone density peaks at 20 years, while cortical
bone density peaks in late 20s
Rate of loss of 0.5%/year prior to age 40, then
anywhere from 2-9%/year for first 10-15 years after
Primary loss is trabecular bone, leading to
compression fractures, loss of height, kyphosis
Adverse Health Effects
Osteopenia = BMD between -1 and -2.5 SD of a young, white
adult woman.
Osteoporosis = BMD -2.5 or greater SD
25-50% of women will have spinal compression fractures by
age 70
20% of Caucasian women age 80 will have hip fractures, with
15-20% mortality.
Annual incidence is 1.3% after age 65
Adverse Health Effects
High risk:
Caucasian, Asian
Thin, inactive, smokers
High caffeine/alcohol intake, low dietary calcium, high dietary
protein and phosphates
H/o oligomenorrhea, excessive exercise, eating disorder
Medical conditions – hyperthyroid, cancer, myeloproliferative
Low Risk:
African American
Obese, active
Adverse Health Effects
Ca supplements (1200mg, 1500mg)
Weight-bearing exercise
HRT: estrogen increases
Intestinal calcium absorption
– Renal conservation of calcium
– Increases 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (active form)
Vitamin D (400-800IU)
Hormone Replacement
Types of hormone replacement
Estrogen alone (for women without a uterus)
Estrogen and progesterone
Local estrogen
SERM’s (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators)
HRT - Advantages
1. Relief of vasomotor symptoms
is effective in reduces the number of hot
 6-8
weeks to see maximal effect
 Combination
 What
HRT (0.625mg estrogen/2.5mg MPA)
about lower doses of HRT?
For combination HRT, all doses resulted in similar relief of
For estrogen alone, most relief with higher doses
HRT - Advantages
2. Vaginal atrophy
Menopause thins the vaginal epithelium and
increases the vaginal pH (> 6.0).
Estrogen decreases the vaginal pH, thickens the
vaginal epithelium and reverses vaginal atrophy.
Less atrophic changes with higher doses of HRT
HRT - Advantages
3. Bone protection
 Reduction
 Prevents
 Protects
 WHI:
of bone loss
OP-related hip fractures
the spine and the small bones
5 fewer hip fractures per 10,000 person-yrs
HRT - Advantages
4. Colon cancer
Some observational studies have suggested a
reduced risk.
WHI: 6 fewer cases / 10,000 person-yrs
HRT - Disadvantages
1. Endometrial cancer
 8-10
fold increased risk with unopposed estrogen.
unopposed estrogen x 3 yrs = 24% with
atypical hyperplasia (vs 1% women on placebo)
 Risk
is increased with:
Increased duration and dose
– Continuous versus cyclic therapy
– Absence of a progestin
HRT - Disadvantages
2. Breast cancer
Meta-analysis of 51 case-controlled & cohort studies
showed no increased risk with short-term use.
After 5 years of use, risk increased by 35%.
WHI: 8 more invasive cases / 10,000 person-yrs
Women diagnosed with breast cancer while using
HRT have been shown to have better survival
HRT - Disadvantages
3. Thromboembolic disease
Increases risk for DVT 2 – 3.5 fold
Strokes: 8 more / 10,000 person-yrs
PEs: 8 more / 10,000 person-yrs
HRT - Disadvantages
4. Cardiovascular disease:
Traditionally, HRT was thought to provide
protection against coronary heart disease (CHD)
Observational studies found lower rates of CHD in
postmenopausal women on HRT.
The consensus was that CHD was about 35-50%
lower in women using HRT.
Many studies showed that HRT improved lipid
HRT - Disadvantages
4. Cardiovascular disease:
What about secondary prevention? i.e. women who
have a h/o coronary heart disease, does HRT help?
Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study
(HERS) was a RCT, double-blinded study of 2,763
PM women with intact uteri and a h/o CHD
52% higher rate of major coronary events in the 1st
Then there was a reduction in the risk with longer
use – i.e. 33% lower risk in the 4th and 5th years
HRT - Disadvantages
4. Cardiovascular disease:
What about primary prevention? i.e. in healthy
women, does HRT prevent CHD?
Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)
RCT of 16,608 postmenopausal women aged 50-79
years old with an intact uterus
40 different US centers
Combination HRT – 0.625mg CEE and MPA 2.5mg
vs placebo
HRT - Disadvantages
4. Cardiovascular disease (WHI):
7 more CHD events
8 more strokes
8 more PEs
8 more invasive cancers
Study stopped after 5.2 yrs (planned 8.5yrs)
because of cases of breast cancer
Selective estrogen receptor modulators
Work as agonists and antagonists depending
on the tissue
Raloxifene and tamoxifen
Prevent OP
Risk Breast
Hot Flashes
no effect
Overall, SERMs can help to prevent OP and
breast cancer
However, they aggravate hot flashes, the most
common indication for estrogen therapy.
Also, tamoxifen stimulates the endometrium.
Alternative Medicine
Limited studies with relatively short duration of therapy
and follow-up.
Soy and isoflavones may be helpful in the short-term (<
2 yrs) for vasomotor sx and may protect against
35-75mg qd isoflavones / day
Black cohosh may be helpful in the short-term (< 6
mos) for vasomotor symptoms.
Health Risks
Lipid abnormalities
Cardiovascular disease
Menopause is the natural course aging of the female
reproductive system, driven by loss of oocytes
Symptoms of menopause include:
Menstrual irregularities
Hot flushes
Sleep disturbances
Mood changes
Sexual disturbances
Urinary incontinence
Cognitive function
Hair growth
Hormone Replacement
Vasomotor sx
Endometrial ca
Vaginal atrophy
Breast ca
Colon cancer
Abnormal Bleeding
A 44-year old woman presents for evaluation of abnormal
menstrual bleeding. Her periods have been regular in the past but
for the last 6 months she has had a period every 35-56 days,
lasting 7-9 days. The bleeding is heavier than usual and she feels
tired all the time. She has gained 15 lbs over the last 2 years,
which she believes is due to lack of exercise and increased
eating/sleeping. She complains that her skin is dry. Exam is
unremarkable. What would your recommend next?
Check pregnancy test
Discuss exercise / eating patterns
Check TSH, PRL
Consider endometrial biopsy
Expectant management versus hormonal management
Health Maintenance
58 year old postmenopausal woman referred to you by
a friend. She has no known medical problems and is
on no medications. Her social history is remarkable for
an 80-pack/year history of tobacco use. Her physical
exam is unremarkable. What are the important health
maintenance aspects of the exam to focus on?
Blood pressure
Pelvic exam
Breast exam / mammography
Fecal occult blood
Smoking cessation
Flu shot
Abnormal Bleeding
A 47 year old woman, G2P2, presents with menstrual cycles
varying in length from 20 to 40 days. Until 9 months ago she had
regular 28 day cycles. She reports frequent hot flushes. She
recently resumed sexual activity and uses no contraception, but
she does not desire pregnancy. She does not smoke and has no
other medical problems. Her physical exam is unremarkable.
What are her options for cycle control?
Low dose combination oral contraceptive
Continuous low dose estrogen and progestin menopause regimen
Cyclic progestin therapy for 12 days a month
Continuous low dose estrogen (0.625mg conj EE)
Estradiol vaginal ring
A menopausal patient with osteoporosis has been
reading information on the Internet about different
treatment modalities for osteoporosis. She wishes to
know more about what therapies are actually available
and how they work?
Estrogen: Reduces osteoclast activity
SERMs: Reduces osteoclast activity
Bisphosphonates: Reduces osteoclast activity
Take on empty stomach, first thing in AM with 8oz water and no
food for 30 minutes
Take sitting up due to esophagitis risk
Calcium supplementation within 4 hours
Calcium / Vitamin D supplements