Transcript ppt

TRD occupancy monitor
status report from 29.01.2013
Problem’s signatures
3 types of signatures:
– Gap in tracked hits distribution along the bad straw
(Shape in bad straw is different from shape of others )
– Number of tracked hits in bad straw is less than average of hits number in module
(Shape in bad straw is the same)
Problem’s signatures
3 types of signatures:
– Number of missed hits in bad straw is much bigger than in others for a given module
For now it’s known 9 bad staws: 324, 1438, 1439, 2145, 2575, 3296, 3297, 4800, 4831
The task is: develop online procedure to identify new BAD straws
– First 2 signatures can be found use K-S tests of longitudinal straw hits distribution,
compare to the
• Longitudinal straw hits distribution for the rest of this module
• Longitudinal straw hits distribution of the same straw in the beginning of the flight
The third signature requires alignment correction (disp ~ 1mm). The last data point for
various allingments:
– TrdKCalib 14 Dec 2012
– TrdSCalib 17 May 2012
No alignment available for ONLINE checks
– TrdQt
9 Sep 2012
– TrdMTrack 9 Sep 2012
Rate [events/(straw * hour)]
Event selection rate* for 1-min ROOT-files
Straw ID
* Evaluated use time of data acquisition (not live time). The goal is to
estimate real time required to accumulate reasonable statistics per tube
TRD Layer
Event selection rate* for 1-min ROOT-files
Spatial distribution && bad straws
Straw position X/Y
* Evaluated use time of data acquisition (not live time). The goal is to
estimate real time required to accumulate reasonable statistics per tube
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests results
TRD Layer
Straw vs. 15 straws average hits profile comparison
Only shape
Straw position X/Y
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests results
Straws number
Straw vs. 15 straws average hits profile comparison
Only shape
K-S probability
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests results
TRD Layer
Straw vs. 15 straws average hits profile comparison
Shape + normalization
Straw position X/Y
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests results
Straws number
Straw vs. 15 straws average hits profile comparison
Shape + normalization
K-S probability