Transcript Week2_2

Physical Layer Continued
• Discussed how to design the communication scheme depending on the
physical mediums – pulling voltage up and down for wired connections
• Mentioned some important terms
– Symbol: usually occupies a fixed length of time, carrying one or multiple bits.
– Link speed: usually measured by bps (bits per second)
• Discussed bandwidth and noise, and their influence on the maximum
speed that can be achieved by the link. Roughly speaking,
– Bandwidth determines how fast can we send symbols. For example, if the link
does not allow the sudden change from 0v-5v, such a change will be
smoothed out. So (roughly speaking) you cannot send symbols with durations
shorter than the smoothing period.
– Noise determines how close the constellations can be. For binary systems, the
constellation lies in a line and is {-1, 1} where -1 is 0V and 1 is 5V, for example.
This is called BPSK. The constellation can also be in a plane and take complex
numbers when we send two voltages simultaneously, one representing the
real component and the other representing the imaginary component, like
{1+j, -1+j, -1-j, 1-j} , which is called QPSK. More points on the plane will result
in something like 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM.
More on Bandwidth
• Let’s dig a little deeper about bandwidth.
• First Fact: Bandwidth is measured by Hz, so it
is a frequency concept.
• Second Fact: Most of the signals we care
about in communications can be represented
by the summation of sine waves on different
frequencies at certain magnitudes – Fourier
• So, when sending any signal waveform, think
it as sending a whole bunch of sine waves all
Frequency Domain
• Third Fact: Most of the systems do NOT respond to all
frequencies. What usually happens is that a system
will respond only to a continuous range of frequencies.
• For example, the human ear can pick up something like
[0,20000]Hz. Our ears will not respond to a sound (a
sine wave) produced by the dolphin on 120,000 Hz.
• So, we say sine waves on frequency higher than
20000Hz are filtered out by our ears, and our ear is a
low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 20000Hz, or,
the bandwidth of the human mouth to human ear link
is no more than 20000Hz.
• So, for communication systems, the
bandwidth is defined as the range of
frequencies it passes.
• The wider this range, i.e., the larger the
bandwidth, the faster the signals are allowed
to change, because there are higher frequency
components in the signal.
• Suppose we are sending a signal
cos(25000πt)cos(5000πt). It then passes
through a Low Pass Filter with cut-off
frequency of 12500Hz. What will be the signal
coming out of the LPF?
• For a signal like cos(2πft), the frequency is f,
because it repeats every 1/f seconds.
• Suppose we are sending a signal
cos(25000πt)cos(5000πt). It then passes through
a Low Pass Filter with cut-off frequency of
12500Hz. What will be the signal coming out of
the LPF?
• Note that cos(25000πt)cos(5000πt)=1/2[cos(20000πt)+cos(30000πt)],
so, while the frequency of the first sine wave is
10000Hz and the second is 15000Hz. So only the
first one will stay.
Nyquist Theorem
• If the bandwidth is limited to B, in the ideal case when
there is no noise, how fast can you send/receive symbols?
– Note that the channel capacity is infinity because each symbol
can carry infinite number of bits
• Nyquist Theorem says that it only makes sense for you to
send/receive symbols at a speed of 2B – if B is 4KHz, you
send/receive 8K symbols per second – the baud rate is 8K
per second.
• Why? If a signal is band-limited by BHz, by taking 2B
samples per second, you can completely reconstruct it.
Nothing more can be reconstructed, so no point of sending.
More on Noise
• In communication systems, we usually take a
sample from the received waveform to
determine what the transmitted symbol is.
• With noise, the signal is added with noise.
• For example, let’s say 0 is 0 volt 1 is 5 volts. When
we send a `0’, the receiver could receive 0.6v,
when we send `1’, the receiver could receive 4.2v.
The receiver has to output a bit to the upper
layer. So the problem is, given the received
voltage, what bit should be output?
More on Noise
• It’s all about guessing, because you don’t
know what the noise is when this symbol is
sent as noise is random.
• You may know some statistics of the noise,
based on which you make your best guess.
• For example, suppose you know that very
rarely the noise exceeds 2.5 volts. If you
received a 2.2 volts, you would guess it to be 0
or 1? What is the chance that you got it
• Detection – given a received signal, determine
which of the possible original signals was sent.
There are finite number of possible original
signals (2 for the binary case – 0 or 1)
Detection – An Example
• Detection really depends on the noise. In the
binary case when the transmitted signal is
either 0 or 5V with equal probability, if we
know that noise takes values -3V and 2V with
probability 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. How
would you design the detector?
Detection – An Example
• Detection really depends on the noise. In the binary
case when the transmitted signal is either 0 or 5V with
equal probability, if we know that noise takes values 3V and 2V with probability 0.7 and 0.3, respectively.
How would you design the detector?
• First step, check the possible outcomes:
– If send 0V, two possible outcomes:
• -3V. Prob: 0.7.
• 2V. Prob: 0.3.
– If send 5V, two possible outcomes:
• 2V. Prob: 0.7.
• 7V. Prob: 0.3.
– So, a total of only 3 possible outcomes.
Detection – An Example
Detection really depends on the noise. In the binary case when the transmitted
signal is either 0 or 5V with equal probability, if we know that noise takes values 3V and 2V with probability 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. How would you design the
First step, check the possible outcomes:
– If send 0V, two possible outcomes:
-3V. Prob: 0.7.
2V. Prob: 0.3.
– If send 5V, two possible outcomes:
2V. Prob: 0.7.
7V. Prob: 0.3.
– So, a total of only 3 possible outcomes.
Second step, check for each outcome, what should the output be.
– No ambiguity when received -3V and 7V, 0 and 1, respectively.
– What should we say when received 2v? From 0V, probability 0.5*0.3= 0.15. From 5V,
0.5*0.7=0.35. So will say when received 2V, the bit is 1.
– What is the probability that we give the wrong detection result? When received 2V and was
from bit 0 and we say it is from bit 1, so it is 0.15.
Maximum Likelihood Detection
• There are two inputs, x1 and x2. Noise is n.
What we receive is y.
• If sent x1, we receive y=x1 + n. If sent x2, we
receive y=x2+n. We don’t know
– what was sent
– how large n is.
• The rule is:
– if P(Y=y|X=x1) > P(Y=y|X=x2), say sent x1, else
say sent x2.
– That is, compare the conditional probability.
Maximum Likelihood Detection
• The noise n follows some probability distribution known
• Note that
– P(Y=y|X=x1) = P(n=y-x1)
– P(Y=y|X=x2) = P(n=y-x2)
• So the detection rule is
if P(n=y-x1)>P(n=y-x2)
output x1
output x2
• This will tell us for any received y whether to guess as x1 or
as x2. That’s all.
Some Comments
• When implemented in software, a BPSK
detector (input signal from is a voltage level
could be negative and the output is either bit
0 or bit 1 ) will be (for Gaussian noise)
int BPSKDector(float sample)
return (sample > 0) ? 1 : 0;
Beyond MLD – MAP (maximum a
posteriori probability)
• Wait, what if you know that x1 is more likely to be sent
than x2?
• The rule is:
– if P(X=x1|Y=y) > P(X=x2|Y=y), say sent x1, else say sent x2.
• Let’s say that the probability that x1 is sent is p1 and x2 is
p2, where p1!= p2. The detection rule should be changed
if p1 P(n=y-x1)> p2 P(n=y-x2)
output x1
output x2