Transcript An Overview

An Overview of most awesome,
great, encompassing, thoughtful, funny
amusing, delightful, colorful, technological, easy, beautful….
Do students see how much
homework affects their grades? ……
Learn basic probability and
statistics knowledge
Apply this knowledge to the
real world
Communicate this
knowledge to the real world,
verbally and visually.
Judge the best way to
represent their data
Synthesize their knowledge
and hypothesize to form
theories about their grades.
Learn to have fun with math
and technology and feel
proud of their hard work
Use word to display their
notes neatly
Use the web to research
mathematics and copy
visual examples
Decide which graphical
representation of data is
best and use excel to
display it.
Cut out some of the
mundane adding and
subtracting and have excel
calculate some statistics
Learn to communicate to
the world and present their
theories etc. via
It’s Time for Students to Reflect
How does homework affect their final average?
How does their homework grade affect all other
grades? Explain.
What happens to their grades over time? What are
the possible reasons for a large change in their
What are some of their goals after they review their
What can you, the student do to improve your
What can I the teacher do to improve your grade?
Math and Technology
Students start off easy using excel and the
web to complete the introductory notes. They
relearn the basics but learn to apply it.
I used and abused Excel, until it turned
colors. They will have to enter formulas and
trouble shoot.
Students will synthesize their information and
import it into PowerPoint. Oh to see students
make conclusions, what a feeling.
The Design
I have a simple design so it should be easy to
I have an index page where all the necessary
stages of the lesson are laid out with links.
Everything goes back to this page.
The lesson plan page has bookmarks, so you
can easily skip to portions of the lesson.
I have excel directions and examples for ease
of instruction. Great for multiple intelligences.
I have also asked students to do a PowerPoint
presentation and I make a presentation with
the questions imbedded in them.
This is to give them a head start on the
It is also easier to work when less windows are
open according to the research I did previously for
ETAP 650
Diving In: I begin with the end.
The most detailed portion of this project is
the rubric.
I have divided it into approximately 3 large
Notes in Word,
Grade determination
and analysis in Excel
Project Presentation in PowerPoint
THE Rubric
So what did you think of that?
A rubric that helps keep kids on task
 A rubric that can be printed or linked
 A rubric that calculates the grade for you
 That’s clutch!
Ever heard of ADD?
Did you know that
I mean
Did you see that fly
Shoot why don’t we just go look up Miss
Trevisani on Rate my
Working Hard but how about a
Any Questions?
• Take another look
• Gracias para escuchando
• I can dance salsa on Thursday
nights again!