Transcript MS-Access

Creating tables
• Setting up fields
• Validation ranges
• Look up values
– List of values or query as source
• What fields do we require to keep track of
Party guests?
• Input masks
Design a database for a party
• What information do we need to keep
track of?
• How do we do it in MS-Access?
Viewing the tables
Column reorganization
Column hiding and unhiding
Finding specific records
Setting up relationships
Drag from 1 to Many side
Concept of Referential Integrity
Useful for creating relationships
Cascade Update
Cascade delete
Join type
Single Table Queries
(Using Videos Table)
List all videos
List videos for a specific director (Joffe)
List videos for a specific actor (Tom Hanks)
List videos made in specific year (1994) that has
rating 3
• Find average ratings for all years
• Find average ratings for each year
• Using list of values
Multi-table queries
(Videos and Categories)
• Find Comedy videos
• How many nights can we rent Maverick?
What rate?
• How many horror videos are there
• Frequency count for video categories
• Max and min rating of Drama category
– What are they?
• Using the Auto form feature
– Create a tabular auto report for Videos, and
columnar report for Categories
• Using Wizards
– Create reports to display the outputs of a
• Modifying the auto report
• Designing a report from scratch
Auto form
Form wizard
Components of a form
Properties of components
Modifying properties of components
Adding a list box