Transcript Slide 1

Techniques for determination of deep
level trap parameters in irradiated
silicon detectors
AUTHOR: Irena Dolenc
ADVISOR: prof. dr. Vladimir Cindro
 Silicon
detectors usually used as inermost part of tracking system in particle physics
detectors → can receive severe levels of radiation → cause of bulk damage which
deteriorates detector performance
 Radiation damage effects caused by lattice deformation:
change in effective dopant concentration which effects full depletion voltage
 increase of leakage current
 deterioration of charge collection efficiency: part of the drifting charge, created by
ionizing particle, is temporarly trapped by the defects introduced with irradiation
 Damage
irradiation particles knock off Si atoms
 dislocated Si atoms (interstitials), empty lattice sites (vacancies), impurities (eg. O, C)
form defect complexes → introduction of energy levels (traps) in the band gap
 For
the developement of more radiation hard Si detectors the knowledge of defect
kinetics and of correlation between microscopic defects and macroscopic properties
of the detector is needed
 The main tools for characterization of deep level defects:
Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS)
 Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) technique
Operation principles of silicon detectors
of the system → N A, p x p  N D ,n xn
Usually p+-n
→ N A, p  N D ,n
0 (Vbi  V )
w  x p  xn  xn 
e0 N D,n
 If
ND,n comparable with NA,n than ND,n must be
replaced with effective dopant concentration
Neff =│ ND,n - NA,n│
w(V )  V N eff
Desired detector operation voltage V > full depletion voltage VFD
 Si detector: a diode operated under reverse bias where the depleted region acts like
ionization chamber
N eff
Capacitance C (V )  dQ
0 S
Q  e0 N eff Sw
Shockley-Read-Hall statistics
Occupation of a defect states wth concentration Nt , energy level Et and average
occupation probability Pt
density of occupied defects nt  Nt Pt
density of non occupied defects pt  Nt  nt
Change of a defect occupancy possible by
electron capture with rate Rn  cn npt
 electron emission with rate Gn  en nt
 hole capture with rate R p  c p pnt
 hole emission with rate G p  e p pt
 Defect parameters (besides Et ) that are determened by
DLTS or TSC method:
 capture coefficients → cn, p  vn, p  n, p
 emission probabilities → en,p
hole excess
generation rate
electron excess
generation rat
dnt  
 The rate of change of the defect ocupancy
 (G p  R p )  (Gn  Rn )
Shockley-Read-Hall statistics
 Pt = Fermi function
 steady state → dnt /dt =0
en  ni cn exp Ekt TEi
 no current → no net flow of electrones or
e p  ni c p exp  Ekt TEi
holes between conduction and valence band
→ Rp=Gp, Rn=Gn
Relations between en,p and cn,p remain valid non-equilibrium conditions → defect is fully
described by Et and n,p
 
 
charge region in steady state
 carrier concentration negligible: p,n ~ 0 extraction of P → E acts like
→ capture processes can be neglected E in thermal equilibirium
 steady state → dnt /dt =0
electron traps
generation centers
(leakage current)
hole traps
DLTS: principle of operation
Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS): uses capacitance transient signals resulting from
relaxation processes following an abrupt change of bias voltage or light applied to
the sample being investigated.
1. Electron trap → located in the upper half of the band gap:
 N eff
During the measurement the device must be partially depleted!
DLTS: principle of operation
2. Hole trap → located in the lower half of the band gap:
DLTS: determination of trap parameters
Electron trap of acceptor type:
1. Capacitance after the filling pulse
dopant concentration after the filling pulse
N eff
(t )  N D  nt (t )
of occupied traps after the filling pulse
 (G p  R p )  (Gn  Rn )
in SCR :
Rn , R p ~ 0
electron trap : en  e p
C (t )  CR
 t 
nt (t )  nt (0)exp  
 e 
emission time e  1 / en
after the filling pulse
 n (t ) 
n (t )
usually N N D
1 t
t 
 CR 1  t 
 2N D 
DLTS: determination of trap parameters
C  C (t1)  C (t2 )  nt (0) et1 / e   et2 / e 
2. DLTS spectrum
High T: emission process
to fast to be observed
Peak observed at Tmax where
emission time satisfies
t1  t2
e (Tmax ) 
ln( t1 / t2 )
Low T: emission process
to slow to be observed
3. Extraction of parameters
Several temperature scans with different tW = t2-t1
→ Arrhenius plot: ln Tmax
e (Tmax ) versus 1 / Tmax
Connection between en and n
EC  Et
ln e (T )T 
 ln( A n )
k BT
 Nt extracted form DLTS
peak since nt(0)  Nt
 Et extracted from slope of
Arrhenius plot
 n from the intercept of
Arrhenius plot with ordinate
DLTS: example of a DLTS spectrum
TSC: principles of operation
DLTS: observing the change in depth of SCR, due to emission of trapped charge, by
measuring capacitance transient
Thermally Stimulated Current technique (TSC): observing release of trapped charge directly, by
measuring the current due to emission of trapped carriers
Measurement process:
1. Cooling:
Sample is coold to a low T. Cooling under reverse bias → traps
are not filled with carriers
2. Filling:
− Switching to zero bias → filling with electrons
− Switching to forward bias → electrone and hole injection
− Illumination with short-λ laser of n-side (filling only with
electrons) or p+-side (filling only with holes)
3. Recording:
Heating under reverse bias with constant heating rate. At some
T emission probability is no longer negligible → trapped charge
is rapidly emitted and swept out of SCR → peaks in current
TSC: example of TSC spectrum
TSC: determination of trap parameters
Electron trap
 Density
of occupied traps during the heating
 (G p  R p )  (Gn  Rn )
in SCR :
Rn , R p ~ 0
electron trap : en  e p
 Current
nt (t )  nt (0)exp    en (t )dt  
 0
due to emitted trapped charge during the heating
ITSC (t )  e0 S
w( t )
en (t )nt (t )  e p pt (t )
− en>>ep
− During whole TSC scan device fully depleted →
w(t)=detector thickness D
0 defects
 Determination
of Nt
− From the area under TSC peak Q 
− From the peak height ITSC ,max  nt (0)
ITSC (t ) 
e0 SD
en (t )nt (t )
dT / dt
ITSC (T )dT  12 e0Dnt (0)
TSC: determination of trap parameters
1. Variable heating method
 
Position of the TSC peak at Tmax which satisfies ln     k E T 1  ln k AE
By repeating TSC temperature scans with
→ ΔE=EC –Et → extracted from the
slope of the plot
different heating rate β, a plot ln  Tmax   versus 1Tmax
→ σn → extracted from the intercept with
is obtained
the ordinate
2. Delayed heating method
Several TSC scans performed from starting point T0 with
different delay times τd between end of the filling pulse and
start of the heating → plot ln(ITSC,max) versus τd
 nt(0)  exp(- en(T0) τd ) → TSC peak decreases with
increasing τd
 Repeating procedure at different T0 → Arrhenius
plot ln T02e (T0 ) versus 1 / T0
 Connection between en and n: ln e (T )T 2 
 ln( A n )
k BT
 ITSC(t)
3. Deconvolution method:
numerical fit to the whole spectrum
from the slope of a plot
emission probability en(T0)
is obtained
→ ΔE=EC –Et → extracted
from the slope of the plot
→ σn → extracted from the
intercept with the ordinate
TSC and DLTS → techniques for determination of deep level traps parameters,
based on observing reversely biased detector response to applied light or an abrupt
change of biased voltage (filling of traps with holes and/or electrons)
Difference between DLTS and TSC
 DLTS method:
 Capacitance transient after the filling process is measured
 Capacitance transient caused by the change of the width of SCR due to
emission of carriers that were trapped during the filling
 During the measurement device must be biased with the voltage lower than
full depletion voltage
 TSC method:
 Sample is cooled to a low temperature before filling
 Emission of trapped carriers observed directly by measuring the current
while heating the sample
 Device is fully biased during the measurement