Transcript Document

Paradigms of complex systems
Power law distributions (PLD): origin, ubiquity and
statistical analysis
Bartolo Luque
Lucas Lacasa
Dpto. Matemática Aplicada
ETSI Aeronáuticos, UPM
•Critical phenomena
•Phase transitions
• Edge of chaos
 Domain of power laws
1. Introduction to PLD: typical scale range.
2. Mechanisms by which PLD can arise.
3. Other broad dynamic range distributions.
4. Detecting and describing PLD: tricky task.
Appendix: stable laws
1. Introduction
1.1 What is a power law distribution (PLD) ?
1.2 Where do we find PLD’s ?
Typical scale
Many of the things that scientists measure have a
typical size or scale.
For instance, the heights of
human beings vary, but
have a typical size between
50 cm and 272 cm, the ratio
being around 4.
The mean is around 180 cm.
In complex networks :
random graphs
Not all the things we measure are peaked around a typical
value, or have a typical size.
Some vary over an enormous dynamic range.
The distribution of city sizes
In complex
networks :
scale free
Log-log plot
The system shows an
unexpected symmetry
NO typical value or a typical scale
(all sizes, all scales).
Distributions of that form are called Power Law Distributions (PLD), and have
the following functional shape:
where a is the so called exponent and C can be obtained by normalization.
Pure PLD
PLD with finite size effects
• statistical physics: critical phenomena, edge of chaos, fractals, SOC, scale-free
• geophysics: sizes of earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions...
• astrophysics: solar flares, meteorite sizes, diameter of moon craters,...
• sociology: city populations, language words, notes in musical performance, citations of
scientific papers...
• computer
science: frequency of access to web pages, folder sizes, ...
• economics: distributions of losses and incomes, wealth of richest people,...
• a huge etc.
1.What (universal?) mechanisms give rise to this specific
2.How can we know with rigor when a phenomenon shows
PLD behavior?
2. Mechanisms by which PLD can arise
* 3.1 Combinations of exponentials.
3.2 Random walks (self-similar motion, fractals).
* 3.3 The Yule process: rich gets richer
* 3.4 Phase transitions and critical phenomena.
* 3.5 Self-organized criticality (SOC).
3.6 Random multiplicative processes with
3.7 Maximization of generalized Tsallis
Entropy (correlated /edge of chaos systems).
Others: Coherent-noise mechanism,
highly optimized tolerant (HOT) systems, etc
2.1 Combinations of exponentials.
Exponential distribution is more common than PLD, for instance:
• Survival times for decaying atomic nuclei
• Boltzmann distribution of energies in statistical mechanics
• etc...
- Suppose some quantity y has an exponential distribution
- Suppose that the quantity we are interested in is x, exponentially
related to y
Where a, b are constants. Then the probability distribution of x is a PLD
2.1 Combinations of exponentials: example – biologically motivated
• Process where a set of items grow exponentially in time
(population or organisms reproducing without constraints) .
• In this process a death process takes place, the probability of an item to die
increasing exponentially (in other words, the probability of still living decreases
exponentially with time) .
 Thus, the “still living items distribution” will follow a power law
- Sizes of biological data
- Incomes
- Cities
- Population dynamics
- etc
2.3 The Yule process (rich gets richer)
• Initial population
Also known as
• The gibrat principle (Biometrics)
• Matthew effect
• Cumulative advantage
• Preferential attachment
(complex networks)
• With t, a new item is added to the population
how?? With probability p, to the most relevant one!
with probability 1-p, randomly.
Initial population
Time (more nodes)
2.4 Critical phenomena: Phase transitions.
Global magnetization
1. T=0
well ordered
2. 0<T<Tc
3. T>Tc
2.5 Critical phenomena : Self-organized criticality (SOC).
criticality (SOC).
Sandpile model :
celular automata
sandpile applet
A grain of sand is added at a
randomly selected site: z(x,y) ->
Sand column with a height
z(x,y)>zc=3 becomes unstable and
collapses by distributing one grain
of sand to each of it's four
This in turn may cause some of
them to become unstable and
collapse (topple) at
the next time step.
Sand is lost from the pile at the
boundaries. That is why any
avalanche of topplings eventually
dies out and sandpile "freezes" in a
stable configuration with z(x,y)<=z
everywhere. At this point it is time
to add another grain of sand.
Critical Properties
Phase transition
SOC (Sandpile)
Stability of critical state
Characteristic size
Clusters of all sizes,
Avalanches of all sizes,
distribution follows PLD distribution follows PLD
•Los modelos SOC se pueden entender como primeras
aproximaciones a modelos de turbulencia, donde la energía
(avalanchas, arena) es disipada a todas las escalas, con
correlaciones espaciales descritas por un exponente de
Kolmogorov generalizado (exponente crítico).
•Otras descripciones matemáticas de turbulencia:
multifractales (también aparecen PLD’s).
Resumen: dos mecanismos fundamentales
• Proceso de Yule: proceso evolutivo por el que se generan
distribuciones espaciales de tipo ley de potencias. “Rich
gets richer”.
• Fenómenos críticos y SOC: escalas o tamaños típicos de
un sistema divergen:
- si acercamos el sistema a un punto crítico: transiciones
de fase.
- si el sistema evoluciona de forma natural a ese punto
crítico: SOC.
3. Other broad dynamic range distributions
* 3.1 Log-normal distributions: multiplicative process
3.2 Stretched exponential distributions.
3.3 PLD with exponential cutoff.
3.1 Log-normal distributions: multiplicative process
•At every time step, a variable N is multiplied by a random variable.
• If we represent this process in logarithmic space, we get a brownian motion,
as long as log() can be redefined as a random variable.
 log(N(t)) has a normal (time dependent) distribution (due to the Central
Limit Theorem)
 N(t) is thus a (time dependent) log-normal distribution.
Now, a log-normal distribution looks like a PLD (the tail) when we look at a
small portion on log scales (this is related to the fact that any quadratic curve
looks straight if we view a sufficient small portion of it).
A log-normal distribution has a PL tail that gets wider the higher variance it
Example: wealth generation by
•A person invests money in the stock
• Getting a percentage return on his
investsments that varies over time.
• In each period of time, its
investment is multiplied by some
factor which fluctuates (random and
uncorrelatedly) from one period to
 Distribution of wealth: log-normal
4. Detecting and describing PL: tricky task.
4.1 Logarithmic binning.
4.2 Cumulative distribution function.
4.3 Extracting the exponent: MLE vs. graphical methods.
4.4 Estimation of errors: goodness-of-fit tests.
4.1 Logarithmic binning
• first insight: a histogram of a quantity with PLD appears a straight
line when plotted on log scales.
Noise (fluctuations)
Generation of 106 random numbers drawn from a PLD with exponent 2.5
- noise is due to sample errors: there are too few data in many intervals, which give rise to
- however, we can’t throw out the data in the tail, because many distributions follow PL in
the tail  we need to avoid those fluctuations.
4.1 Logarithmic binning
• In order to avoid these tail fluctuations, we have to bin wider in the
tail (in order to take into account more data in each bin): a way to
make a varying binning (the most common) is the logarithmic
• note: we have to normalize each binning by its size, in order to get
a count per unit interval.
Less fluctuations. Some noise is still present.
# of samples falling in the kth bin decreases
with the exponent of the PLD if this exponent
is greater than one.
 Every PLD with exponent greater than 1 is
expected to have noisy tails.
4.2 Cumulative distribution function
• Another method of plotting the data (in order to avoid fluctuations):
instead of plotting the histogram, we plot the cumulative distribution
function: probability that x has a value greater or equal to X:
It’s intuitive that fluctuations are absorbed, so
that binning is no more a problem.
If p(x) follows a PLD, P(x) too:
But with a different exponent
Logarithmic binning
• Distributions plots are called histograms.
• Histograms that follow PLD are called power laws.
• Cumulative distributions are called rank/frequency plots.
• Rank/frequency plot which follow a PLD are called Zipf laws (if the plot is
P(x) vs. x) or Pareto ditributions (if the plot is x vs. P(x)).
4.3 Exponent estimation of the PLD
• The first attempt is to simply fit the slope of the straight line in
the log-log plot (least squares, for instance).
 In our example, this leads to wrong results:
Fitted . . . . . .
Expected . . .
Why a simple fitting of the slope doesn’t usually work?
Fitting to a PLD by using graphical methods based on linear fit on log-log is:
•Biased : extreme data .
Sometimes, the fitted exponent is not accurate, some others, the underlying
process does not generate PLD data, and the shape is due to outside influences,
such as biased data collection techniques or random bipartite structures.
• Example
Generation of 104
random numbers
drawn from a PLD
with exponent 2.5
(50 runs)
Graphical methods
Maximum likelihood estimate of exponents (MLE)
Given a PLD, applying normalization, we get
Given a set of n values xi, the probability that those values where generated
from a PLD with exponent a is proportional to the likelihood of the data
and the probability that a
is the correct exponent is related through Bayes theorem:
Applying the usual MLE ( searching the extrema of ln( ) ) we find:
Where xmin in practice is not the smallest value but the smallest one for
which the PL behavior holds.
Now, which is the goodness-of-fit of MLE ?
4.4 Estimation of errors: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS)
KS test is based on the following test statistic:
is the hypothesized cumulative distribution function,
is the empirical distribution function (based on sample
Method: KS seeks to reject the PLD hypothesis
• Estimate, using MLE, the power law exponent.
• Look for the maximum distance between the
hypothesized cumulative distribution and the
empirical (cumulative) distribution.
• Taking into account the # of samples, check the
quantile Q.
• The Observed Significance Level OSL = (1-Q)%
• When OSL > 10%, there is insufficient evidence to
reject the hypothesis that the distribution is PLD
4.4 Estimation of errors: Pearson’s c2
Oi = an observed frequency
Ei= an expected (theoretical) frequency,
asserted by the null hypothesis
Now you compare your result with the specific table, in order to
reject or not the null hypothesis (hyp: the observed data don’t come from the
expected –theoretical- distribution).
Stable Laws and their relation
to Power law distributions
Summing N i.i.d random variables with pdf P1, one obtains a random variable which
Is in general a different pdf Pn given by N convolutions of P1.
Distributions such that Pn has the same form that P1 are said to be stable.
This property must hold, up to translations and dilations (affine transformations).
Pn(x’)dx’ = P1(x)dx , where x’ = anx + bn
A stable law correspond to a fixed point in a Renormalization Group process. Fixed
Points of RG usually play a very special role: attractive fixed points (as this case)
describe the macroscopic behavior observed in the large N limit.
The introduction of correlations may lead to repulsive fixed points, which are the
hallmark of a phase transition, i.e. the existence of a global change of regime at the
macroscopic level under a variation of a control parameter quantifying the strength
of the correlations.
Gaussian law
The best-known example of a stable law is the Gaussian law, also called the normal
law or the Laplace-Gauss law. For instance, the Binomial and Poisson distributions
tend to the Gaussian law under the operation of addition of a large number of
random variable (the central limit theorem is an explanation to this fact).
 is the mean
Gaussian law
 is the variance
Log-Normal law
A variable X is distributed according a log-normal pdf if lnX is distributed according
a gaussian pdf. The log-normal distribution is stable, not under addition but under
multiplication (i.e., addition in the log space)  not stable in rigor! But interesting to
talk about.
This pdf can be mistaken with a PLD, over a
relatively large interval (up to 3 decades, depending
of the value of ). In fact, we can express this pdf
as a PLD with exponent that goes like -1-ln(x)/2
(when  is big, the exponent looks constant).
The Lévy laws
Paul Lévy discovered that in addition to the Gaussian law, there exists a large
number of stable pdf’s. One of their most interesting properties is their asymptotic
Power law behavior. Asymptotically, a symmetric Lévy law stands for
P(x) ~ C / |x|1+ for x  infinity
• C is called the tail or scale parameter
•  is positive for the pdf to be normalizable, and we also have <2 because for higher
values, the pdf would have finite variance, thus, according to the Central Limit
theorem, it wouldn’t be stable (convergence to the gaussian law). At this point a
generalized central limit theorem can be outlined.
There are not simple analytic expressions of the symmetric Lévy stable laws, denoted
by L (x), except for a few special cases:
• =1 - Cauchy (Lorentz) law - L1(x) = 1/(x2 + p2)
• = 1/2
with C=1
Lévy versus gaussian
Properties of each basin of
Tail decay
Characteristic fluctuation scale
N1/ 
Scale parameter
Composition rule for the sum
of N variables
2N = N  2
4. Bibliography
• Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf´s law,
M.E.J. Newman
• Critical phenomena in natural sciences,
D. Sornette
• Problems with Fitting to the PLD
M. Goldstein, S. Morris, G.G. Yen
• Logarithmic distributions in reliability analysis
B.K. Jones
• A Brief History of Generative Models for Power Law
and Lognormal Distributions
M. Mitzenmacher
2.3 The Yule process (rich gets richer)
Also known as
• The gibrat principle (Biometrics)
• Matthew effect
• Cumulative advantage
• Preferential attachment
(complex networks)
Suppose a system composed of a collection of
objects (cities, papers, etc). What we wish to
explain is why a certain property of these
these collection of objects (number of citizens,
number of citations, etc) is distributed
following a very precise kind of distribution:
The variable under study is k (number of citations of papers, size of cities, etc): the unity
• New objects appear once in a while, as people publish new papers for instance.
• Newly appearing objects have some initial k0.
• In between the appearance of a new object (a new city, a new paper), m new
people/citations/etc are added to the entire system, in proportion to the number of
people/citation that the city/paper already has, for every object. (rich gets richer)
•Note: to overcome the problem when k0=0, we can assign new citations not in
proportion simply to k, but to k+c, where c is some constant.
k0 , c , m
Evolutive argument
Let pk,n be the fraction of objects that have k unities when the total number of objects
is n. Thus the number of such unities is npk,n.
It can be shown that the master equation of this process is:
With stationary solution
, where
Now, the beta-function follows a power law distribution in its tail, with
exponent a, thus we can conclude that the Yule process generates a power
law distribution pk with exponent a related to the three parameters of the
Susceptible to small
2.5 Self-organized criticality (SOC).
Certain extended dissipative dynamical systems naturally evolve into a critical state,
with no characteristic time or length scales. The temporal “fingerprint” of the
welf-organized critical state is the present of 1/f noise, its spatial signature is the
emergence of scale-free (fractal) structures.
Per Bak et al., Phys. Rev. A 38 (1988)
Example : Sandpile (BTW) cellular automata model
 The system drives itself towards its attractor by generating
avalanches of all sizes. Moreover, the attractor is the critical state!! (In phase
transitions, the critical state is unstable).
 As long as the system reaches the critical state, it will maintain there generating
avalanches of all sizes (no characteristic length).
(Distribution of avalanches follow PLD for instance).
Critical Properties
Phase transition (Ising)
SOC (Sandpile)
Stability of critical state
Characteristic size
Clusters of all sizes,
distribution follows PLD
Avalanches of all sizes,
distribution follows PLD
Geophysics, Economics, Ecology, Evolutionary biology, Cosmology, Quantum gravity,
Astrophysics, Sociology, etc.
•Starting with an arbitrary configuration and repeating the above procedure
brings the system to a stationary state, where for every grain of sand added
to the system on average precisely one grain of sand is lost at the boundary.
•It is clear that the system in this state must have large avalanches. Indeed,
addition of a grain of sand at one of the central sites would not cause the loss
of sand (which is required by stationarity) unless the chain reaction of
topplings isn't able to propagate all the way to the boundary, which is exactly
the definition of large (system-wide) avalanche.
•It turns out that in this delicately balanced steady state the distribution of
avalanche sizes (measured as total number of topplings in the avalanche)
follows a scale-free power law distribution: P(S) ~ S-1.2 .
 In other words, the system operates in a critical state (in the sense of
equilibrium physics of second order phase transitions). Notice that this critical
state is a unique attractor of the dynamical rules, conserving sand everywhere
except for the boundaries. Hence the name Self-Organized Criticality.