Presentation - United Nations Statistics Division

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Transcript Presentation - United Nations Statistics Division

• What is Communication?
• Communication Models
• NSO’s and Internal and External Communication
• What is Advocacy?
• NSO’s and Advocacy
• Communicating for Advocacy
• Major Challenges
• Good / Better / Best Practices (you choose)
What is Communication?
• Communication is the process of sending and
receiving messages/information from one part (sender),
via one or more channels, to another (Receiver)
• It thus involves: Sender, Message, Channel(s) and
• Communication can be:
• Written, Non-Verbal or Verbal (or Oral).
• Face-to-face (interpersonal) or not
• There may or may not be noise involved
Communication Models
(There are many)
Sender (Coding)
Receiver (Decoding)
Linear Models
Interactive Models
Transactional Models
Dynamic Process
Model Examples
Aristotle Model
Shannon-Weaver Model
Hypodermic Needle (Magic Bullet)
Schramm Model
Barnlundt Model
Becker's Mosaic Model
Application Examples
Instant Messaging
Question and Answer session
Brain storm session
Group discussion
NSO’S and internal and external communication
Internal Communication (1)
• For effective communication networks
within the organization one must ensure:
• that employees follow a shared vision and
• that information and communication
channels are kept open and transparent
• that employees be consulted and
mobilized around the organization’s
activities and priorities (STATSCAN, July 2016, p 16)
NSO’S and internal and external communication
Internal Communication (2)
• Proper Internal Communication is necessary (but not
sufficient) to keep the machinery of the NSO going and
according to the UN (Handbook of Statistical
Organization, 2003) can take place (where and when
there is a strong corporate culture) through such
mechanisms as:
 newsletters,
 the Intranet,
 periodic meetings ( inter alia of the Chief statistician with senior
and middle-level managers)
 Periodic Divisional and Sectional meetings
• Mind you, generally you have to be strong from within
first, before you can take on the outside world.
NSO’S and internal and external communication
External Communication
• This is a matter of communicating with “Stakeholders”.
(according to Paris 21, NSDS Workshop in Paramaribo, October 2009, this is an
umbrella concept)
• It presumes that the NSO pursuits the following
objectives (partly borrowed from Statscan 2016, p 223):
• Efficiently and effectively update all stakeholders on program
results and official statistics
• Project a positive image of the NSO / combat unjust criticism
• Generate interest and encourage all stakeholders to take part
in the NSO’s surveys.
• Generate interest and encourage all stakeholders to properly
use the NSO’s (high quality / fit for purpose) statistical outputs
What is Advocacy?
• Advocacy is persuading key people, who
can make a difference, to support your
cause (Paris 21, Oct 2009) and it entails:
• Lobbying those who can make a difference (Great
example: Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell is our
Champion in the Region; see the Action Plan for Statistics)
• Communicating with stakeholders
• Dissemination: providing and promoting access
to statistical information (will come back to this)
NSO’S and Advocacy
(Develop an advocacy strategy and action plan)
1. Advocacy aims: what are you advocating for?
2. Advocacy to whom – who can make a difference to
achieving advocacy aims?
3. Advocacy key messages – what will motivate each to
do what?
4. Advocacy materials - brochures, .ppt slides, giveaways,
5. Advocacy approaches, what will work best? (direct
contact with media, special promos on popular radio & TV
programmes, Internet contact with stakeholders)
6. Advocacy strategy and action plan
Communication for Advocacy
A Virtuous Circle (thanks again to Paris21)
better spent
Providing and promoting access to statistical information. This can be powerful
advocacy (more/better statistics leading to increased demand, etc)
Major Challenges (1)
• We have to distinguish different situations to look at
challenges, because the situation will certainly influence
the extent in which the challenges impact us.
• Is the NSO semi-autonomous?
• Is the NSO not semi-autonomous but the Chief has
sufficient high standing and autonomy?
• Is the NSO not semi-autonomous and the Chief doesn’t
have sufficient high standing or autonomy?
• Does the NSO have its own PR and Information unit ?
• Does it HAVE to use the Government and/or Parent
Ministry Information Service?
Major Challenges (2)
• Fragmented and basically unstructured statistical system
• Insufficient Funds (for general operations and statistical activities) and
often among the first to suffer from government budget cuts
• Salaries not competitive, so always at risk of losing good staff
• Shortage of staff (quantitative and qualitative)
• Use of ancient / obsolete (computer) technologies
• Inappropriate Office Space
• Some NSOs need permission from authorities to organize a
Press Conference or to disseminate a press release
• NSO sometimes becomes the scapegoat when the economy
is in a downturn (NSO is bearer of bad news, NSO did not
provide essential information in time to combat problems,
NSO … you can continue the list)
Good/Better/Best Practices (1)
• The Key Words are:
• Know your users (try to satisfy them)
• Variety (of dissemination media and of
communication modes)
• High Quality / Fit for purpose Statistics
• Transparency
• Impartial and convenient Access (whilst
always adhering to confidentiality)
Good/Better/Best Practices (2)
• Use the internet / your website
• Properly prioritize your work so that you can do more
with less, if necessary, and maintain relevance
• Set up / Invest in your own Research Unit (statistics / NOT policy)
• Set up your own PR & Information Unit …
• Always combat improper news about the NSO
• Always educate (and entertain?) stakeholders
• Cooperate and Collaborate (MOUs, etc.)
• Always support the regional approach: United we stand,
divided we fall (see success of the Action Plan for Statistics with
CARICOM Heads of States)
Good/Better/Best Practices (3)
Two examples from Suriname
Improved Access to data
10% samples provided to Institute for Graduate Studies & Research
Several Masters and Ph.D Theses
Academia assess the Quality of our Census Statistics (So far positive)
Know your users, try to maintain relevance
Analyze your website visitors (information seekers)
Analyze information requesters
(Below the classification of information requested, sorry in Dutch)
Soort Informatie
Joint publication of ABS and IGSR: Mosaic of Suriname's Population,
funded by the IDB, successfully launched 5 August 2016 and generating a Census gegevens
lot of positive media coverage
Overige Demografische Statistieken
Verkeer- en Vervoersstatistieken
Sociaal Culturele Statistieken + Armoede grenzen
Milieu & Genderstatistieken
Consumentenprijsindexcijfers (CPI)
Nationale Rekeningen
Cartografie / Plattegrond kaart
Overige ABS statistieken (incl huishoudonderzoek)
Uitsluitend ABS Publicaties
Data van externe dataverschaffers (bijv. BOG, CBB, STS)
Totaal aantal informatie verzoeken
Totaal aantal informatieverzoekers
Verzoek per informatieverzoeker
Selected References
Mitchell, K. Dr. the Rt. Honourable and SCCS (2016): Action Plan for Statistics
National Research Council (2005): Principles & Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency
Paris21(2009): NSDS October 2009 Workshop in Suriname materials
Paris21 (2015): A Road Map for a Country-led Data Revolution
Statistics Canada (July 2016):
UN (2003): Handbook of Statistical Organization
Websites (accessed 27 August 2016)
Compendium of Management Practices for Statistical
Organizations from Statistics Canada’s International Statistical fellowship Program
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