1. - Lyndon Merrett

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Transcript 1. - Lyndon Merrett

Thesis Statements
There are five elements in the communication
process; (1) a source of communication, (2) a
message, (3) a communication channel, (4) a
receiver, and (5) a response via feedback.
If you follow four easy steps, you will be able to
write a competent essay; (1) research your
subject well, (2) plan logically, (3) write a first
draft, and (4) proofread for errors.
Cause / Effect - (Effects)
Studying for the Turkish university entrance
exam affects students in three negative ways;
(1) psychologically, (2) physically and (3) socially.
The negative effects of television on children
fall into three general categories: (1) poor
cognitive development, (2) reduced interpersonal
skills, and (3) obesity.
Cause / Effect - (Causes)
Teenagers start to smoke for three wrong
reasons; (1) rebelling against society, (2) copying
adult examples and (3) peer pressure.
The three main reasons of students obtaining
low grades are their (1) missing classes, (2) lack of
organisation and (3) too much socializing.
What distinguishes Istanbul from other cities in the
world is its unique geography, its historical and
cultural treasures and its blend of the Eastern and
Western worlds.
Compare / Contrast - (Similarities)
Although there are a number of differences
between Izmir Economy and Ege Universities,
the two are very similar on the basis of their
(1) reputations, (2) scholarship opportunities and
(3) student profiles.
Compare / Contrast - (Differences)
The things that makes the Turkish cities of
Istanbul and Izmir very different from each
other are their (1) weather, (2) people and
(3) opportunities.
All restaurants can be divided to three main
groups according to (POC) the type of food
they serve: (1) fast food, (2) gourmet food and
(3) ethnic food.
However people view computers, all computer
users can be divided into three categories
based on (POC) what they focus on when
using the computers.
There are some people who believe that money is
the most important thing in life, however they are
wrong because intelligent people choose being in
love, which is the most wonderful experience in
the world.