East Asia in WHAP - White Plains Public Schools

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East Asia in WHAP
China figures in prominently but so
does Korea and Japan…May the
Fourth be with you!!!!!
Free Response?
• 2002 CCOT Global Trade patterns, Comparing Japanese
• 2003 Women 1750-1914
• 2004 DBQ spread of Buddhism, Comp impacts Post WWI
• 2006 DBQ silver trade(Ming) CCOT 100C.E-600 C.E, COMP land
redistribution China 1911 to Mexico or Russia
• 2007 DBQ Han and Rome technology
• 2009 CCOT Silk routes 200 B.C.E-1450 C.E
• 2010 Comp Han imperial admin to Rome or India
• 2011 CCOT long distance migration 1700-1900 (coolies
Pretty girls Hate China?
The Mandate of Heaven governed the relationship
between the ruler and the ruled in
Zhou begins the process of rise and fall
• A ok, really easy, this will help if you know the
Chinese Dynasty some and what makes for a
new/strong dynasty (redistribution of land,
restoration of peace, rebuilding infrastructure)
and what contributes to the decline and fall
(corruption of government officials, nomadic
barbarians to the north, natural disasters,
decaying infrastructure) and BOOM!!! New
dynasty. Not quite that smooth but good
Ethnocentric middle kingdom
• Ok, this is easy
A characteristic that the Shang Chinese shared with Egyptian civilization was
Principle of the mandate of heaven
Lack of a social hierarchy
Development of a writing system
Ancestor worship
Development of walled settlements to defend against invaders.
It’s the oracle bones which gave it away diving future events and killing those
poor tortoise…I like turtles
Classical time
Which of the following is true of both the Han
Empire and the Gupta Empire?
a) Both empires had long-established traditions of
dynastic rule.
b) Both were overrun by Germanic tribes in their
declining years.
c) Both empires were characterized by religious
d) Both saw a number of technological advances
e) Both chose administrators on the basis of
extensive examination systems.
Great advances made them classical
• D technologies for the Han included paper
making, sericulture (silk) , wheelbarrow,
bronze, seismograph, and calligraphy just to
name a few. Civil service and the emphasis on
Confucian advancements would contribute to
Ah Confucius, you’re a sexy teacher
All of the following were part of the Confucian
social order except
Loyalty to the ruler
Filial obedience to one’s father
Respect for the old
Chastity by wives
Chastity by husbands
You think this Patriarchy would keep
men from smushing?
• E . “ A Woman talking is like a hen crowing”
this institution prized women as dutiful
daughters, obedient wives and giving
mothers. This philosophy will guide the civil
service exam and provide essential glue to
hold Chinese societies together for over 3500
More Confucianism
• Confucianism encourages its followers to:
• (A) Learn from foreigners better ways to excel
• (B) Believe that their rulers were not in any
way divine
• (C) Seek principles of science
• (D) Follow ethical rules that promoted
harmony and order
D follow those ethical rules
• Social harmony is what Confucius was looking
for and will remain an important philosophy
throughout dynastic China even reinforcing
the Mandate of Heaven
Ah, Confucius, you’re a sexy teacher
All of the following were part of the Confucian
social order except
Loyalty to the ruler
Filial obedience to one’s father
Respect for the old
Chastity by wives
Chastity by husbands
E chastity by husbands
• Men were supposed to be just and noble
toward their wife but never chaste. It was the
woman’s job (according to the 5 relationships)
to be loyal and chaste
Another double shot: Core Curriculum
“‘I cannot make a tree grow or flourish’
[said the gardener]…‘All I do is avoid
hindering a tree’s growth – I have no
power to make it grow.’
‘Would it be possible to apply this
philosophy of yours to the art of
government?’ asked the questioner.
‘My only art is the growing of trees,’ said
[the gardener]. ‘Government is not my
~ Liu Zongyuan, Chinese scholar-official,
circa 800 C.E.
. The ideas expressed in the passage were most
strongly influenced by which of the following?
(A) Buddhism
(B) Confucianism
(C) Daoism
(D) Environmentalism
54. A historian of Tang China (618-907 C.E.) would
probably find the passage of Liu Zongyuan most
useful as a source of information about which of the
(A) Levels of taxation
(B) The main cause of peasant unrest
(C) Ideas about proper governance
(D) Agricultural productivity in ancient Greece
C.Daoism and C. proper governance
• Peasants in China were quite often Taoist wo
worked in peace and harmony with the
environment. This worked best for
government officials (who were usually
Confucianist)to prevent rebellions. Although
when forced with loss of land due to
overtaxation, even a Taoist might rebel
(Yellow Turban Rebellion)
Confucius Say…
“He (the superior man) does not mind
not being office; all that he minds about
is whether he has qualities that entitle
him to office. He does not mind failing to
get recognition; he is too busy doing the
things that entitle him to recognition.”
(Analects IV.14)
The above quote from the Confucian
Analects stresses the idea that
A. The emperor is close to the gods and
should be treated as such.
B. Proper behavior and respect for
parents must always be considered.
C. The real leader focuses on work, rather
than recognition.
D. A superior man always receives praise
for a job well done.
E. Recognition comes and goes, but a
superior man always has his family.
C. Focus on your work not recognition
• The ideal of virtuous work as illustrated by the
meritocracy was the ethic of hard works’ value
is in the job itself and not the adulation which
it brings. It reinforces the knowledge of one’s
role and emphasizes efficiency where
productivity is at a premium (get ‘er done!!!)
Fall of the Classics
The lessons of the late Han China and the late
Roman empires are that the decline of a
civilization, whether temporary or permanent,
A. is not simply the result of attack by outside
B. follows inevitably from centralized,
unrepresentative government
C. results from undue dependence on slavery
D. results from social rebellion in which the poor
attack the rich and tear down their institutions
E. results from a lack of religious conviction
There’s never just one reason for
anything… you know that!!!
• A there are no simple reasons for the decline
and fall of any empire during any time.
Remember the rule of Empire … theres always
someone bigger and badder, always someone
who wants it more and always someone who
will wait in the wings for you to overextend
your territorial boundaries, overtax the
peasantry, fail to keep up with technology,
abuse your authority for your own selfish
Sociologists maintain that there are no
atheist in foxholes
• Which of the following belief systems emerged
from political disorder, did not worship a deity,
and remained primarily regional beliefs?
A. Buddhism and Confucianism.
B. Buddhism and Hinduism.
C. Confucianism and Islam.
D. Judaism and Islam.
E. Confucianism and Daoism.
A Confucianism and Buddhism
• During times of chaos (Confucianism in Zhou
Dynasty) and upheaval ( Buddhism at the end
of the Han Dynasty) , religions and
philosophies help adherents deal with the
bleak outlook the future (in this life) holds
and, therefore, need to promise of something
Technological Prowess
Which of the following had the greatest
manufacturing capacity during the time period
600 to 1450 C.E.?
Western Europe
Tang-Song Dynasties produce
• C is for China which produces paper money,
credit and banking . Protoindustrialism and ,of
course , that Champa rice so nice you grow it
twice leads to advancements which make
Chang’ An the first city of over two million…
and the Grand Canal connects Yantze and the
Need to know meritocracy
• Which of the following most often characterizes a
A well-defined tribute system with a method of
B Increasing use of civil service exams to fill government
C. Clear rules of succession for leadership transitions
D. Establishment and publication of a uniform system of
C is for civil service
• The arduous examination in which well
qualified bureaucrats passed this rigorous test
lasting up to 72 hours in some cases for
government employment
Just the Tang-Song Golden Age
• . Which of the following were significant
technological innovations of the Tang-Song
• (A) Gunpowder and paper
• (B) Paper and moveable type
• (C) Domed architecture and the use of the
magnetic compass for navigation
• (D) The use of the magnetic compass for
navigation and gunpowder
D Compass and Gunpowder
• Perhaps important because of the Sinification
of Korea Viet Nam and Japan or perhaps its
influence on the rest of the world (especially
after Mongol conquest)
Hint-first to have over 2 million
• Which of the following civilizations had a
capital city that was the largest in the world
during the Post-Classical era?
• (A) Tang China
• (B) The Delhi Sultanate
• (C) France
• (D) England
A Tang China
• Chang ‘An was the capital city which served as
the Eastern terminus of the Silk Route, In
addition, the Grand canal and addition of
Champa rise would create a population boom
Trading time
• Which of the following correctly matches the product
with its origin and its destination?
• Products Traded Over the Silk Roads
• Product
• (A) Porcelain
• (B) Silk
• (C) Pepper
• (D) Horse
Central Asia
D Central Asian horses of course
• First domesticated on the Steppes of Central
Asia, the horse was a significant commodity
traded to China for agricultural products
across the silk routes to nomads.
… and now Japan
The term “samurai” describes men in feudal Japan
who were most like the men in feudal Europe
known as:
Lords of the manor
Catholic bishops
Feudal Japan happens after Nara and
Heian periods
• Japan models after the Tang Dynasty (Zen
Buddhism, 17 article constitution, Court dress,
etc) but due to geography, court corruption
(see Tales of the Genjii)and just the overall
decentralized brolicism of the Bakufu warlord
families, the Gampei Wars lead to the rise of
the Shoguns.
Think about that last slide
• When the emperor moved his government from Nara
to Heian (Eighth Century C.E.),
• (A) Shintoism was formally suppressed.
• (B) Buddhism ceased to play a major role in Japanese
• (C) The scholar-gentry was able to assert itself
through the examination system.
• (D) Buddhism was formally suppressed.
• (E) The aristocracy took over most of the positions of
the central government.
E. Aristocracy took over most of
central government
• Aristocracy=land owners= feudal
arrangements of land for military protection
and loyalty and service. This became known as
bakufu or military shogunates
Don’t forget the Mongols
• The Mongol conquests of much of Eurasia in the
thirteenth century tended to encourage trade along
the Silk Roads primarily by
• (A) opening large new markets for both European and
East Asian goods in Central Asia
• (B) increasing the demand for military supplies needed
by the Mongol armies that occupied various regions
• (C) decreasing the risk of bandit attacks and reducing
the number of local rulers collecting tribute from trade
• (D) discouraging seaborne trade along the Indian
Ocean routes that competed with the Silk Roads
C Keeping it safe for Ibn and Marco
• The tribute exacted by the Mongol Empire
fostered the Pax Mongolica establishing
connections across the trade networks and
enabling trade of gunpowder weaponry,
inspiring a resurgent European trade and
spreading the black plague
More Mongols in Yuan
• The Mongols
A. Failed in their campaign against Southwest
Asian territories.
B. Brought foreign administrators into China.
C. Expanded their rule into Japan in the thirteenth
D. Persecuted Christians within their empire.
E. Encouraged intermarriage between themselves
and the Chinese.
B The first foreign rulers
• Certainly not the last (the Manchu will later
rule the Qing Dynasty). The Mongols under
Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty will lower the
status of ethnically Han Chinese and open up
China’s silk route to visitors.
Onto the Ming( end of post-classical)
Which of the following contributed to the Chinese
government’s decision to stop voyages of
exploration in the Indian Ocean in the early
fifteenth century?
a) Armed resistance from Arab navies
b) Lack of sufficient Chinese goods for trade
c) The destruction of the Chinese fleet by
d) Government concern with domestic problems
and frontier security
e) Fear of the spread of the plague to China
Get your mandate on
• D… Confucianism and the Mandate of Heaven
maintain that a government must provide for
the needs of its own populace and not expand
its maritime contacts by some Muslim Eunuch
who brings back giraffes and zebras jeeez!!!
(say it in Napoleon Dynamiteis voice and its
kinda funny)
It started in the Song Dynasty
• The adoption of Neoconfucianism by the Ming
dynasty during the fourteenth century was
primarily motivated by the
A. Rejection of traditional Chinese thinkers
B. Need for competent government administrators
C. Desire to continue Mongol practices in China
D. Arrival of Jesuit missionaries in China
E. Goal of becoming a sea-based empire
B need for competent government
• The traditional emphasis on the 5
relationships, Confucius’ teachings (Analects)
on serving others, industrious work ethics,
moral virtue would be emphasized time and
again throughout various Chinese Dynasties.
All for the cost of beauty
In the nineteenth century, women’s use of bound
feet (China), white face paint (Japan), and
corsets (Western Europe) are examples of
which of the following?
a) Practices that inhibit female activities
b) The beauty of middle-class women
c) Fashions that spread worldwide
d) The middle class’ setting the fashion for women
e) Women’s participation in the workforce
So you think you’ve come a long way
• A- yea, these practices inhibited (limited)
female activities along with other patriarchal
methods like Sati, veiling, denying education,
denying suffrage, compulsory abortion (onechild policy) and your frequent go make me a
sandwhich comments. The glass ceiling still
exists and maybe we need another May
Fourth movement
Japan bests China 1750-1900
Which of the following best explains why Japan was more
successful than China in resisting imperialist
encroachments in the nineteenth century?
a) Japan’s manipulation of the rivalries among western
b) The introduction of democracy by the Meiji
c) The willingness of Japan’s elite to sponsor reform
d) Lack of interest in Japanese markets
e) Abundant natural resources
Zaibatsu to the rescue
• C Japanese elite under Mejii reforms would
industrialize based on the Western model
while maintaining that traditional work ethic
to fast forward Japan as a powerhouse
defeating China in the Sin-Japanses Wars
(1898) and then pulling the ultimate upset
defeating Russia in the Russo-Japanese War
20th Century China: End of the
Mao Zedong and Mohandas Gandhi both appealed
to which of the following as a base of support?
Warlords, wealthy landowners, and merchants
Westernized elites
Traditional rulers
Urban factory workers
Maoism not Taoism: Not the
proletariat, the peasants
• D both Ghandi and Mao utilized the masses of
humanity to inspire revolution. Ghandi’s was
peaceful, Mao killed tens of millions. Mao
Zedog’s “long march” to the North during
Japanese imperialism shielded the Communist
who would strike back in 1949 and accuse the
sparrows of being lazy, take a great leap
forward(more backward) and culturally revolt
much of traditional China