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Islam & Sui, Tang,
& Byzantine
Caliphates & Song
This area of Eastern Europe was
characterized by continued unity,
stability and trade, and Orthodox
Christian ideology
What is the Byzantine Empire?
This term refers to the economic
system of Western Europe after the
fall of Rome, in which barter, local
production, and a lack of hard
currency prevailed
What is manorialism?
Name at least one of the
achievements of Byzantine Emperor
What are building of the Hagia
Sophia church, reconquering parts of
the old Western Roman Empire,
reorganizing Roman law, being a
Caesaropapist ruler, or having a
sassy wife in Theodora
These Western Europeans were
bound to the land on which they
were born and farmed it for a lord in
exchange for protection - - but they
were not slaves because they
couldn’t be sold.
Who were serfs?
These raiders from Scandinavia used
longboats with shallow hulls to ply
far inland on rivers, stealing wealth
from monasteries and creating fear
and instability, but ultimately
settling and assimilating with the
surrounding population, as with the
Normans of William the Conqueror
Who were the Vikings?
There are at least two of the 5
pillars of Islamic belief and
What are the hajj (pilgrimage to
Mecca), prayer 5 times daily, fasting
during the holy lunar month of
Ramadan, charitable giving, and the
profession of faith stating the main
Islamic beliefs (in monotheism and
Mohammad as the final prophet)
This Caliphate focused not on
conversion, but on conquest, booty,
and remaining focused on their Arab
roots and ethnicity.
What is the Umayyad Caliphate
This area of Western Europe, conquered
by the Umayyad Caliphate, was unusual
in Medieval Europe for its cosmopolitan
cities, parks, gas lighting, plumbing and
bathhouses, libraries, and great mosque
What is Cordoba, Spain
This building and university-like
center are famous for preserving
from complete loss the works of
ancient Greeks focused on logic, like
Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates.
What is the House of Wisdom in
These are the two main sects of
Islam AND their beliefs about the
caliph, which caused their split.
Sunni – the caliph should be
chosen by the majority from
among all Muslims
Shi’ite – the caliph should be a
descendant of Muhammad
The building of this structure under
the Sui Dynasty created one unified
economy within China, spurring
growth, trade, and a population
boom as southern champa rice was
transported to northern cities
What is the Grand Canal?
This Dynasty was known for its
official patronage of Buddhism, its
openness to Central Asian culture,
and its control of Silk Roads trade
What was the Tang Dynasty?
This revolution during the Song
Dynasty involved increasing levels
of hard currency exchanges, “flying
money” credit, the world‘s first
banks, and the world’s first paper
What was the Commercial
This is the strongest example of
female subordination to Confucian
ideals of gender expectations during
late Tang and throughout Song
China. It continued into the 20th
What is foot binding?
This system involved rulers from
other lands subordinating themselves
to the Chinese emperor and
presenting gifts in order to win trade
and recognition within China.
What is the Tribute System?
These peoples of Mesoamerica were
organized into city-states and
utilized mystical religious royal
blood-letting practices to ensure
order and stability
Who were the Maya?
Both the Aztec and the Inca empires
can be classified as what kind of
empires (aka: how did they form?)
Conquest States
Name at least two innovative
agricultural techniques allowing the
Inca and Aztecs to create enough
surplus to found huge empires.
Chinampas, terraces, mit’a labor
taxes, allyu labor groups
These are at least two
domesticated animals found in
the Americas.
Llama- South America
Guinea pig – both
Turkey – Mesoamerica
In order to control their subject
peoples, the Aztecs used at least one
of the following methods of
What are collecting Tribute,
using human sacrifice in religious
rituals for the Sun god, replacing
local elites with family members
to rule, or using obsidian
weapons in an organized military
The Mongols conquered primarily
using which military innovations?
All-Cavalry army (speedy!),
composite archery bows,
incorporating skilled people from
conquered areas, tricks like
pretending to run away and then
These are at least two of the four
large Khanates the Genghis Khan’s
empire split into after his death
What are the Il Khanate of Persia,
the Golden Horde of Russia, the
Central Asian Khanate of
Chagadai, or the Yuan Dynasty
of China
This time of stability, organization,
and safety under unified Mongol rule
over 12 million square miles of
territory led to a burst of trading
activity, idea exchange, luxury
goods production, and religious
What is the Pax Mongolica?
This disease proved to be part of the
Mongol’s downfall, as the stability
of land trade led to its spread
throughout AfroEurasia.
What was the Bubonic (Black)
Africa: These are the three Sudanic
Empires in order of time period - each one also got progressively more
Islamic, larger, more organized, and
more controlling of the sources of
What are Ghana, Mali, and Songhay