userfiles/422/my files/2nd 9 week benchmark study session

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Transcript userfiles/422/my files/2nd 9 week benchmark study session

2nd 9 week benchmark
Ch. 5,6,9
Grim and Ellis
• Borders include Rocky Mountains on the
west to the Mississippi River on the east.
What am I?
• Louisiana Purchase Territory
• Although several denominations were
present in Georgia in the early days, two
were dominate? What are they?
• Baptist and Methodist
• These legislations were in direct response
to the Boston Tea Party. Exs. are 1.the
port of Boston closed until tea was paid for
2. quartering act 3. crimes committed vs.
state were tried in Britain 4. no meetings
w/o Gov. approval and/or attendance
• Intolerable Acts
• Which colony was the last to agree to fight
against the British; still received an
allowance from Britain; received land from
the French and Indian War although they
did not participate?
• Georgia
• I am known as the author of the
Declaration of Independence. I was
President of the United States and the
land doubled by the purchase of the
Louisiana Territory.
• Thomas Jefferson
• This was Georgia’s first attempt at a
constitution post American Revolution. It
possessed a unicameral legislature bka
House of Assembly. It created laws,
enforced, appoint Gov. and justices.
• Georgia’s Constitution of 1777
• I was a freed black who fought in the
American Revolution. I saved Elijah Clark.
As compensation, I was given land and
shared with the family who nursed me
back to health from war injuries.
• Austin Dabney
• First form of federal gov’t post American
Revolution. Allowed states to retain a
great deal of power by greatly limiting the
power of the federal gov’t. However, It did
create a post office, treasury, supreme
court, common form of currency, but no
way to enforce laws and no president
• Articles of Confederation
• This was the event in which the French
forces trapped the British army led by
Gen. Cornwallis. Eventually the British
surrendered in the Spring of 1782
• Battle of Yorktown
• A county is named after this heroine. She
is credited with capturing Tories who took
her and her children captive.
• Nancy Hart
• These two cities became capitals in the
late 1700s. They possessed
transportation, tax money, well maintained
roads, lodging and eating establishments
due to their status as capitals.
• Louisville and Augusta
• These two individuals signed the
constitution as representatives of Georgia.
• Abraham Baldwin and William Few
• This was a type of land distribution
practiced in Georgia. It was criticized by
excluding females.
• Headright system
• This invention would assist Georgia in
expanding one of their key crops. It would
speed the process of harvesting the
• Cotton gin
• We were the three Georgia signers of the
Declaration of Independence.
• Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, and George
• What qualifications must one meet in order
to vote in GA?
• 18 yrs. old, citizen, register, and not have
committed a felony
• First female college in Georgia located in
• Wesleyan College
• Legislation influenced by financial
benefiting of the Georgia legislatures.
Later repealed
• Yazoo Land Fraud
• These cities have a commonality during
the late 1700s-Savannah, Augusta, and
• Ga capitals
• Major railroad system in Georgia which
connected Macon, Savannah, Augusta to
interior frontier. It began in Chattanooga
• Western and Atlantic Railroad
• I was criticized by creating a weak federal
gov’t. I created a congress which could
make laws but unable to enforce. Many
citizens liked the fact the states
maintained the majority of the power
• Articles of confederation
• This huge war debt inadvertently led to the
American Revolution by additional taxes
being placed on colonists to pay for this
• French and Indian War
• A form of land distribution used in GA in
the late 1700s and 1800s. This allowed
for possible compensation for families and
participants in the former wars. Land
distributed was former Indian traditional
land. Qualifications included widows,
former soldiers, min age 18, etc.
• Land lottery
• This system was created to ensure no one
branch of the bicameral legislature
becomes more powerful than the other.
• Checks and balances
• What are the legislative, executive, and
judicial classified?
• 3 branches of gov’t
• This term indicates a two house
• bicameral
• Indicates a one house legislature usually
consists of Congress with absolute power.
• unicameral
• I was executed for excessive cruelty in
Andersonville. Who am I?
• Capt. Henry Wirz-
• I am the man behind the treaty between
the United States and Spain for the use of
the Mississippi River and the port of New
• Thomas Pickney
• I am the credited with doubling the size of
the United States. I held the highest
position in the United States. I believe in
the Constitution of the United States and
will test every decision against it
• President Thomas Jefferson
• A way Georgia distributed land to those
who were not financially wealthy. Popular
after the American Revolution. Received
a lot of criticism due to the qualifications
• Headright System
• I am known as a writer, printer, scientist,
historian, statesman, diplomat and
inventor. I was self educated. I created
bifocals. I was a delegate at the
Constitutional Convention.
• Benjamin Franklin
• Official representatives of the citizens of
Georgia. They have the responsibilities of
solving state problems with legislation,
approve divorces/name changes, and
permits to operate bridges.
• General Assembly
• Qualifications include centrally located,
accessible by all residents, and available
• City that serves as the governmental seat
for the state.
• capital
• Usually a drastic act done when legislation
is based upon or influenced by an illegal
• repeal
• We were living along the Oconee River
practicing self sufficiency. Elijah Clark
helped us est. an independent gov’t.
However, the Georgian gov’t wanted the
land and strongly encouraged us to sign a
treaty which we gave up the land
surrounding the Oconee River.
• Creek Indians
What am I?
• Many Indians were strongly encouraged to
perform this act concerning their land
• cede
• The belief the United States should
extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the
Pacific Ocean.
• Manifest Destiny