World Geography

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Transcript World Geography

 John F. Kennedy
 Democrat elected
President in 1960,
defeating Richard Nixon.
 Youngest man – 43 –
ever elected President
 With his wife, brought
youthful, elegant style to
White House
 Video : JFK becomes#35
Flexible response
 Kennedy wanted to have a
Flexible response
number of options in case
of an international crisis
 This would allow him to
weigh the options and
decide which one was best
Fidel Castro
 Rebel leader who led an
Fidel Castro
uprising in Cuba against
the dictator Fulgencio
 Established a communist
dictatorship after gaining
Bay of Pigs
 An attempt by Cuban
 Bay of Pigs
 Video – DE Stream
exiles to invade Cuba.
 Planned by Eisenhower,
Kennedy allowed the
invasion, but did not
support it with air power.
 Exiles defeated by
Castro’s forces – deeply
embarrassing the U.S.
Berlin Wall
 Initially a barbed wire wall
Berlin Wall
DE Stream Link
to prevent people from the
Soviet sector from crossing
into the Allied sector
 Replaced by a concrete
 Became the representation
of the Cold War
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
 The Soviets placed
Cuban Missile Crisis
DE Stream (login)
medium range nuclear
missiles in Cuba
 The United States could
not allow the missiles to
become active
 The U.S. placed a naval
blockade on all ships going
to Cuba
 The U.S. was within hours
Cuban Missile Crisis
of launching an attack on
the missiles in Cuba
 The Soviets agreed to
remove the missiles from
 This became a historic
turning point in U.S. Soviet relations
Hot line
 A teletype line that
Hot line
enabled the leaders of the
U.S. and Soviet Union to
directly communicate
during a crisis
French Indochina
 The countries of
French Indochina
Vietnam, Laos, and
Cambodia were under
French colonial control
after World War II
Ho Chi Minh
 Real name was Nguyn
Ho Chi Minh
DE Streaming
That Thanh
 Committed to Vietnamese
 Organized a resistance
movement after Japan
invaded in World War II
 Approached the U.S. after
WWII for assistance, then
turned to the Soviet
 “Therefore I
most earnestly
appeal to you
personally and to
the American
people to
interfere urgently
in support of our
 The name of the rebel
group against Diem’s
 Made up mostly of the
Vietminh that had
remained in the south
after the French were
defeated and the
country divided
Domino Theory
 Based on stacking
Domino Theory
dominos, where when
you knock the first one
down, the rest would
 This theory was the
United States policy on
Southeast Asia
 If one country fell to
communism, the rest
would follow suit
Space Race
 After Sputnik, Soviets
Space Race
put first man into orbit in
 Kennedy challenges U.S.
to put a man on the
moon within a decade.
 1962 – John Glenn
becomes first man to
orbit the earth
 DE Streaming
“Ich Bin Ein Berliner”
 German phrase spoken
in speech by Kennedy
near Berlin Wall in 1963
 Assured Germans of U.S.
commitment to their
safety and freedom
 Video
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
 Assassinated at 12:30 p.m.
John F Kennedy
on Friday, November 22,
1963, in Dealey Plaza,
Dallas, Texas
 Lyndon B. Johnson was
sworn in as President on
the plane on their way
back to Washington, D. C.
 DE Stream – 9 min
Lee Harvey Oswald
 Accused of assassinating
Lee Harvey Oswald
JFK in Dallas
 Was killed by Jack Ruby
two days later while being
transferred from one jail to
Lee Harvey Oswald
Warren Commission
 A group of people led by
Warren Commission
Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court Earl
 Concluded that Oswald
and Ruby acted alone
Kennedy’s domestic legacy
New Frontier
 President Kennedy’s plan
to use powers of federal
government to solve
national problems
 Focus on education,
eradicating poverty, and
use of the space program.
 “Ask not what your
country can do for you,
but what you can do for
your country.”
Peace Corps
 Sent Americans to work in
Peace Corps
developing countries
 They would teach the
people better ways of
doing things, as well as
help build infrastructure
such as schools and