Chapter - Tarleton State University

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American Stories:
A History of the United States
Second Edition
The Jeffersonian Vision
American Stories: A History of the United States, Second Edition
Brands • Breen • Williams • Gross
President Jefferson In 1800, Thomas Jefferson
and Aaron Burr each received 73 electoral votes.
The election was finally decided in February 1801
when the House of Representatives, on the thirtysixth ballot, chose Jefferson by a vote of 10 to 4.
This flag commemorates Jefferson’s victory in the
Republican Ascendancy
The Republic Expands
Jefferson as President
Race and Dissent Under Jefferson
Embarrassments Overseas
The Strange War of 1812
Limits Of Equality
• Jeffersonians wanted strict
Constitution, peaceful foreign relations,
reduced government role in everyday
• But once in power, Jefferson was forced
to moderate goals
• Constitution interpreted to purchase
Louisiana Territory, regulated economy,
led country to brink of war
The Republic Expands
The Republic Expands
• An age of rapid population growth
 7.2 million in 1810; 2 million more than in
 20% black slaves
 Children under sixteen the largest single
The Republic Expands (cont’d)
• Strong regional identities facilitated by
transportation improvements and
motivated by defensiveness
• Early secession movements threatened
national unity
Westward the Course of Empire
• Intense migration to West after 1790
• New states
 Kentucky—1792
 Tennessee—1796
 Ohio—1803
• Western regional culture rootless,
Pittsburgh View of the City of Pittsburgh in
1817, painted by a Mrs. Gibson while on her
honeymoon. As the frontier moved west, Pittsburgh
became an important commercial center.
Native American Resistance
• Settlers bought land fraudulently
• Native Americans resisted
 Tecumseh led Shawnee; defeated in War
of 1812
 Creek defeated by Andrew Jackson at
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
• Jefferson wanted Native Americans
moved west of Mississippi and to
become yeoman farmers with help of
federal Indian agents
Tenskwatawa Tenskwatawa, known as the
Prophet, provided spiritual leadership for the union
of the native peoples he and his brother Tecumseh
organized to resist white encroachment on Native
American lands.
Commercial Life in the Cities
• U.S. economy based on agriculture and
trade (84% of population in agriculture)
• American shipping prospered, 1793–
• Cities’ main function was international
trade, otherwise marginal role in
national life: only 7% of population was
Spinning Mill Although cotton was an important
trade in the early nineteenth century, technological
advances in textile production were slow to take
hold. Some spinning mills, such as the one pictured
here, were built in New England, but what
historians call the “Industrial Revolution” did not
begin for several more decades.
Commercial Life in
the Cities (cont’d)
• Commerce preferred, manufacturing
seen as too risky
 Samuel Slater an exception
• Industrialization and mechanization just
beginning to frighten skilled craftsmen
Jefferson as President
Jefferson as President
• Jefferson’s personal style
 Despised ceremonies and formality
 Dedicated to intellectual pursuits
• Jefferson’s goals as president
 Reduce size and cost of government
 Repeal Federalist legislation like the
Sedition Act
 Keep U.S. out of war
Jefferson as President (cont’d)
• Jefferson was skillful politician
 Good relations with Congressional leaders,
never had to veto a bill
 Picked talented, loyal men for his cabinet
Political Reforms
• Cutting federal debt a priority
• Tax system re-structured, direct taxes
eliminated, federal revenue from
• Military cut substantially
 Cut government expenses
 Republican ideology favored militia over
standing army
 Military professionalism kept by creating
Army Corps of Engineers and West Point
Political Reforms (cont’d)
• Federalists fell apart
 Moderate Federalists allowed to remain
bureaucracy and were co-opted by
 Many leaders like Jay retired from public
 Campaigning to commoners seen as
 Westward expansion favored Republicans
The Louisiana Purchase
• Spain gave Louisiana to France, New
Orleans closed to American ships
• Jefferson saw New Orleans as vital to
 Sent James Monroe to negotiate its
• Napoleon offered to sell all of Louisiana
for $15 million
The Louisiana Purchase (cont’d)
• Importance: it would help make
America a first-rank power
• Constitution vague on power to acquire
land inhabited by foreigners
The Louisiana Purchase (cont’d)
• Louisiana French and Spanish
inhabitants unfamiliar with Republican
• Louisiana Government Act denied
Louisiana self-rule
• Another Jeffersonian departure from
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
• Lewis and Clark Expedition
commissioned prior to purchase of
• Goal to find if Missouri River goes to
Pacific and to explore flora and fauna
The Lewis and Clark
Expedition (cont’d)
• Sacagawea critical in helping expedition
deal with nature and Native Americans
whom they encountered
• Report on Louisiana’s economic promise
confirmed Jefferson’s desire to
Race and Dissent Under Jefferson
Race and Dissent Under Jefferson
• North African states demanded tribute
from ships sailing in Mediterranean
• Jefferson refused and dispatched U.S.
fleet to intimidate Barbary states
Race and Dissent Under
Jefferson (cont’d)
• Attacks failed and U.S. ended up paying
ransom for crew of U.S.S. Philadelphia
• U.S. finally forced negotiation with a
• Jefferson won re-election
Map 8.1 The Louisiana Purchase and the
Route of Lewis and Clark Not until Lewis and
Clark had explored the Far West did citizens of the
United States realize just how much territory
Jefferson had acquired through the Louisiana
The Election of 1804
Attack on the Judges
• Judiciary Act of 1801 created new
circuit courts filled with loyal Federalists
• 1802—Jeffersonians repealed Judiciary
• Marbury v. Madison (1803) ruled
Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional
Attack on the Judges (cont’d)
• 1803—Federalist John Pickering
• Jefferson seeks to impeach Federalist
Samuel Chase
• Republican Senate refused to convict
The Slave Trade
• Constitution had said Congress could
consider banning importation of slaves
after 1808
• Jefferson asked for and Congress
approved such a ban
The Internal Slave Trade Although the external
slave trade was officially outlawed in 1808, the
commerce in humans persisted. An estimated
250,000 African slaves were brought illicitly to the
United States between 1808 and 1860. The internal
slave trade also continued. Folk artist Lewis Miller
sketched this slave coffle marching from Virginia to
new owners in Tennessee under the watchful eyes
of mounted white overseers.
The Slave Trade (cont’d)
• Sectional conflict over what to do with
captured slaves
 Northerners could not agree
 Southerners demanded states regulate
 Law said states deal with captured
smuggled slaves
Embarrassments Overseas
Embarrassments Overseas
• 1803—England and France resumed
• American ships subject to seizure
 By England through “Orders in Council”
 By Napoleon through Berlin, Milan Decrees
Embarrassments Overseas
• Chesapeake vs. Leopard: public
demanded war
• Jefferson refused war to preserve
financial reform and recognized that his
military cuts had left nation ill prepared
for war
Embargo Divides the Nation
• 1807—Congress prohibited U.S. ships
from leaving port
• Purpose: to win English, French respect
for American rights
• Embargo unpopular at home
 Detailed government oversight of
 Army suppressed smuggling
 New England economy damaged
The Embargo Act The Ograbme (embargo
spelled backward) snapping turtle, created by
cartoonist Alexander Anderson, is shown here
biting an American tobacco smuggler who is
breaking the embargo.
A New Administration
Goes to War
• 1808—James Madison elected president
• Macon’s Bill Number Two-trade with
both England and France
• Napoleon promised to observe U.S.
rights but reneges when trade reopened
A New Administration
Goes to War (cont’d)
• Frontier people believed British were
encouraging Tecumseh, but he was
defeated at Battle of Tippecanoe,
forcing him to turn to Britain
The Election of 1808
Fumbling Toward Conflict
• Congressional War Hawks demanded
war with England to preserve American
• British repealed Orders-in-Council as
Madison was asking for declaration of
• War aims somewhat vague
Fumbling Toward Conflict (cont’d)
• Difference between War Hawks and
Madison administration over purpose of
invading Canada
• Election of 1812 showed division over
*Clinton was nominated by a convention of antiwar Republicans and endorsed by the Federalists.
The Strange War of 1812
The Strange War of 1812:
Early Course
• Americans unprepared for war
 Congress refused to raise wartime taxes
 United States Army small
 State militias inadequate
Fighting The British
• Most attacks against Canada failed
• Two key exceptions in 1813
 Oliver Hazard Perry won control of Great
Lakes for U.S. in Battle of Put-In Bay
 William Henry Harrison defeated British
and Indians at Battle of Thames
Map 8.2 War of 1812 The major
battles of the War of 1812 brought few
lasting gains to either the British or the
Hartford Convention:
The Demise of the Federalists
• Federalists convened in December,
• Proposed constitutional changes to
lessen power of South and West
• Treaty of Ghent, victory of New Orleans
made Convention appear disloyal
• Federalist party never recovered
The Battle of New Orleans This engraving by
Joseph Yeager (c. 1815) depicts the Battle of New
Orleans and the death of British Major General
Edward Pakenham. The death of the British
commander was a turning point in the battle, in
which more than 2,000 British soldiers were killed
or wounded at the hands of General Andrew
Jackson and the American army.
Conclusion: The “Second War of
Conclusion: The “Second War Of
• Most problems left unaddressed
• Senate unanimously ratified Treaty of
Ghent, ends war
• Neither side surrendered territory
• Americans portrayed it as victory and it
stimulated American nationalism
Timeline (continued)