Transcript 5.4b

Analyze the causes and consequences of
United States involvement in World War I,
including the failure of neutrality and the
reasons for declaration of war, the role of
propaganda in creating a unified war effort,
the limitation of individual liberties, and
Woodrow Wilson’s leadership in the Treaty
of Versailles and the creation of the League
of Nations
U.S. Involvement in the War
When the United States entered the war Europe
had been fighting the war for three years. New
technologies like the machine gun, hand grenades,
and poison gas made this a very deadly war.
***Trench Warfare- As a result both sides dug
trenches and the war settled down into a stalemate.
Both sides lived for long periods of time in dirty,
wet, and rat-infested trenches.
The Army
However, the United States was not prepared to
enter the war right away it did not have enough
soldiers so Congress passed the Selective
Service Act authorizing a draft of young
men for military service.
 Volunteers and draftees went overseas as a part of
the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) under
the command of General John J. Pershing became
known as ‘doughboys’ and they turned the tide of
the war against the Central Powers.
 ***‘Harlem Hellfighters’ – the 369th Infantry
and an all black unit that served so admirably that
it was given France’s highest medal for bravery.
Turning Points In The War
Russia Pulls Out- By 1917 the Russians were tired of
fighting and had lost almost 2 million killed, not to
mention countless sick and wounded.
 Many Russian people were starving as provisions went
to the front.
 In March 1917 the Russian Revolution occurred and
Tsar Nicolas II was replaced with a democratic
government. However, the democratic government
quickly fell to the Bolsheviks who were led by Vladimir
Lenin and established a communist government.
 Having received assistance from the German’s the
Bolsheviks pull the Russians out of the war.
U.S. Troops Save Paris and
Help Turn the War
With Russia out of the war Germany could move troops
west and concentrate on taking Paris. The German
offensive reached to within fifty miles of Paris.
In early June, the AEF helped fight off the last German
offensive of the war.
The Allies then used a new weapon to push through
German lines (tanks).
The combined forces with the U.S. adding men and
material the Germans realized the fight was lost.
***On the 11th minute of the 11th hour on 11th day of
November 1918 Germany signed the armistice that ends
World War I.
Troops celebrating the end of
American celebrating on Wall
St. in NYC
Mobilization on the Home Front
The war effort stimulated ethnic and
ideological conflicts within the US.
Propaganda characterized Germans as Huns
(i.e. Attila the Hun)
Government Actions at Home
***War Industries Board- President Wilson needed to regulate
industry and switch the economy over to war production. The
WIB did this
 Committee on Public Information- designed to encourage
support for the war, the CPI created an add campaign that often
depicted the Germans as monsters.
 ***Food Administration- encouraged people to conserve food
that could be used for the war effort. They also launched efforts
to conserve fuel, which lead to daylight savings time.
 Espionage and Sedition Acts- made it illegal to interfere with
the draft, obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds or to make
statements disloyal or critical of the government. Socialist leader
Eugene Debs was actually sentenced to 10 years in prison for
criticizing the government.
After the War
The leaders met together for a peace conference. The
Conference was dominated by the Big Four (Britain,
France, Italy, and the United States)
 President Wilson wanted a “peace without victory” and
had no desire to punish Germany. He wanted to
establish peace and stability in Europe.
 His proposal was known as the “Fourteen Points”
– Dramatic arms reduction
– The right of self-determination
– ***Wanted to create the League of Nations – to find
diplomatic solutions. (today called the United Nations)
It looked like Wilson’s plan would be accepted, except
in the U.S. a group of isolationists in the Senate had
denied the treaty. Which meant the US did not become
a member of the League.
Pres. Woodrow Wilson
The Treaty of Versailles
With Wilson’s plan dead in the Senate, many of
the European leaders wanted to punish the
Germans, over 8 million Europeans had died in
the war. (5,000 a day)
 In June of 1919, the Allies forced the Germans to
sign the Treaty of Versailles that made Germany
take total responsibility for the war and made it
pay reparations. ($30 Billion to the victors)
 The conditions set forth caused Germany to slide
into a terrible depression, making conditions
possible for Adolf Hitler to come to power.