The United States In Congress Assembled

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The United States In
Congress Assembled”:
America under the Articles of
Articles of Confederation
• Richard Henry Lee/John Dickinson
• Passed by the 2nd Continental Congress in 1777,
but not ratified by the states until 1781.
• Congress was the dominant force (no separate
executive or federal courts), but it was hobbled by
All bills required 2/3 vote for passage
Any amendment = unanimous vote
Each state had 1 vote.
No power to regulate commerce
No tax enforcement power (states paid taxes
Land Cessions
• Geographical knowledge of North America was
incomplete when colonies were founded.
• Many were established by royal proclamation or
charter that defined their boundaries as
stretching "from sea to sea"; others did not have
western boundaries established at all.
• ended up with theoretical extents that
overlapped each other, and conflicted with the
claims and settlements established by other
European powers.
• With Union, states must give up claims!
– New York vs. Virginia = the biggest problem
– Jan 2, 1781 – Virginia Cession unblocks the logjam
Other Problems of the West
• GB abandoned their Indian allies who
didn’t consider themselves defeated
• Pressure of American Expansion
• GB troops still in posts in the NW
territories, encourage raids on American
• Diplomatic problems – some westerners
threatened to rejoin GB!
First President?
• Peyton Randolph
– 1st President of the
Continental Congress
• John Hancock
– President of the Continental
Congress when Declaration
was Adopted
• Samuel Huntington
– “President of the United
States in Congress
Assembled” (AOC)
• George Washington
– “President of the United
States” (Constitution)
New Political Dynamics
• “Pro-democracy” efforts gained.
– Loss of 80,000 Loyalists = loss of balance?
– Entail and primogeniture repealed, weakening aristocracy.
– Expansion of voting rights, citizen participation
• Two new political cliques (not parties.. Yet!)
– Republicans – liberalish – believe in rule of the people – the
voice of the masses should drive decisions
– Whigs – conservatives – believe in rule of the educated
elite, insulate the government from popular mood swings
• Land Ordinance of 1785 (drafted by TJ)
– NW Territory land sold to pay off debt.
• Northwest Ordinance
of 1787
– revision of 1785 + a little
– 1. Territories established,
which could eventually
become states on an
equal basis with the
original 13.
• Needed a minimum of
60,000 inhabitants.
– 2. Slavery forbidden in
Northwest. (had been
rejected in 1785, but
added back now)
Social Adjustments…
• African Americans
– Vermont – 1777 abolishes slavery
– 1776-1786 – all states but GA and
SC prohibit or heavily tax the
international slave trade
– Rise of free black population with
schools, churches, other
– Personalities
• Benjamin Banneker
• Phillis Wheatley
• Religious Change
– Church of England ruined,
replaced by Episcopal
Church, separate from
– Democratic spirit
encouraged spread of
“frontier faiths” (Methodist,
– Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom
• Strong statement on
separation of church and
state written by TJ.
Foreign and Domestic Problems
• The U.S. had difficulty commanding respect
from allies or enemies
– Britain refused to send an ambassador, to make
a commercial treaty, or repeal the Navigation
Laws. Trading posts along Canadian border
source of trouble with Indians.
– Spain seized lands granted to the U.S. by Britain
and harassed trade on the Mississippi River.
– France demanded repayment of loans made
during the Revolution and restricted trade with the
West Indies.
• Domestic disputes arise
–Some states refused to pay any taxes,
while interest on the public debt grew
and the nation's credit dwindled.
– States began levying duties on each
other's products and quarreling over
Economic Stresses
• Some Loyalist land was broken up into
parcels for farming, sold off for $...
• Currency totals $400 million, but is
subject to great inflation
– Fixed income vs. inflation…
– 1787, $167 of paper money = $1 in specie
• Food Riots in several major cities…
• March 1783: Newburgh Mutiny
Economic Growth?
• Immediate economic problems resulted from severing ties with
– Commerce with GB almost completely halted
– Speculation and profiteering during the war = inflation.
• Congress unable to control effects !!!
– Economic causes of war had led to distaste for taxes, further
weakening Congress' ability to take action.
• After the downturn, postwar trade with GB returns to earlier levels
in the 1780s
• Exports abroad surpass previous levels, but represent a smaller
part of the total economic activity…
• Domestic economy flourishes!
• Trade moves inland – ports with no inland access go into
Problems in the State Legislatures?
• 1780s – James Madison – a “spirit of
locality” in the state legislatures is
destroying “the aggregate interests of the
Power struggles with Governors, Courts
Property Rights
Debtors rights acts
Strengths of AOC
• State governments are
powerful, can make laws
appropriate for local
• The Central Government
– Conduct foreign relations
– Maintain maritime trade
– Regulate Indian trade
– Manage Western territory
Weaknesses of AOC
No Executive to provide leadership
No federal courts
Can not levy taxes
Can not ratify amendments without
unanimous consent
• Can not raise an Army
• Can not regulate interstate commerce
• Boundary disputes (see next slide!)
Shay’s Rebellion (1786)
• 1783: State land taxes rise
• Veterans return: most people have little money
• Violence breaks out in western Massachusetts
with frustrated farmers losing their farms due to
mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies.
• 1786: Daniel Shays leads 1000, seizes the
• State asks Central Government to send in help:
there is no Army, no money to pay for it, no
other states willing to get involved!
• State puts down rebels alone with force (killing
three), but the win many seats in the next
election – tips balance in state legislature!
• Leaders throughout the nation worried about the
potential of domestic unrest.
• Reveals weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Call for Reform of the Articles
• Annapolis Convention,
– called to deal with interstate commerce squabbling,
issues arising from Shays Rebellion
– instead requested a convention to meet in
Philadelphia to deal with reforming the Articles.
• Alex Hamilton makes a name for himself…
“Miracle at Philadelphia”:
The Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia Convention
• Open agreement secretly arrived
at--Washington's plea
• Intent of the Convention:
– Economic -- protect property
rights and make America safe
from democracy.
– Idealistic--make a perfect
– Pragmatic--dealing with the
question of sovereignty.
Placing common interests
over regional or personal
The Participants
• 55 delegates from 12 states
– Young (average age 42)
– professional (over half were lawyers)
– men of economic substance (remember it’s a
volunteer job!)
– Many were Revolutionary War veterans
– Absent: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,
Patrick Henry, other Revolutionary War heroes.
• The “Big Names” who went in with
– 1) Washington--president of the convention
– 2) Madison--researched every previous republic
• a) Large republic is not only possible, it's
• b) Popularly elected officials with sovereignty in
the hands of the people, not the states
– 3) Franklin--81 years old. The steadying
influence. Sick, old, but well-respected by all.
The Compromises
• Virginia Plan or Large States Plan
– (Edmund Randolph)
– 2 house legislature with representation based on
population for both
– President and courts chosen by legislature
• New Jersey Plan or Small States Plan
(William Patterson)
Congress with each state having 1 vote (like AOC)
separate executive and judicial branches
increased powers of Congress
• Great Compromise (Connecticut Plan)
– Bicameral legislature representing both people and
– Lower house membership dependent on population
– Upper house with two members from each state
– All revenue bills must begin in lower house
• Three-Fifths Compromise
• Non-slavery states wanted slaves counted for
taxation, but not representation and wanted an end to
importation of slaves
• Slave states wanted slaves counted for
representation, but not taxation and no interference
with slave trade by the federal government
• 60% of slaves counted for representation and taxation;
• no Congressional interference with slavery for 20
• Commerce Compromise
• Cotton and tobacco producing states wanted
restriction of taxes on exports and all commerce bills
to be passed by a two-thirds vote of Congress
• Northern industrial states wanted federal tariffs to
keep up out cheaper European products and raise
revenues for the government.
• no tax on exports,
• simple majority needed to pass commerce bills
Only 9 of the 13 were needed for the Constitution to take effect
Because of opposition from state legislatures, conventions
elected by the people were given authority to approve or reject
Federalists vs. Antifederalists
– Most Federalists were wealthy and well-educated and sought the
creation of a more powerful central government
– Most Antifederalists were farmers who were loyal primarily to their
state governments
• Feared taxation power of federal government
• Republican government could not rule a large nation
Federalist Papers
Promise of Bill of Rights added to the Constitution helped
persuade opponents to ratify it.
New York – Jay, Hamilton, Madison
Written to convince NY to ratify!
most influential political literature of the time
Argued that limitations on governmental power were built into the
– Need for strength to earn respect abroad