Transcript File

AIM: How did the threat of “mutally assured destruciton” (MAD)
affect the Cold War?
1. Why were the 1950s considered “dangerous years?”
2. What role did the idea of freedom and human rights play in Cold war ideologies?
Dulles’ Diplomacy
Sec. Of State John Foster Dulles – 1954
Foreign Policy: Instead of “containing”
communism, we’ll “rollback” communism
1. Massive Retaliation: creates the
Strategic Air Command (SAC); a plan in
which Eisenhower would set aside the
army and the navy to build up an air fleet
of super-bombers equipped with nuclear
2. “Brinkmanship”: going to the brink of
war without actually getting into war
• this policy would allow President
Eisenhower to threaten countries
such as the Soviet Union and
China with nuclear weapons.
Geneva Summit Conference , 1955
•Geneva, Switzerland
•Eisenhower & new leader Nikita
•“Open Skies”: proposed treaty
that would allow each side to
fly over the other’s territory
to learn more about its
military abilities.
•Peace negotiations were
Fall of Indochina : Cold War Rivalries
•nationalist movements tried to
throw the French out of
Indochina US becomes more
•North Vietnam under
communist control
•South Vietnam democratic
gov’t- was supported by the
United States
•Eisenhower believed in
domino theory- if one country
fell to communism, its
neighbors would soon follow.
•Dien Bien Phu (1954): France defeated after
Eisenhower refuses to send in troops to help
the French army who was trapped by Viet Minh
guerilla forces
•Vietnam divided: North Vietnam (Communist)
and South Vietnam divided at the 17th parallel
The division was to be temporary—an
election would allow the Vietnamese to
choose a government pro-western gov’t
established in Saigon where elections
were held
•The United States and its anti-Communist
allies created the Southeast Asia Treaty
Organization, or SEATO.
•Agreed to work together to resist
Communist aggression
•United States provided much military and
economic support to this government
•1955, West Germany was let into NATO
•1955, the Eastern European countries and the Soviets signed the Warsaw
Pact- collective defense treaty
The Middle East
Suez Crisis (1956):
President Nasser of
Egypt was seeking funds
to build a dam on the Nile
River  after US refuses
turns to SU
•After associating with
the communists, pulled
back U.S. monetary aid
for Egypt.
•Britain, France, Israel
attack Egypt
Eisenhower Doctrine, 1957
•Pledged U.S. military and economic aid to Middle Eastern
nations threatened by communist aggression.
•US influence in the Middle East via Israel vs. Soviet influence
in Egypt and Syria
•October 4, 1957: Sputnik I
•November: Sputnik II,
carrying a dog.
•superior industrial
production lay through
•National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
(NASA) created
•Fidel Castro (Cuba, 1959)
overthrew U.S.-supported Cuban
•In 1961, America broke
diplomatic relations with Cuba.
•Cuba’s left-wing dictatorship quickly
had the possibility to become a
military satellite for the Soviet
Speaking before the UN General Assembly
What did Khruschev mean by this statement?