Korean War - ebruggeman

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Korean War
By:Colby Letwak
Mikel Kanoza
Period 3
Tensions Leading up to Korean
• Political tensions were building in Korea
during the 1940’s.
• Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to 1945 until
the United States and the Soviet Union
drove them out at the end of WWII.
• By 1945 the Allies had divided Korea
into the North and South.
The Key Players During the Korean
• Kim II Sung- North
Korean Communist
• Stalin- Communist
Dictator of Russia.
• Mao Tse TungCommunist dictator of
• Harry Truman- The
President of the United
States from 1945 to
• Syngham Rhee- Leader
of South Korea.
• Douglas MacArthurLeading commander of
U.S Army.
Separation of Korea
• The 38th parallel was a geographic
boundary that divided North Korea and
South Korea.
U.S Involvement
• The U.S became
involved because
they believed South
Korea would fall to
• The U.S helped
build up South
Korean Military until
1949 when the
Soviets withdrew
from North Korea.
The Invasion
• When the North Korean Army attacked
South Korea on June,25,1950, they
outnumbered South Korea 5-1.
• When it was clear that the North
Koreans would reach Seoul, the U.S
began to evacuate important figures.
South Korean Help
• South Korea
received help from
the UN because
North Korea was
the aggressor.
• The U.S offered
the most help to
South Korea along
with 15 other
South Korean Advance
• When the U.S and
UN started to help
South Korea they
pushed back North
Korea to the 38th
parallel, recapturing
North Korea + China = Trouble
• China eventually helped out North Korea.
• General MacArthur called for more U.S
involvement by:
– Invading China
– And blockading the China coast.
• The U.S was hesitant to do so because
they feared that the Soviet Union would
join the North.
Truman VS. Macarthur
• Truman did not
believe in
Macarthur's views
on the war.
• Macarthur was
removed from his
position by Truman,
when the war had
become a stalemate
in 1951.
Wars End
• Eisenhower became president in the 1952
election because he promised to end the
Korean War.
• The Korean War ended on July,7, 1953
when Eisenhower signed an armistice .
• The 38th parallel was agreed upon to
remain the splitting point of North +
South Korea, and still is today.
• U.S
• 53,000 dead
• 103,000
• Korea + China
• Over 1 million
• Why was General Macarthur fired from his
position in the U.S Army?
• Why did the United States join the Korean
• Why were North Korea and South Korea
• http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/kowar/
• http://www.korean-war.com/
• http://amhist.ist.unomaha.edu/module_files/The
• http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.kor
• http://www.a2zcds.com/SiteImages/Rememberin
• http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/