Chapter 1 Lesson 2

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Transcript Chapter 1 Lesson 2

How did the Civil War affect the landscape of the South?
The war ravaged the land of the South and left a great deal of physical destruction.
What might have been the lasting effects of the devastation in the South?
the need to rebuild homes, businesses, roads, rails, and other structures; difficulties
growing crops on damaged land; economic struggles and setbacks; and lingering
unhappiness and bitterness toward the North.
Reconstruction Amendments
 Thirteenth Amendment This amendment
outlawed slavery in the United States.
 Fourteenth Amendment This amendment
guaranteed citizenship to all people born or
naturalized in the United States. It also guaranteed
due process and equal protection under the law to
all citizens.
 Fifteenth Amendment This amendment extended
the right to vote to African American men.
Reconstruction in the South
 Freedmen’s Bureau The Freedmen’s Bureau operated
throughout the South to ease the transition to freedom for
formerly enslaved people. It also provided food, clothing,
and support for war refugees.
 Scalawags and carpetbaggers Northerners who traveled
to the South to take part in business or politics became
known as carpetbaggers. Southerners who worked to help
Reconstruction, by helping Northern lawmakers and
military authorities, were known as scalawags.
 African Americans in politics Because African
Americans could vote, they had greater political power.
Many African Americans were elected to state legislatures
and even Congress.
 Compromise of 1877 Reconstruction ended when Hayes
became president after a disputed electoral vote in the
election of 1876.
How did Reconstruction
change the South?
 Republicans and African Americans had
more political power.
 What was the significance of the
Compromise of 1877?
 The compromise installed Hayes as
president, but also resulted in the end of
Reconstruction in the South
Reconstruction Refugees
 Between 1866 and 1885, approximately
4,000 Confederates fled the Deep South
rather than live under Reconstruction.
Unable to accept the changes in their lives
wrought by the war and Reconstruction,
they emigrated to Brazil. They were drawn
by promises of cheap land, a booming
cotton industry, and the existence of slavery,
which was tolerated in Brazil until 1888.
What were the successes and
failures of Reconstruction?
 Write a short essay on the successes and
failures of Reconstruction.