ensure domestic tranquility

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Constitution Notes
Constitution: A plan of government, often
written, that details the rules, functions,
institutions, and principles of that
US Constitution
The US Constitution consists of a preamble,
seven articles, twenty-seven
The US Constitution was primarily written by
Governeur Morris.
The US Constitution was written between
May 25 – Sep 17, 1787.
We the people of the United States in order to
create a more perfect union, establish justice,
ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common defense, promote the general welfare
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves
and our posterity do ordain and establish this
constitution for the United States of America.
Article 1: Establish and empower the Legislative branch
Article 2: Establish and empower the Executive branch
Article 3: Establish and empower the Judicial Branch
Article 4: Relations between the states
Article 5: Changing and amending the constitution
Article 6: a. Debts
b. National Supremacy Clause
c. Oaths
Article 7: Ratification
The first ten amendments of the US
Constitution are collectively known
as the Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights
1st Amendment - Freedom of Expression
a) Freedom of Speech
b) Freedom of Religion
c) Freedom of the Press
d) Right to Assemble
e) Right to seek Redress for Grievances
Bill of Rights
2nd Amendment - Right to Keep and
Bear Arms
Bill of Rights
Amendment - Ban on
Quartering of Troops in Private
Bill of Rights
4th Amendment - Right to Privacy
Bill of Rights
5th Amendment - Rights of the Accused
a) Must be indicted
b) Ban on Double Jeopardy
c) May not be forced to testify
against oneself
d) Guaranteed Due-Process
e) Right to eminent domain
Bill of Rights
6th Amendment - Rights of the Defendant in a
Criminal Trial
a) Speedy and public trial by jury in the
district where the crime was committed
b) Be told of all crimes
c) Right to cross-examine all witnesses
d) Right to compel witnesses
e) Right to counsel
Bill of Rights
7th Amendment - Rights of the Defendant in
a Civil Trial
a) Right to a trial by jury
b) Right to not be retried
Bill of Rights
8th Amendment - Ban on Cruel and Unusual
Punishment and on Excessive
Bill of Rights
9th Amendment - Unremunerated or
Unwritten rights
Bill of Rights
10th Amendment - Reserved Powers
Other Amendments
Civil War Amendments
13th Amendment - Freed Slaves
14th Amendment - Made former slaves
citizens of the US
15th Amendment – Guaranteed former male
slaves the right to vote
Other Amendments
Progressive Movement Amendments
16th Amendment – Allowed Income Tax
17th Amendment – Allowed for the Direct
election of Senators
18th Amendment – Established Prohibition
19th Amendment – Allowed Women
Other Amendments
21st Amendment - Repealed Prohibition
22nd Amendment - Presidential Term
23rd Amendment – Banned Poll Taxes
25th Amendment – Presidential Succession
26th Amendment – 18 year old suffrage