What were the failures and successes of the Articles of Confederation?

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Transcript What were the failures and successes of the Articles of Confederation?

Aim #16: What were the
weaknesses and successes of
the Articles of Confederation?
DO NOW: Have out Shays’ Rebellion HW
I. Significance of the Peace Treaty of
Paris 1783 was that:
a. The American Revolutionary War was
formally ended and the British
acknowledged the independence of the
United States
b. American gained all land east of the
Mississippi; Spain regained Florida;
England kept Canada
c. England agreed to remove its army and
colonists agreed to pay back debts (neither
happened quickly)
(II) Background to Articles
a. Growth of nationalism after war
b. Common sacrifices, experiences
and battles help to solidify America
c. Most colonists see themselves as
citizens of their states, not as
d. Need for first written Constitution
to govern new country
III. Flaws in the Structure of Articles
a. One branch of government (only legislative);
called unicameral (one house); no executive
b. National government lacked power to tax (had to
ask states for money)
c. National government lacked the power to regulate
both interstate trade and international trade
d. 9 of 13 states had to agree in order for law to be
e. 13 out of 13 (unanimous) states had to agree in
order to amend the Articles
f. Each state had their own currency
g. No national army
f. Each state had one vote in Congress, regardless of
size of its population
So…although Rhode Island has much smaller population than
Virginia, each state had equal vote
Discussion questions
1. Why do you think the only powers
specifically granted to the national
government were declaring war,
conducting foreign affairs and making
2. What do you think was the most
significant flaw in the Articles? Why?
3. Why do you think the Articles were
crafted in a way to give states all the
IV. Strengths
a. Land Ordinance of 1785: sold land west
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
b. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Statehood achieved in three stages:
1. Congress appointed 3 judges & a governor to govern
the territory.
2. When population reached 5,000 adult male
landowners  elect territorial legislature.
3. When population reached 60,000  elect delegates to
a state constitutional convention.
The United States in 1787
V. Economic Challenges
a. Each state could coin their own $
(different values to $)
b. Each state could imposed tariffs on
other states (discourages trade)
c. Congress had no power to tax
VI. Foreign Challenges
a. Britain encouraged Native Americans
to attack colonists (Gave them
b. Impressment of American sailors into
British navy (kidnapping) – will be one
cause of War of 1812
c. British did not leave their posts
(troops remained in U.S.)
d. Barbary pirates from Africa disrupted
e. France: close off trade in W. Indies
(wants to be repaid from Rev. War)
VII. Shays’ Rebellion: 1786-7
Shays’ Rebellion: 1786-7
There could be no stronger
evidence of the want of
energy in our governments
than these disorders.
-- George Washington
(VIII) Annapolis Convention (1786)
a. 12 representatives from 5 states
[NY, NJ, PA, DE, VA]
b. GOAL  address barriers that limited
trade and commerce between the states.
c. Not enough states were represented to
make any real progress.
d. Sent a report to the Congress to call a
meeting of all the states to meet in
Philadelphia to examine areas broader than
just trade and commerce.
e. Led to Constitutional Convention in
Philadelphia 1787 to amend Articles