Transcript Document

Qualitative Research: An Overview
Quantitative research
• Representative: Results are representative
of some known universe
• Reliability: Results are the result of
standardized application; quality does not
vary much by skills of researcher
• Replicability
• Socializing/ teaching questionnaire: forcing
• One-shot interaction
• Speedy production
Example of quantitative question
55. Actualmente, ¿qué tan peligroso es cruzar la frontera, sin papeles?
Muy peligroso
Algo peligroso
Poco peligroso
Nada peligroso
Qualitative research
High-quality data about a few cases
Informal, conversational, naturalistic
Partial insider
Detail/ nuance
Explanation of mechanisms
Member’s meanings (emic over etic
• Emotion, subjectivity
• Potentially multiple interactions with subject
Examples of qualitative questions
• Hablando de su experiencia más reciente
cruzando la frontera…
– ¿Con quién cruzó la frontera?
– ¿Cómo consiguió su coyote?
– ¿Cómo les fue en el viaje?
– Con todo lo que conoce, y todo lo que le pasó,
¿volvería a hacerlo otra vez? ¿Por qué?
A research question best answered with
quantitative data
• Do Tunkaseños who have lived in the United
States for more than 5 years have higher
rates of diabetes than Tunkaseños who have
lived in the United States for fewer than 5
A research question best answered with
qualitative data
• Why do Tunkaseños who have lived in the
United States for more than 5 years have
higher rates of diabetes than Tunkaseños
who have lived in the United States for fewer
than 5 years?
MMFRP qualitative interviews
• Semi-structured interview guide for each group (~
20 questions)
• Plan who you intend to interview:
– Key informants; experts; ordinary people
– Don’t be afraid to take advantage of opportunistic
• When possible, record with digital recorder
• You will transcribe recordings in San Diego and
make the transcriptions available to the team
• Most qualitative interviews in second half of
• Quantitative and qualitative research offer
very different modes of thought
• The best approach to take depends on the
question being answered
• In your final analysis, you can combine both
quantitative and qualitative data to make a
compelling argument