The Circulatory System part 2

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Transcript The Circulatory System part 2

Carries oxygen from lungs to body cells and
carbon dioxide from cells to lungs
Carries waste products to kidneys
Carries nutrients to body cells
Fights infection and helps heal wounds
(it’s 8% of your body mass, and adults
have about 5L of it!)
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Liquid part of blood made mostly of water
Half the volume of blood
Nutrients, minerals, and oxygen are dissolved
in plasma to be carried to body cells
Carries waste to kidneys to be disposed
5 million red blood cells in 1 cubic mm of blood
No nuclei
Contain hemoglobin: molecule that carries
oxygen and carbon dioxide
Last about 120 days
2-3 million cells are made in your bone marrow
each second
5,000 – 10,000 cells per cubic mm of blood
Fight bacteria and viruses that invade body
Body reacts to invaders (illness) by creating
more of them
Can last a few days or many months
Irregularly shaped cell fragments that help clot
When you cut yourself, platelets stick to wound and
release chemicals that form clot to plug blood vessel
 Allow skin to repair itself without losing more blood
400,000 in one cubic mm of blood
Live for 5-9 days
Universal donor: O (has no antigens, so it
doesn’t cause other blood types to clot)
Universal receiver: AB
Protein present in red blood cells of most
Represented by + or –
+ means you have the Rh factor, - means you don’t
People with Rh- blood can’t get transfusions
from Rh+ blood – will produce antibodies that
lead to clotting
If a mom with Rh- blood is pregnant with baby
with Rh+ blood, she must receive injections to
prevent production of antibodies that fight Rh+
Anemia: problem with red blood cells stops body
tissues from getting enough oxygen to function
Possible causes: large loss of blood, diet lacking iron, side
effect of other disease (Celiac)
Sickle-cell anemia: red blood cells are C-shaped
instead of disc-shaped and don’t move easily
through blood vessels, causing clotting
Leukemia: white blood cells are made in excessive
Cells are immature and don’t fight infection well
Fill bone marrow and crowd out normal cells
Pretend you are Miss Frizzle. Take the class on
a tour of the circulatory system with the Magic
School Bus.
Must be original, not just imitating the actual magic
school bus video
 Can work in group of 3 max.
Pretend you just got a job for WebMD. Create
the FAQ page for someone who wants to know
more about their circulatory system or about a
specific illness related to circulation and blood.
Minimum of 8 FAQ and answers written in complete
Lymph: tissue fluid that has diffused into
Found in between cells
Made mostly of water and dissolved
Contains lymphocytes: white blood cell that
helps your body fight off disease
The lymphatic system is responsible for
removing fluid from the body’s cells
Carries lymph through network of lymph
capillaries and vessels, and drains it into large
veins near the heart
No heart-like structure to pump lymph –
moves because of smooth muscle contractions
Lymph passes through lymph nodes before it
enters blood
Lymph nodes: bean-shaped organs throughout
the body that filter out microorganisms and
foreign materials
Lymph nodes fill with lymphocytes when you
fight an infection
Become red, warm, and sensitive to touch
Tonsils: back of throat, protect body from
harm entering through the mouth
Thymus: located behind sternum, makes
Spleen: located behind stomach, filters old red
blood cells from blood