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31-2 Birds
*Ornithology is the
study of birds
1. Forelimbs modified into wings
2. Feathers
3. Hollow, lightweight bones
4. Endothermic
5. Efficient respiration
6. Heart with a completely divided ventricle (4
7. Scaley feet (birds are related to reptiles)
8. Furculum (wishbone)
Kingdom Animalia
---Phylum Chordata
------Subphylum Vertebrata
---------Class Aves
Aviation = flight
Types of feathers
Down feathers - provide insulation
* birds are endothermic
Contour feathers cover head and
body, provide
Flight feathers - on
wings and tail,
provide lift
Feathers are covered in oil to keep them
waterproof - secreted from a preen gland
Camera mounted on an eagle’s back.
Evolution of Birds (from reptiles)
●Archaeopteryx - “ancient wing”
●Reptile like - Had teeth, bony tail,
claws on wings
●Bird like = Had feathers,
& fused collarbone
Adaptations for flight:
●Efficient digestive, respiratory, and circulatory
●Aerodynamic feathers and wings
●Strong, lightweight bones
●Strong chest muscles
Bones are shaped
different in birds.
1. Furculum
2. Keel shaped sternum
But they have all the same bones
as other vertebrates.
3. Tailbone
for feather
Does a bird’s knees point backwards?
Quick Check - What do you remember about birds?
1. The study of birds is called
a. herpetology
b. myxomycology
c. ornithology
d. aviology
2. The word “archaeopteryx” means:
a. “dino-bird”
b. “ancient wing”
c. “toothy bird”
d. “mean beak”
3. What type of feathers are used for insulation? _____________
4. The wishbone of the bird is called the ___________________
5. Unlike modern birds, the archeopteryx had:
a. feathers
b. scales
c. 2 sets of wings
6. The sternum of a bird is shaped like a:
a. keel
b. heart
c. disk
d. teeth
d. trapezoid
7. Birds keep their feathers waterproof by using a __________ gland.
8. Colored feathers on a bird’s head and body are called ___________ feathers.
-- shape of the beak
related to food
- Hooked beaks used
for tearing meat
- Long sharp beaks for
spearing fish
The shape of a
beak and type of
feet a bird has
can tell you much
about its lifestyle
What do you think
this bird eats?
How does its feet
help it in its
Digestive System
●Birds lack teeth
●Crop stores and moistens food
●Gizzard grinds the food
Some birds will use their
beaks to tear food into bits,
most of these chunks of
flesh are swallowed whole
Other systems
●Mouth --> trachea --> air sacs --> lungs
●4 chambered heart (double-loop system)
●Kidneys (uric acid) & Cloaca
Nervous System - response
●Well developed sense organs
●A large brain
●Cerebrum = thinking, decision making
●Cerebellum = coordinated movement
●Medulla oblongata = basic body process
●Optic lobes = vision
●Olfactory lobes = taste and smell
Forelimbs modified for
flight = wings
Collarbones are fused
making a strong base for
flight muscles - fused
bone is the furculum
Like other animals,
birds uses their
KIDNEYS to filter
waste from the blood.
Urine often mixes with
solid wastes as it
leaves the body
through the cloaca.
This caterpillar looks
like bird poop.
Excellent camouflage!
●Internal Fertilization + Amniote Egg
●Incubation in a nest
●“egg tooth”
Many baby birds are born
helpless and without
feathers. These baby
birds require lots of care
from their parents.
Some babies hatch with feathers and can follow
their mom around, swim and eat on their own.
Some babies IMPRINT on the first thing they see.
Whooping crane with human foster parents, David Attenborough
Bird Groups
Song Birds (most numerous)
Wading Birds (long legs)
Falcons (raptors)
Water Birds (webbed feet)
Running (flightless) Birds
Fowl (chickens)
+ Many other groups
Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Bird Myths
If you touch a baby bird, the mother won’t take
it back
Reality – most birds have a poor sense of
smell, there may be other reasons why mom
has rejected the baby
Turkeys can’t fly.
Reality - wild turkeys can fly, just not long distances.
Another myth is that turkeys drown in the rain, that
one is also untrue.