Transcript Veins

Veins and Arteries
Smooth muscle: no striations,
uninucleated, spindle shaped
Veins and Arteries
Arterioles, Venules, and Capillaries
The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System
I. System Overview
A. Function: A closed system of dynamic tubes responsible for
the transportation of blood to lungs, heart, and body tissues.
There are over 65,000 miles of vessels in your body!
The Circulatory System
System Overview
B. System Organs: Blood Vessels
carry blood away from the heart
smaller branches of arteries
site of nutrient/gas exchange
smaller branches of veins
carry blood to the heart
Figure 13.6
The Circulatory System
II. Anatomy of a Blood Vessel
A. Blood vessel walls consist of three layers:
1. Tunica Intima-inner layer
• smooth surface
• minimizes friction
2. Tunica Media-middle layer
• composed of smooth
• regulates size of lumen
3. Tunica Adventitia-outer layer
• made of collagen fibers
• protects and connects
Figure 13.17
*The interior of a blood vessel is called the lumen.
The Circulatory System
III. Characteristics of Arteries
A. Large muscular walls
Controls blood flow by vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
Prevents walls from bursting as arteries experience high blood pressure
because they are closer to heart.
B. Elastic walls
Allows for vessels to stretch to
withstand pressure fluctuations.
Allows for blood to flow
continuously through artery.
The Circulatory System
IV. Characteristics of Veins
A. Thin walls
Veins experience lower pressure so there is less chance of bursting.
B. Adaptations to aid blood return to the heart
Lumen is large to reduce friction in blood flow.
Valves are present in limbs to aid in movement against gravity.
The Circulatory System
V. Characteristics of Capillaries
A. Very thin walls
One cell thick walls allow for easy gas and nutrient exchange.
B. Regulates blood flow throughout the body
Sphincters regulate blood entry into capillary beds, increasing or
decreasing volume of blood in certain regions.
Figure 13.19
The Circulatory System
VI. Atherosclerotic Artery
Figure 13.A
The Circulatory System
VI. Varicose Veins