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Transcript breathing_thru_Gills

How do different animals breathe?
 Lungs
eg. Man, whale, seal, bat, snake, dog, cow
 Moist skin
eg. Frogs, toads, salamander, earthworm
 Gills
eg. Fish, tadpole, mudskipper
 Breathing tube
eg. Wriggler, water stick insect
 Breathing holes
eg. Ant, dragonfly
Breathing Underwater
All animals breathe to obtain oxygen for their bodies and to expel carbon dioxide.
Animals which live underwater have no problem in expelling carbon dioxide
because it dissolves very easily in water. Their problem is how to obtain enough
The amount of oxygen dissolved in the water depends upon the water temperature
but, in general, we can say that if the water is at 15°C there is 30 times more
oxygen in the air than in water.
 If the animal is not very active it could
breathe through its skin as earthworms
do on land. If, however, the animal is
very active it may find that the skin
does not let enough oxygen into the
body. Animals which swim a lot need a
considerable amount of oxygen to
make the muscles work.
More oxygen can enter the body if the
skin has a greater surface. The skin
can be given a bigger surface by
making it stick out of the body as folds
and projections. A gill is created when
these folds and projections are given a
blood supply.
Because this type of gill sticks out into
the water we call it an external gill. You
can imagine that this type of gill could
get in the way or be damaged if the
animal moves around a lot.
 Fishes have internal
gills which are
covered by an
operculum. To get
enough oxygen the
fish must make water
flow across its gills.
The fish does not
breathe water in and
out of its mouth.
 The drawing shows
the water entering the
fish's mouth and
crossing the gills.
The above image is a close-up of one of the thin channels in the fish's gills.The
channel that the water flows through is surrounded by blood vessels, that flow in
the opposite direction. The oxygen leaves the water, and goes into the blood.
From there, it is carried all around the body of the fish!
 You can see that the
fish's gills are feathery,
which gives them a
large surface. The gills
also come in several
layers. They can be very
efficient at extracting
oxygen from the water,
allowing some fish to be
very fast swimmers.
gill rakers
gill arch
gill filaments
 Like humans, fish have water-proof skin. This
means they can't breathe through their skin like
some other animals, like amphibians. Lungs
don't work well in water, because it takes too
much energy to move the water in and out of
them. Instead, fish use their gills to get oxygen.
Fish have a heart and circulatory system that is
similar to that of humans, and it carries oxygen
around to all the cells, just like in our bodies!
Neat Stuff
 If there's oxygen in the water, then why
can't humans breathe water? Because
oxygen has to move from the water into
our blood, which is much slower than
when oxygen moves from the air into our
blood. Gills are specialized to handle this
slow movement, but our lungs can't pick
up oxygen from the water fast enough to
keep us alive, which is why we drown if we
try to breathe water.
Resource :
Many aquatic invertebrates also have gills. Crustaceans, such as
the crab, and molluscs, such as the mussel breathe using gills.
A mussel also uses its gills for
feeding. As the mussel sucks
water into its shell to breathe,
microscopic plankton which it
filters and sends to its mouth.
In this way a large mussel
may pass 2,5 dm3 of water
across its gills in an hour.
The Tracheal Gill
The young larvae of aquatic insects
also have a kind of gill combined
with their tracheal system. It is
called a tracheal gill.
The insects do not have blood vessels
passing through their gills, they have
tracheae instead. These tracheae are filled
with air just like the tracheae of air-breathing
insects. They do not, however, open onto the
outside world through spiracles. Instead they
are completely closed off. Oxygen passes
from the water, crossing the gills, and then
moves into the air filled tracheae. From there
the gas is transported around the body in the
tracheal system.
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Breathing through skin :