Cnidarians etc

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Transcript Cnidarians etc

• Cnidarian means Thistle
• Referring to the stinging cells (nematocysts) that
all members possess
• All aquatic
• Radial symmetry
• Body has a single opening through which food and
wastes pass
• Has a gastrovascular cavity where digestion
Gastrovascular cavity
• Some can move around, others are sessile
• Two tissue layers, the ectoderm(outer) and the
endoderm ( inside)
• Simple nervous system and muscle tissue
• Reproduce asexually by budding and sexually by
producing gametes. Cnidarians are
Hydra, Jellyfish, Sea anemones, Coral
Means flat and wide
Simplest animals with bilateral symmetry
Have organs and organ systems
Have an anterior end and so move in a forward
3 tissue layers: endoderm, mesoderm and
Lack a body cavity
Some have a primitive brain and sensory organs
Planarians are free-living, while tape worms and
flukes are parasites
Reproduce sexually and asexually
Planaria, tape worms and flukes
Nematode Worms
Means thread-like
Commonly called roundworm
Some are free-living and some parasitic
Distinct head and organ systems
Tube within a tube body plan
Has a pseudo coelom (body cavity)
Sexual reproduction
Some species are hermaphrodites
• Annelida means ring
• Referring to the body being segmented into
repeating units
• The only group of segmented worms
• They live on land and in water
• They have complete digestion, a closed circulatory
system, a ventral nerve cord, a nephridial
excretory system, and a true body cavity
• Digestion is extracellular ( in special compartment
in the body, not in cells)
• Sexual reproduction, internal fertilization, some
are hermaphrodites
True body cavity
Earthworms, clamworms, leeches
• In 1994, a woman's scalp was ripped off
when her hair was yanked into moving
machinery. Doctors performing micro-surgery
at the University of Southern California
reattached the scalp, but one area swelled
with congested blood. They applied leeches,
one at a time for eight days, to suck up
stagnant blood. Eventually new capillaries, or
tiny blood vessels, formed in the scalp
wound, leading to healing circulation.
Means soft-bodied
Most live in water, a few (slugs) live on land
Most have an internal or external shell
Have a mantle (fold in the body wall that lines the shell)
Muscular foot and/or tentacles
All except bivlaves have a radula and a well-developed
• Most have an open circulatory system, some have closed
• Many respire using gills, slugs use a hole in the side of
their head and breath through their skin
• Gums to bums digestion
The most successful phylum (106 to 107 species)
Means “jointed foot” but have jointed appendages
Very diverse group
Reproduce sexually, most have separate sexes
Rigid, jointed exoskeleton provides a waterproof protective
armor, a site for muscle attachment, protection from drying
Well developed nervous system
Most have an open circulatory system, breath using gills,
trachea, book lungs
Well developed excretory system ( kidneys)
One way digestive system
Means spiny skinned
Most advanced group of invertebrates
Radial symmetry
Digestion is extracellular, one way digestive system
Reproduction is sexual, asexual powers of regeneration
Does not have a centralized nervous system
Has an endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate plates
Water -vascular system with “tube feet”helps catch food,
with movement and gas exchange