Birds and Fish

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and Fish
Lateral line
Two chambered heart
Gills used for respiration
No external ears
No eye lids
• warm blooded (endothermic)
• vertebrates (they have a backbone and an internal skeleton)
• breathe using lungs (not gills)
an outer covering of feathers - this feature is not shared with any other vertebrate
reproduce by laying eggs
Reproduction system
•Fish-A fish reproduces sexually. The female lays eggs
outside her body and then a male comes along and sprays
a liquid called milt which has many sperm cells. The eggs
are then fertilized. The eggs contain yolk that feeds the
young fish in the egg and some stays on to feed the fish
after it hatches. A few fish carry their eggs in their bodies
until birth.
•Bird-The fertilized ovum forms the nucleus of the egg,
which will be equipped with a food source (the yolk) and a
protective shell before laying.Certain domesticated birds
like chickens and ducks regularly lay eggs without receiving
sperm from the male - the eggs we buy in the grocery
stores are unfertilized eggs.
Digestive system
Fish- ingest food through the mouth and break it down in
the esophagus. In the stomach, food is further digested
and, in many fish, processed in finger-shaped pouches
called pyloric caeca, which secrete digestive enzymes and
absorb nutrients.
Bird-The digestive process is as follows:- The food taken
into the mouth is swallowed and passes through the
oesophagus into the stomach, assisted in its descent by
the secretions of the salivary and mucous glands. When
there is a Crop, it is therein mixed with saliva and water,
and assisted by the heat of the body is softened aud acted
upon in a preliminary way.
Fish- has a brain and a nervous system. Its eyes are
positioned on either side of its body and are quite large,
with no eyelid. Their retinas have both rods and cones.
They have large pupils that let in a great deal of light. They
have an inner ear but no outer ear opening. Since their
bodies are the same consistency as water. Sound in water
travels four times as fast as in the air.
Birds -have a three part brain composed of a section for
olfaction, optics, and hearing. The relative proportions of
each of these sections vary with the ecology of the bird. For
example, birds such as vultures and falcons, whom detect
low levels of methane gas, have a large olfactory section to
their brains.
• Fish possess the simplest type of
true heart – a two-chambered
organ composed of one atrium
and one ventricle. .
• Bird's hearts have four chambers
– two atria and two ventricles.