Reptile Classification notes

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• Members of this class were the first vertebrates to
have amniotic eggs.
• These eggs have extra membranes that protect the
embryo from drying out, it cushions the embryo,
helps with gas transfer, and stores waste materials.
• They also have leathery, hard shells that protect
the developing embryo, albumen that provides
moisture and nutrients, and yolk that supplies
• All of these features are adaptations for
development on land.
• Reptiles are characterized by a skull with one
surface for attaching to the first neck vertebra;
respiration by lungs, kidneys, internal fertilization,
and amniotic eggs.
• They also have dry skin with keratin scales.
• Keratin is a protein that helps prevent water loss.
• Members of 3 of the 4 orders live on all continents
except Antarctica.
• Reptiles are a dominant part of ecosystems only in
tropical and subtropical regions.
• The 4 orders are:
• Members of this order are the turtles.
• There are about 225 species.
• They have a bony shell, limbs that attach internally
to the ribs, and a keratin beak instead of teeth.
• The dorsal portion of the shell is called the
carapace and the ventral portion of the shell is
called the plastron.
• In some turtles, the shell has flexible areas, or
hinges, that allow the front and back edges of the
plastron to be raised.
• The hinge allows the shell opening to close when
the turtle goes into the shell.
• Turtles have 8 cervical vertebrae that form an Slike shape, which allows the head to go into the
• Turtles have long life spans.
• Most live over 14 years.
• Large tortoises, like those on the Galapagos
Islands, may live over 100 years.
• Tortoises are entirely terrestrial and do not have
webbed feet.
• All turtles lay eggs.
• Females use their hindlimbs to dig nests in the soil.
• They lay eggs and cover them with dirt, usually in
clutches of 5-100 eggs.
• Development takes from 4 weeks to 1 year, and the
parent does not attend the eggs during this time.
• The young are independent of their parents when
they hatch.
• Turtles have become very vulnerable to extinction
because of slow rates of growth and long juvenile
• Turtle hunting and young turtles being eaten have
severely threatened some species—especially the
sea turtles that nest on certain beaches each year.
• The 2 surviving species of this order are the
• These are lizard-like reptiles.
• Tooth attachment and structure make them
different from other reptiles.
• 2 rows of teeth on the upper jaw and a single row
of teeth on the lower jaw cause a bite that can
decapitate a small bird.
• Tuataras are only found on remote islands of New
Zealand and are protected by law.
• They lay eggs and share underground burrows with
• They will come out of their burrows at dusk and
dawn to feed.
• They will eat insects and some small vertebrates.
• This order is divided into 3 sub-orders.
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• There are about 3300 species of lizard in this
• Different than snakes, lizards usually have 2 pairs
of legs and have some differences in their jaws.
• Lizards vary in length from a few centimeters to as
long as 3 meters.
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• Many lizards live on the surface and will hide under
rocks or logs when necessary.
• Others are burrowers or tree-dwellers.
• Most lizards lay eggs; some have eggs that develop
internally and are fed by the egg; some have eggs
that develop internally and are fed by the female.
• They will usually put eggs under rocks or debris or
in burrows.
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• Geckos, common to human dwellings, are short and
• They are nocturnal, and unlike most lizards, are
capable of clicking sounds.
• They have large eyes that are adapted for night
• They also have adhesive disks on their feet to help
cling to trees and walls.
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• Iguanas have robust bodies, short necks, and very
distinct heads.
• This group includes the marine iguanas of
Galapagos Islands and the flying dragons (Draco) of
Southeast Asia.
• The flying dragons have folds of skin supported by
• Like an umbrella, the ribs can expand to form a
gliding surface.
• When this lizard launches, it can glide 30 meters or
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• Another group of iguanas, the chameleons, live
mainly in Africa and India.
• They are adapted to tree-living and use a long,
sticky tongue to capture prey.
• Anolis, or the “pet store” chameleon, is also an
iguana, but is not a true chameleon.
• Chameleons and Anolis are well known for their
ability to change color in response to light,
temperature, or their behavior condition.
Suborder Sauria (lizards)
• The only venomous lizards are the Gila monster
(Heloderma suspectum) and the Mexican bearded
lizard (Heloderma horridum).
• These heavy lizards are native to southwestern
United States.
• Venom is released into grooves on the surface of
the teeth and injected into prey as they chew.
• Lizard bites are seldom fatal to humans.
Suborder Serpentes (snakes)
• There are about 2300 species of snake.
• About 300 species are venomous.
• Worldwide, about 30,000-40,000 people die from
snake bites each year.
• Most of these deaths are in Southeast Asia.
• In the United States, fewer than 100 people die
from snake bites each year.
Suborder Serpentes (snakes)
• Snakes are long and do not have limbs.
• Pythons and boas do have pelvic girdles that do not
• The skeleton may contain more than 200 vertebra
and pairs of ribs.
• Joints between the vertebrae make the body very
Suborder Serpentes (snakes)
• Snakes have skull adaptations that help them
swallow large prey.
• These include upper jaws that are movable on the
skull, and upper and lower jaws that are loosely
joined so that each half can move independently.
Suborder Serpentes (snakes)
• Other differences from lizards are the way the
eyes focus and the structure of the retina.
• The long body and narrowing of the body has
resulted in the reduction or loss of the left lung,
and displacement of the gallbladder, the right
kidney, and often, the gonads.
• Most snakes lay eggs, but some, like the new World
boas and garter snakes, give birth to live young.
Suborder Amphisbaenia (worm
• There are about 135 species of worm lizard.
• They are specialized burrowers that live in the soil
in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and the
• Most are legless, and their skulls are shovel shape.
Suborder Amphisbaenia (worm
• They have a single tooth in their upper jaw and this
distinguishes them from other vertebrates.
• Their skin has ringlike folds called annuli and are
loosely attached to the body wall.
• Muscles of the skin cause it to bulge outward,
forming an anchor against a burrow wall.
• They move easily forward or backward.
• They eat worms or small insects.
• They also lay eggs.
• There are 21 species of crocodilian.
• Members of this order are different from other
reptiles by having certain skull characteristics;
openings in the skull in front of the eye; triangular
rather than circular eye orbits; and laterally
compressed teeth.
• Members of this group include alligators,
crocodiles, gavials, and caimans.
• Crocodilians have a long snout and is often used to
capture food by a sideways sweep of the head.
• The nostrils are at the tip of the snout, so the
animal can breathe while mostly underwater.
• Air passageways lead from the head to the rear of
the mouth and throat.
• They have a flap of skin near the back of the
tongue that forms a watertight seal, allowing
breathing without inhaling water in the mouth.
• A plate of bone, called the secondary palate, separates the
nasal and mouth passageways.
• The tail is muscular and long and is used for swimming,
offensive and defensive maneuvers, and attacking prey.
• Teeth are used only for seizing prey.
• Food is swallowed whole, but if it is too large, they will tear it
apart by holding onto a limb and rotating their bodies until
the prey is torn apart.
• The stomach is like a gizzard, and they will swallow rocks and
other objects to help break apart and digest food.
• Crocodilians do lay eggs and provide parental care to their