Transcript Document

The Immune System: Innate and
Body Defenses
Dr. Bradshaw
• Innate immune system
• Adaptive immune system
– B cells and T cells
• HIV and AIDS
– What it is and how it kills
• Immunosuppressive drugs
Innate and Adaptive
1) Innate (nonspecific) system responds
quickly and consists of:
First line of defense – skin and
mucosae prevent entry of
Second line of defense – antimicrobial
proteins, phagocytes, and other cells
Inhibit spread of invaders
throughout the body
Inflammation is its most
important mechanism
2) Adaptive (specific) defense system
Third line of defense – mounts
attack against particular foreign
Takes longer to react than the
innate system
Works in conjunction with the
innate system
Figure 21.1
Surface Barriers
• Skin, mucous membranes, and their
secretions make up the first line of defense
• Keratin in the skin:
– Presents a physical barrier to most
– Is resistant to weak acids and bases, bacterial
enzymes, and toxins
• Mucosae provide similar mechanical barriers
Epithelial Chemical Barriers
• Epithelial membranes produce protective
chemicals that destroy microorganisms
– Skin acidity (pH of 3 to 5) inhibits bacterial growth
– Sebum contains chemicals toxic to bacteria
– Stomach mucosae secrete concentrated HCl and
protein-digesting enzymes
– Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain lysozyme
– Mucus traps microorganisms that enter the
digestive and respiratory systems
Internal Defenses: Cells and Chemicals
• The body uses nonspecific cellular and
chemical devices to protect itself
– Phagocytes
– Antimicrobial proteins in blood and tissue fluid
– Inflammatory response enlists macrophages, mast
cells, WBCs, and chemicals
• Harmful substances are identified by surface
carbohydrates unique to infectious organisms
• Macrophages are the chief
phagocytic cells
• Free macrophages wander
throughout a region in search
of cellular debris
• Kupffer cells (liver) and
microglia (brain) are fixed
• Neutrophils become phagocytic
when encountering infectious
• Eosinophils are weakly
phagocytic against parasitic
• Mast cells bind and ingest a
wide range of bacteria
Figure 21.2a
Inflammation: Tissue Response to
• The inflammatory response is triggered
whenever body tissues are injured
– Prevents the spread of damaging agents to nearby
– Disposes of cell debris and pathogens
– Sets the stage for repair processes
• The four cardinal signs of acute inflammation
are redness, heat, swelling, and pain
Adaptive (Specific) Defenses
The adaptive immune system is a
functional system that:
– Recognizes specific foreign
– Acts to immobilize, neutralize,
or destroy foreign substances
– Amplifies inflammatory
response and activates
The adaptive immune system is
antigen-specific, systemic, and has
It has two separate but overlapping
– Humoral, or antibody-mediated
– Cellular, or cell-mediated
Antigenic Determinants
• Only certain parts of an
entire antigen are
• Antibodies and activated
lymphocytes bind to
these antigenic
• Most naturally occurring
antigens have numerous
antigenic determinants
– Mobilize several different
lymphocyte populations
– Form different kinds of
antibodies against it
• Large, chemically simple
molecules (e.g., plastics)
have little or no
Figure 21.7
Cells of the Adaptive Immune System
• Two-fisted defensive system that uses lymphocytes and
specific molecules to identify and destroy nonself
• Its response depends upon the ability of its cells to:
– Recognize foreign substances (antigens) by binding to
– Communicate with one another so that the whole system
mounts a response specific to those antigens
• Two types of lymphocytes
– B lymphocytes – oversee humoral immunity
– T lymphocytes – non-antibody-producing cells that
constitute the cell-mediated arm of immunity
Primary Response
(initial encounter
with antigen)
B lymphoblasts
Proliferation to
form a clone
Antigen binding
to a receptor on a
specific B lymphocyte
(B lymphocytes with
receptors remain
B cell
Secondary Response
(can be years later)
Clone of cells
identical to
ancestral cells
challenge by
same antigen
B cells
Figure 21.10
Image credit:
Primary and Secondary Humoral
Figure 21.11
Mechanisms of Antibody Action
Figure 21.14
What is HIV?
• HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a retrovirus that causes AIDS.
• Retroviruses contain RNA as their genetic material. After infecting a cell,
HIV uses an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA into
• HIV can hide in the cell cytoplasm or integrate into the genetic material,
“hiding” from the immune system
• HIV destroys CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells, a type of white blood cell that is
vital to fighting off infection.
• AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection when patient has one or more
opportunistic infections and has fewer than 200 cells per cubic millimeter
of blood.
Image credit:
Ways HIV can kill cells
CD4+ T cells infected with HIV may be killed when a large amount of virus is produced and
buds out from the cell surface and destroys the cell membrane.
Cell can enter apoptosis (programmed cell death) when regulation of cell machinery is
distorted by HIV replication.
HIV can bind to normal cells, causing them to be destroyed by CD8 T cells (“killer T cells”)
CD8 T cells will also destroy CD4+ T cells as HIV has proteins on its surface that resembles
proteins on CD4+ surface
HIV can bind to CD4+ T cells and cause them to undergo apoptosis
HIV will also destroy immune precursor cells as well as damage the thymus and bone marrow
preventing new immune cells from forming
Immunosuppressive Drugs
Immunosuppressive drugs are used to dampen the immune response. They are useful for
preventing organ rejection after a transplant or treating autoimmune diseases
They can inhibit T-cell activation, disrupt the synthesis of DNA and RNA as well as the process
of cell division, inhibit the binding of interleukin-2, which in turn slows down the production
of T-cells in the patient's immune system, and suppress inflammation
What are the downsides to these type of drugs?
Image Credit: Microsoft ClipArt
Image Credit: Microsoft ClipArt