Long winter road - Brookwood High School

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Setion 11 Vocab
1. Encephalo- brain
2. Gastro- stomach
3. Hepato- liver
4. Gloss/o- tongue
5. Glute- buttocks
6. Larynglo- larynx
7. My/o-muscle
8. nephr/o- kidney
9. Neuro- nerve
10.Oste/o- bone
11.Ot/o- ear
12.Opthalm/o- eye
13.Path/o- disease
14.Pneomon/o- lung
16.Thorac/o- chest/thorax
Section 12 Vocab
1. -ism, -osis, -tion: condition
2. -ist, -or, -er, ician: agent
3. -centesis: to puncture
4. -ectomy: to cut out & remove
5. -pexy: to fix or repair
6. -rraphy: to suture, sew
7. -scopy: to view
8. -cide: kill or destroy
9. -emia: of the blood
10.-gram: writing or record
11.-graph: recording instrument
12.-malacia: soft
13.-phasia: speech
14.-phobia: fear
Long winter road
End of 1st semester update
The Lymphatic System (Ch. 21)
*maintain fluid balance
• Returns leaked plasma to the blood
• Cleanses plasma of bacteria and
foreign matter
• Provides surveillance sites by immune
system cells
• Nonspecific defenses: prevent
pathogen entry; prevent spread of
diseases caused by microorganisms;
strengthen the immune system
• the lymphatic system is the most
important physiological system of
combating foreign bodies such as
viruses, bacteria, or fungi
• it consists macroscopically of: the
bone marrow, spleen, thymus
gland, lymph nodes, tonsils,
appendix, and a few other organs.
• functioning of the lymphatic system
is most easily seen at the
microscopic level where the white
blood cell is the single most
important element.
• white blood cells are produced, as
are red blood cells, in the marrow
of human bone.
Consists of 2 semiindependent parts:
A. Network of lymphatic
vessels- collect excess
fluid (now called lymph)
from tissues and return
it to the bloodstream.
B. Lymphoid tissues
and organs- house
phagocytotic cells and
II. Lymphatic Vessel Transport
Lymphatic capillaries- weave between cells and
blood capillaries, microscopic
Lymph collecting veins/ vessels
Lymph trunks- drain fairly large area of body;
include lumbar, bronchomediastinal,
subclavian, jugular, intestinal
Lymph Ducts- R lymphatic duct (R
upper arm & R head and thorax),
Thoracic duct (rest of body)
•Lymph empties into venous circulation at
internal jugular vein and subclavian veins
•3L of lymph enters bloodstream every 24 hrs
III. Lymphoid Cells
A. Lymphocytes- warriors of the
immune system
1.T cells- manage immune response,
some directly attack foreign cells
2.B cells- make plasma cells that
secrete antibodies
B. Macrophages- phagocytize foreign
substances, help activate T cells
C. Reticular cells- make stroma, the
network that supports other cell types
IV. Lymphoid Organs
A. Lymph nodes- hundreds but large
clusters in inguinal, axillary, cervical
1. Functions
a. filter lymph- macrophages
b. help activate immune systemlymphocytes
2. Structure
a. node surrounded by DWF capsule
b. 2 regions: cortex, medulla
B. Spleen- left side of and cavity
below diaphragm
1. Functions
a. Lymphocyte proliferation
b. Immune surveillance & response
c. Clean blood- macrophages
d. Store rbc breakdown products
e. RBC production in fetus
f. stores platelets
C. Thymus- throat/ chest region
1. Grows during childhood, stops growing
during adolescence and atrophies gradually.
2. Functions
a. Secrete hormones that allow T cells
to function properly
b. Only lymph organ not directly fighting
D. Tonsils- ring of tissue around pharynx
1. Named by location
a. palatine- most often infected
b. lingual
c. pharyngeal (adenoids)
d. tubal
2. Function- gather and remove many
pathogens entering pharynx in inhaled air
or food (blind-ended crypts)
E. Peyer's Patchesisolated clusters of lymph
follicles in small intestine
1. Function
a. destroys bacteria
b. generates "memory“
lymphocytes for longterm immunity
F. Appendix- clusters of lymph follicles;
offshoot of cecum of large intestine
** Peyers + appendix + tonsils + bronchi
lymph nodes = Mucosa associated lymph
tissue (MALT)- protects digestive and
respiratory systems