Transcript Etiology

• Theories
– 1. Organic, Constitutional, or Medical
– 2. Neurotic
– 3. Behavioral or Learned
. Organic, Constitutional, or
• Theories
1. Cerebral Dominance
2. Biochemical
2. Laryngeal Dynamics
3. Heredity
4. Middle Ear Dysfunction
5. Neurological Functioning
1. Theory of Cerebral Dominance
• Theories: Orton and Travis
• Fact: more stutterers are left handed
• Supporting Research
– Moscovitch (1973) asserts that the right hemisphere in righthanded people maintains some limited underlying ‘verbal
– Geschwind limit of this verbal competence ‘depends on the
degree to which the dominant hemisphere can control the verbal
behavior of the minor hemisphere via midline commissures and
other pathways”
• Tenant:
– defective ‘motor lead control’ or incomplete cerebral
2. Laryngeal Dynamics’ Theory
• Theorist: Adams
• Stutterers have longer VOT, SIT (speech
initiation times) VIT (voice initiation times)
• describes characteristics
– does not identify causal components of
3. Biochemical
Theorist: West
Compared to a mild form of epilepsy
term: dsyphemia
Current Research: Dopamine
Cause or effect
6. Middle Ear Dysfunction
• Theorist: Webster
• Non-synchronized middle ear muscle firing
which means there are non-synchronized
messages to the brain
4. Heredity Model Theory
• Theorists: Kidd, Goldberg, Wepman
• Facts: stuttering runs in families, 8-15%
– 65-70% had stuttering relatives
– twinning studies
• more stuttering in monozygotic twins, risk 77%
• Stuttering is determined by many factors,
the factors are both hereditary and
environmental and it affects the sexes
– related to a THRESHOLD MODEL
5. Neurological Functioning
• Theorist: Perkins
• use of Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) scans
• there is a neurophysical difference at
the moment of stuttering
• Current research: role of Prefrontal
• Function:
• Question: cause or effect?
III. Learning Theories
1. Diagnosogenic
2. Two-Factor
3. Approach-Avoidance
4 Capacities/Demands
5. Anticipatory/Struggle
1. Diagnosogenic Theory
• Wendell Johnson, 1940’s
• Tenants:
– a diagnosogenic disorder is one that is caused
by its diagnosis
• person’s behavior is labeled as ______ and _____
– dysfluency in the ‘ear of the beholder’
– listener (PARENT) reinforced s=through
negative reinforcement which parent believes in
Diagnosogenic Theory continued
• 3 Behaviors that must occur
– 1. Child repeats or hesitates while speaking
• frequency is not a critical variable
– 2.listener ‘diagnoses’ repetitions as abnormal and react
“stop and start over
thinking for what you are saying before you say it
take a deep breath before you start
talk more slowly
non-verbal response such as looking away
– 3. Child becomes concerned and tries not to be dysfluent
• attends more to the dysfluencies than previosly and becomes
upset when they occur
2. Two Factor Theory
• Theorist: Brutten and Shoemaker
• Stuttering results from the interaction of genetic and
environmental factors
• Factor I behaviors result from emotional learning
– classically conditioned
– modified either though reconditioning or
– reconditioning involved returning a conditioned stimulus
to its previous neutral status
• repeated presentations of the conditioned stimulus without
negative consequences
• ex: salesperson
Factor I Classical Conditioning Cont.
– counterconditioning-learning new responses to
a conditioned stimulus
• repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus in
various negative emotion producing situations in a
Two Factor Theory: Factor II
• Factor II behaviors learned through operant
– instrumental responses operantly conditioned over
the years
– developed in an attempt to prevent or reduce the
severity of stuttering
– secondary behaviors
– reduced through reinforcement, nonreinforcement
or punishment
• reinforcement of fluency enhancing behaviors results in
3. Approach-Avoidance Theory
• Sheehan
• Tenant
– conflict arises in which the motivational drives
subserving both approach and avoidance are
simultaneously aroused
– when the APPROACH drive is dominant, fluent
– when there is Avoidance BUT the speaker
speaks, then…..
– Origins in learned speech anxieties and/or
unconscious personally factors
4. Capacities/Demands Theory
• Starkweather
• Tenants
– capacities for fluent speech-motoric,cognitive,
linguistic skills that make speech easy for most
children-interact with demands for fluency placed
on child by the external communicative
environment and by child himself
• as capacity for fluency grows, expectations of parent and
child also increase
• capacities and demands are increasing as a function of
5. Anticipatory Struggle Hypothesis
• Bloodstein
• Tenants:
• disorder maintained by anticipating
stuttering and then struggling to avoid it
III Neurotic Theory
• 1. Glauber
• 2. Bloom
• 3. Frustration Theory
Neurotic Theory Concepts
• Stuttering as a type of neurosis
• stutter because they attempt to cope with
some type of repressed (unconscious)
neurotic need in a way that allows them to
be dysfluent
• hypotheses look upon stuttering as being
both a symptom of an unsatisfied repressed
emotional need AND purposeful behavior
1. Neurotic Theory: Glauber
• Stuttering behaviors -symbolic of the
repressed need
• Repressed need for:
– infantile need for oral erotic gratification
– infantile need for anal erotic gratification
• stuttering represents anal movements “displaced
2. Neurotic Theory: Bloom
• Aggressive expression of hostile feelings
person is afraid to express openly
– stutterer makes those with whom he/she speaks
• assumes stuttering is ‘painful’ for the listener
Neurotic Theory Thoughts
• For many stutterers, stuttering is nonsymptomatic
– does not cluster with other problems
• Neither stutterers or their parents show no
greater evidence of neurotic symptoms than
the population
Etiology Questions
• What is Peters and Guitars’ theory of
• What is yours?
• Which one/s have you discounted
• What is “the point” of so many causation
End of Lecture Notes
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