Unit 4- The Antebellum Periodx - mshsAmyCampbell

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Transcript Unit 4- The Antebellum Periodx - mshsAmyCampbell

Part One: Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny
The idea the Americans would
expand to the Pacific Ocean
started with Thomas Jefferson
(Lewis and Clark expedition)
Americans believed their
movement westward and
southward was destined and
ordained by God
An editor of a newspaper
called it “manifest destiny”
Westward movement was obvious
What do you see
in the picture?
The Frontier Draws Settlers
The Panic of 1837
convinced people that
they were better off
with a fresh start in the
 Tons of land out west
 Farming and mining
for gold!!
Trails to the West
Santa Fe Trail- 780 miles from
Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe,
New Mexico
Oregon Trail- Started in
Independence, Missouri and ended in
Portland, Oregon
Fertile soil, lots of rainfall
Traveled in wooden-wheeled Conestoga
Walked, and pushed handcarts
Trip took months, many died of disease
Caravans provided protection against Indian
attacks and loneliness
By 1844, about 4,000 Americans settled in
Mormon Movement
Led by Brigham Young
Mormons migrated across the Great Plains and
the Rocky Mountains to establish the colony of
New Zion on the shore of the Great Salt Lake.
Migrated due to religious persecution
Prospered as farmers and traders
Successful in irrigating desert region
In 1848, workers at John Sutter’s
sawmill found flecks of gold in the
American River.
1848: population around 14,000
1849: population around 100,000
1852: population around 200,000
California Gold Rush- fortune seekers
known as “forty-niners” fled to the
area in search of gold
Most were unmarried men (only 5% of
the population were women, 10%
Brought commercial prosperity and an
increase in gold findings elsewhere.
Expansion in Texas
Mexico offered land
grants to Americans
settlers, but cultural
conflicts eventually
led to Texas
rebelling against the
Mexican government
to gain its
In the 1820s, Mexico encouraged Americans settlers
to move into Texas
Mexican government gave land grants:
 To prevent border violations by horse thieves and
protect against Indian attacks
 Americans pledged to obey Mexican laws and
observed Roman Catholicism
 Stephen Austin– took the first group of 300 families
of American settlers to Texas
Tension between Mexico and Americans
living in TX grew over cultural
differences and slavery
 Many southerners moving in and
bringing slaves
 Mexico abolished slavery in 1824
Mexico seals its borders in 1830
Austin wanted greater self-government
for Texas but was unsuccessful
Mexican President, Antonio Lopez de
Santa Anna imprisoned Austin for inciting
The Alamo
(1836) –Spanish mission in San Antonio
used as a fort
 Attacked by Santa Anna’s Mexican
 All 187 Texan defenders of the Alamo
were killed by the Mexican army
 William Travis –commander of Texas
forces at the Alamo
 Jim Bowie -famous gambler known for
side knives
 Davy Crockett –famous woodsman from
 “Remember the Alamo!”= war cry for
Texans fighting for independence
-March 2, 1836- Texans declare their
independence from Mexico
-1845- Texas joins the Union
California tried to rebel against Mexico but is unsuccessful
President James K. Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico to
purchase California but Mexico refuses
War started with Mexico over the southern border of Texas
Rebels declared their independence from Mexico
Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked US forces that
were positioned there led by Gen. Zachary Taylor
War was declared May 1846
Many Americans supported war due to the belief in
Manifest Destiny
Encouraged economic opportunities and land for
America Gains the Spoils of War
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
–officially ended the MexicanAmerican War
Mexico agreed to the Rio Grande
as the southern border of Texas
Mexican Cession –California, New
Mexico, and Utah Territories ceded
from Mexico to the U.S.
Gadsden Purchase established the
current boundaries of the lower 48
U.S. paid Mexico $15 million for
the Mexican Cession
Part Two: Pre-Civil War
The issue of slavery dominated U.S. politics in the 1850s.
Differences Between North and South
Economy based on
manufacturing and
Railroad construction very
Urbanization (growth of
Immigration from European
countries was common
Economy based on
agriculture and slavery –
cotton was the major cash
crop (King Cotton)
Primarily a rural region of
plantations and small farms
Lack of railroads and
No significant European
immigration to the South
How did the economy in the North differ from that
in the South?
Extension of slavery- Biggest problem
North and West thought it was wrong
South in favor because of cotton
South thought that the North and West were against the
extension of slavery because they wanted to decrease the
power of the South
What impact did the growth of cotton have on the
system of slavery?
Events Leading Up to the Civil War
Missouri Compromise
Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state
At this time, the US had 10 slave state and 10 free
Under the leadership of Henry Clay
Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri as
a slave state- keeps the balance
Missouri Compromise drew a line through the
Louisiana Purchase along the 36th parallel
Slavery allowed below the line, but not above (except for
This was an attempt to resolve the issue of slavery in the
western territory
How did the Missouri Compromise temporarily settle
the debate over slavery?
How did the Missouri Compromise promote
Slavery in the Territories
Wilmot Proviso –def. –plan to ban
slavery from expanding into lands
won from Mexico during the Mexican
Sparked sectional conflict over
slavery issue –North vs. South
California applied for statehood as
a free state
Gold Rush of 1849 led to an
explosion in California’s population
Upset Southerners –demanded that
slavery be allowed to expand West
The Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay (aka “The Great
Compromiser”) -wanted to
avoid conflict between North
and South, developed a
California = free state
New Mexico and Utah
territories would use popular
sovereignty to decide slavery
Popular sovereignty– the
residents of a territory would
vote for or against slavery
New Mexico and Texas border dispute settled in
favor of New Mexico, but Texas received debts
paid by federal government
Slave trade in Washington D.C. was abolished
Very popular in the North, very controversial in the
New Fugitive Slave Law passed in order to return
escaped slaves to plantations in the South
Very popular in the South, very controversial in the
Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Main Idea: Proslavery
factions in the South and
antislavery factions in the
North disagreed over the
treatment of fugitive
slaves and the spread of
slavery to the territories.
This resulted in increased
sectionalism between the
Fugitive Slaves and the Underground
Fugitive Slave Law
 Northerners
angered by the new Fugitive
Slave Law-part of the Compromise of 1850
 Runaway slaves could NOT testify in court
and no trial by jury
 Helping an escaped slave resulted in fines
and jail time
The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad
was a secret network of
abolitionists who would help
fugitive slaves escape to the
North and Canada
Harriet Tubman–former
slave and “conductor” on
the underground railroad
Made 19 trips and helped
300 people to freedom
Nicknamed “Moses” of her
people for her efforts
Movement to end slavery
William Lloyd Garrison- publisher of the
Liberator and abolitionist newspaper
• Demanded immediate emancipation
(freeing of slaves) with no payment to
Frederick Douglass- ex-slave, speaks
publicly about his experience as a slave
Harriet Beecher Stowe
• Wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (1852)
• Strong reactions from the North and South
• Message: Slavery not just a political and
economic issue but is now a moral issue
Tensions in Kansas
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854 –Stephen Douglas’ plan to organize
territories in the West
Popular sovereignty-settlers in the
territories would vote for or against
slavery in both Kansas and Nebraska
Repealed the Missouri Compromise–
Kansas and Nebraska were both north of
the 36 30’ parallel line (slavery had been
banned North of that line)
Sectional tensions exploded –Northerners
resented the idea that slavery could
expand to lands where slavery had been
Led to the formation of the Republican
“Bleeding Kansas”
Settlers poured in from the North
and South- Kansas ready to
become a state
Thousands of people from slave
state Missouri crossed into Kansas
and voted illegally for slavery to
be allowed
Violence raged through Kansas
Some 200 people were killed
Stop and think!
Why was popular sovereignty controversial?
Why did Kansas become a center of controversy
over the issue of slavery?
The Birth of the Republican Party
Main Idea – In the
mid-1850s, the issue
of slavery and other
factors split political
parties and led to the
birth of new ones,
including the
Republican Party.
New Political Parties
 Whig
Party–collapsed by 1854
due to conflicts over slavery
 Know Nothing Party (American
Party) –established 1854
 Members
believed in nativism–
def. –favoring of native-born
Americans over immigrants
 anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic
Republican Party
Established in1854
Opposed to the
expansion of slavery into
western territories
Supported by many
people in the North as a
result of “Bleeding
Slavery and Secession
Main Idea –A
series of
events heightened
the sectional
conflict that
brought the
nation to the
brink of civil war.
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Dred Scott Decision(1857)
Background: Dred Scott –African
American slave from Missouri who sued
for his freedom because his master had
moved him to the free state of Illinois
Roger B. Taney(Chief Justice) -ruled
that African Americans were not citizens
Missouri Compromise line was
unconstitutional because it violated
property rights
Sectionalism exploded –decision hated
by North and cheered by South
Stop and think!
What was the significance of the Dred Scott
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln challenged Douglas to a
series of debates on slavery in
the western territories as part
of their senate race in 1858
Douglas won the senate race,
but Lincoln became known
throughout the North as a
possible presidential candidate
in 1860
Douglas believed in popular
sovereignty and that slavery
would pass away on its own
John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown –abolitionist who wanted to
lead a slave revolt in the South
Harpers Ferry –federal armory and
Brown’s goal was to capture weapons
for slaves and lead revolt
John Brown was captured and hanged
for treason
Sectionalism between North and South
In the South, John Brown was viewed as
an evil murderer
In the North, some people viewed Brown
as a heroic martyr, others agreed with
his views but thought that he was too
radical in his actions
Election of 1860
 Abraham
 Stephen
 John C.
 John
Union Party)
Lincoln wins!
Lincoln won electoral
college but only won 39%
of popular vote
 He won all northern states
 He won no southern states
 South was upset at
Lincoln’s election –led
directly to secession crisis
Secession Crisis
South Carolina –seceded
from the Union as a result
of Lincoln’s election
Followed by Mississippi,
Florida, Alabama,
Georgia, Louisiana, and
Confederate States of America
created by southern
states that seceded from
the Union
Emphasized states rights
Devoted to the protection
of slavery
Jefferson Davis = former
senator who became the
president of the
Now that we have discussed all the events
leading to the Civil War, what is the main
cause of the Civil War and why?
Part Three: The Civil War Begins
Main Idea –The secession crisis ultimately
resulted in the American Civil War
between the North and the South from
The Civil War’s Greatest Myth
Confederates Fire on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter–an island fort in Charleston, South Carolina
South Carolina demanded that the U.S. army surrender the fort
April 12, 1861 –South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter, U.S. forces
Opening confrontation of the Civil War, led Lincoln to call for
75,000 troops to put down the rebellion and preserve the Union
Caused Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee to
secede from the Union and join the Confederacy
Ft. Sumter (http://video.pbs.org/video/1832507650/)
Choosing Sides: Lee
Northern Strategy- Anaconda Plan
Anaconda Plan–Union strategy
for victory in the Civil War
• Union navy would blockade
southern ports to prevent trade
• Union would take control of the
Mississippi River, cutting the
Confederacy into two parts
• Union armies would capture
Confederate capital of Richmond,
• Most difficult objective due to
the leadership of Robert E. LeeConfederate commander of the
Army of Northern Virginia who
opposed secession but felt loyalty
to his home state of Virginia
Confederate Strategy
Fight until enemy gives
Defensive strategy
Stand your ground!
More States Secede
Four more states secede- Virginia, North Carolina,
Tennessee, and Arkansas
Western counties of Virginia were antislavery so they seceded
from Virginia- admitted into the Union as West VA in 1863
Four remaining slave states remained in the Union
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri
Battle of Bull Run
July 21, 1861- was the first
major bloodshed of the war
Lincoln ordered 30,000
soldiers to move from DC to
capture Richmond
Met at Bull Run (Manassas) by
Confederate troops
Battle went back and forth
but eventually the
Confederates won
General “Stonewall” Jackson led
confederates- “There is Jackson
standing like a stone wall”
Union troops retreated to D.C.
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam
(Sharpsburg, MD)–
September 17, 1862
George B. McClellan (U.S.)
vs. Robert E. Lee (C.S.) in
Bloodiest single day in
American History –23,000
Lee’s army retreated to
Virginia, Lincoln able to
issue the Emancipation
The Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by Lincoln -January 1, 1863
 Freed slaves located in “rebelling” states
(states that had seceded and were still in
rebellion against the U.S. government)
 Turning Point in the War
Made the end of slavery a Northern war
 Discouraged European powers (like Great
Britain and France) from supporting the
 Allowed for the enlistment of African-American
soldiers in the Union Army
 After the Proclamation
Stop and Think!!
How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the
course of the Civil War?
Main Idea –The Civil
War brought about
dramatic social and
economic changes in
American society. Key
Northern victories such
as Vicksburg and
Gettysburg helped the
Union wear down the
Confederacy. The
North’s eventual win in
the Civil War
preserved the Union.
African Americans Fight for Freedom
African American soldiers –
allowed to enlist following
the issuing of the
Emancipation Proclamation
Represented 10% of entire
Union army by the end of
the war
Discrimination was common
Paid less than white troops
Segregated units with
white officers
African American Slaves
Seized opportunity
presented by the
approach of Union
armies to escape from
slavery and achieve
Soldiers Suffer on Both Sides
Mainly due to high casualties in battle,
poor living conditions, and disease
Camp life –lonely, boring, repetitive
Lack of sanitation, poor quality food,
lack of proper medical care
Warfare –brutal battles fought with
outdated tactics and advanced
weapons led to high casualties
Many soldiers were killed, even more
returned home wounded or crippled
Many soldiers often kept wartime
diaries and sent letters home to
record the harsh realities of civil war
soldier life
The North Takes Charge
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Gettysburg –July 1-3, 1863
Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern
Virginia invaded the North
Union victory –Lee’s army forced to retreat to
51,000 casualties in 3 days –largest battle of
the Civil War
Turning point of the Civil War in the Union’s
•Pickett’s Charge
•Chamberlain’s Charge: History Channel &
Battle of Vicksburg
Battle of Vicksburg –
July 4th, 1863
Ulysses S. Grant
(Union) captured
Vicksburg on the
Mississippi River
Union controlled all of
the Mississippi River,
which cut the
Confederacy in half
The Gettysburg Address
Lincoln attended the dedication of
the national cemetery in
Gettysburg Address –Lincoln’s 2
minute speech
Said that the United States was
one nation, not a federation of
independent states
Lincoln identified the reasons for
fighting the Civil War
To preserve a nation that was
dedicated to the proposition that
“all men are created equal”
To preserve a nation that was
dedicated ruled by a government
“of the people, by the people, and
for the people.”
The Confederacy Wears Down
Lincoln made U.S. Grant the commander in
chief of Union forces in 1864
Grant decided to take on Lee’s army in
Virginia, while William T. Sherman attacked
Sherman captured Atlanta in September
Grant captured Richmond in April 1865
Both Atlanta and Richmond were destroyed
Appomattox –April 9th, 1865
Lee surrendered his army to U.S. Grant –
urged Southerners to accept defeat and unite
as Americans again
Marked the end of the Civil War with a
Northern victory and an end to the
The War’s Impact
Long and costly war concluded with:
 Northern victory = preservation of the Union
 Southern defeat = end to states’ rights and
secession arguments
 Emancipation of the slaves
 Federal government stronger than individual state
 Destruction of Southern economy
Legacy of the War
The War Changes the Nation
Political Changes
Federal government
viewed as supreme
to state governments
•Secession no longer
an option for states
Economic Changes
Northern Economy
Northern and Midwestern states
had booming economies
•Based on business,
manufacturing and industrial
•Railroads were built in
increasing numbers
•Transcontinental Railroad (from
East to West) was completed by
Southern Economy
Economies of Southern
states were devastated
•Slavery was abolished,
eliminating the #1 labor
source in agriculture
•Many cities were
destroyed –including
Richmond and Atlanta
•Most railroads and many
farms were destroyed
•Confederate money was
Social Changes
Many veterans on both
sides had permanent
13th Amendment–
abolished slavery in
the United States
War Changes Lives
Ulysses S. Grant
Urged northerners not to be
harsh with former Confederates
 Elected President of the United
States in 1868 and 1872
 Advocated rights for freedmen
(former slaves)
 http://www.history.com/videos/
Robert E. Lee
Urged southerners to
reconcile and rejoin the Union
 Served as President of
Washington College (now
Washington and Lee)
 Emphasized the importance
of education to the nation’s
Frederick Douglass
Supported full equality for
Encouraged federal
government to take action
that would protect the rights
of freedmen in the South
Advocated for the passage
of the 14thand 15th
Served as ambassador to
Abraham Lincoln
Assassinated 5 days after
Lee’s surrender at Appomattox
Court House
Shot by John Wilkes Booth at
Ford’s Theatre in Washington
Never had a chance to
implement his plans for