Power Point 19th Century

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19th Century National Trends
1820’s -1860’s
During the 1st half of the 19th Century, the
United States extended the franchise,
experienced the Jacksonian Era,
experienced westward expansion through
movement and war, saw the rise of
sectional interests, and also experienced
the increased participation in state and
national politics through reform and a
national crisis.
Three Major Topics
Part I: Changes in political democracy
following the War of 1812.
Part II: 19th Century Territorial Expansion
Part III: 19th Century Reform and Crisis
The Supreme Court under Chief
Justice John Marshall
Marbury v. Madison= established the principle of Judicial
McCulloch v. Maryland= The court ruled that Maryland
or any state does not have the power to tax a federal
agency or any federal property. This also established the
doctrine of implied powers of Congress and upheld the
Bank of the United States.
Gibbons v. Ogden = the Court strengthened powers of
Congress and the Federal government to regulate the
economy and interstate commerce.
Presidential Election of 1824
Republican Party was split with four men
seeking to succeed James Monroe.
1. Henry Clay
2. John Quincy Adams
3. William Crawford
4. Andrew Jackson
“Corrupt Bargain”-election of 1824
Jackson received the popular vote and the most
electoral votes, but did not have a majority.
Election was decided
in the House of Representatives.
Clay gave his support to Adams, and John
Quincy Adams became the President.
When, Clay was named Secretary of State,
Jackson supporters accused Adams and Clay of
making a “corrupt bargain.”
Election of 1828
Jackson , “Old Hickory” and his followers called
themselves the Democratic Republicans ( later –
“Democrats”) and began an aggressive
campaign for the election of 1828.
Jackson personified a new “democratic spirit” in
America. He challenged the economic elite and
promised the end of aristocratic rule.
Jackson- President in 1828
Jackson won a landslide victory in 1828.
Age of the Common Man- Changes in
voting: new states had provided universal
white male suffrage, old states withdrew
property qualifications, and for the first
time-delegates from states selected
candidates for President at nominating
Age of the Common Man
For the first time in
American politics, the
average person felt
they had a say in their
Thousands of
swarmed to DC for
the inauguration of
Jacksonian Democracy
When Jackson
became President in
1829, he employed
the “spoils system” :
he removed
employees from
public government
jobs and replaced
them with his
campaign supporters.
This was a political
cartoon representing
the Spoils System as
employed by Andrew
During this time, the Federalist Party
disappeared and new political parties, the
Whigs and the Know-Nothings, were
organized in opposition to the Democratic
1. What four candidates ran for the Presidency in 1824?
2. Who became President in 1824?
3. Why did supporters of Jackson call the Presidential election of
1824 the “Corrupt Bargain?”
4. Who was elected President in 1828?
5. In regard to changes in voting, why was the election of
1828 called the Age of the Common Man?
6. What was the Spoils System?
Indian Removal Act
In 1830, at Jackson’s request, Congress
passed the Indian Removal Act:
It required the removal of Southeastern
Indians from their homelands to the new
Indian Territory west of the Mississippi, or
present day Oklahoma.
From 1830 to 1838, almost all Indian Tribes
were forced from the Atlantic Coast areas to
Oklahoma or other reservations. Most were
known as the “Five Civilized Tribes”- Cherokee,
Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw.
The forced journey of over 15,000 Cherokees in
1838, in which over one fourth died of hardship,
disease, sickness, and starvation, is known as
the Trail of Tears.
Trail of Tears
Routes to Oklahoma
7. What was the main provision of the Indian Removal
Act of 1830?
8. What was the Trail of Tears?
Bank War
Jackson also opposed the Bank of the United
States ( BUS)
When the Bank came up for recharter in 1832,
Jackson used Presidential veto power to veto
the recharter bill.
This was the first time a President used the veto
power to veto a bill not based on constitutional
Thus, from then on, a President had the right to
veto any legislation for any reason.
When Jackson also won an overwhelming
victory in 1832 against the National
Republican Party (later the Whig Party),
he took it as a sign to completely destroy
the BUS.
He withdrew all federal funds from the
BUS and deposited them in state banks.
Panic of 1837
However, reckless land speculation, state bank
failures, dissatisfaction with state banks as
depositories for federal funds, and
unemployment led to an economic depression in
1837, known as the Panic of 1837.
In addition, Jackson issued an executive order,
the “specie circular”, requiring any payment for
public lands must be in gold or silver, or in
currency backed by gold or silver. This
contributed to the economic depression, which
lasted for about five years, the worst in US
History up to that time.
Because Jackson
acted as a strong
executive President,
enemies of Jackson
began to call him
“King Andrew”
Look for negative characteristics.
What does this
picture represent?
Issues Dividing America
Sectional tensions were caused by competing
economic interests:
The West and Northeast supported high tariffs –
the US government would use the money to pay
for internal improvements in the West and high
tariff would protect Northeastern manufactures.
The South opposed high tariffs, because they
wanted cheaper imports and could sell cotton
A declining economy in South Carolina led many
Carolinians to blame their problems on the Tariff
of 1828-they called the unfair tariff the
“Tariff of abominations”
When the newly proposed Tariff of 1832 offered
South Carolina no relief, South Carolina voted to
nullify the tariff, or refuse to collect the required
duties in the state, and threatened to leave the
Jackson claimed the “nullification” of federal
laws was treason.
Jackson sent federal troops to forts in SC and a
warship to Charleston.
Violence seemed possible!
Finally, the crisis was averted with a compromise
that tariffs would gradually be reduced.
Martin Van Buren
When Jackson’s hand picked successor,
Martin Van Buren, won the Presidential
election of 1836; the nation faced an
economic crisis – The Panic of 1837.
Van Buren did little to
solve the problem.
Election of 1840- election of
William Henry Harrison
A new political party, the Whigs, selected the popular William Henry
Harrison as their candidate for President.
Harrison defeated Van Buren, as people hoped he could end the
However, Harrison died after one month in office. The VP, John
Tyler became President.
End – Part One
9. How did Jackson eventually destroy the Bank of the United
States (BUS)?
10. Why did opponents of Jackson call him King Andrew?
11. What was the nullification crisis?
12. What caused the Panic of 1837?
13. What Supreme Court case strengthened the powers
of Congress and the federal government to regulate the
economy and interstate commerce?
14. What Supreme Court case established the principle
of Judicial Review or that the Supreme Court has the
authority to determine if state or federal laws are
constitutional or not?
15. What Supreme Court case established the doctrine
of implied powers confirming the implied powers of
Part 2: Westward Expansion
19th Century Territorial Expansion
Part Two
During the first half of the 19th century,
Americans poured westward
into the Midwest, Southwest, and Texas.
In 1823, Jedediah Smith discovered the
South Pass through the Rockies to
By, 1850, over 4,000 settlers had migrated
west over the Oregon Trail to the
Willamette Valley in Oregon.
Conestoga Wagon
1825, The Erie Canal also supported westward
expansion and industrial growth.
Robert Fulton’s steamboat would revolutionize
water transportation.
Railroads were quickly developing, mostly in the
The invention of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin led to
the spread of the slavery based “cotton
kingdom” in the Deep South.
Cotton Engine – “Cotton Gin”
Separated cotton seed from cotton.
1820- 1860 Cotton Production
In 1821, Mexico obtained its
independence from Spain.
American traders established the Santa Fe
American traders and shipping companies
also established trade routes with the
(Spanish speaking citizens of California)
Texas – The Lone Star State
In Texas, Mexicans had encouraged American
immigration to help develop the economy.
Alarmed by the growing number of Americans,
Mexico prohibited immigration into Texas in
In 1836, Texans led by Sam Houston and
Stephen Austin declared their independence
from Mexico.
Texas Independence
Battle at the Alamo- San Antonio, Texas1836, a band of Texans defending the
Alamo are defeated by a vastly superior
Mexican Army led by Santa Anna.
The Alamo
“Remember the Alamo”
In April 21, 1836- Americans led by Sam
Houston defeat Santa Anna at the
Battle of San Jacinto
Texas is granted independence from Mexico
and becomes an independent Republic.
Republic of Texas
In the Presidential Election of 1844, James
K. Polk campaigns on adding Texas,
Oregon and California to the Union.
This expansion view is called “Manifest
Destiny”, that it was God’s destiny for the
US to occupy lands from the Atlantic to
1845- Texas annexed, 1846-Oregon
annexed (49th parallel)
Manifest Destiny
Mexican War 1846-1848
Mexican War- disagreement over the border
between Mexico and the US ( Rio Grande ),
leads to a war with Mexico.
US Forces occupy California and declare the
“Bear Flag” Republic and invade Mexico.
The American victory over Mexico was settled
in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo . The new
US territory called the Mexican Cession- it
included the present day states of California,
Nevada, Arizona , New Mexico and parts of
Utah, Wyoming and Colorado- 15 million was
also paid to Mexico.
The Gadsden Purchase- in 1853 the US
purchases additional land from Mexico,
adding more land to the southern border of
the Mexican Cession.
Territorial Expansion
1844- Mormons led by their founder
Joseph Smith, and later Brigham Young
settle in Salt Lake, Utah.
1849- Gold is discovered in California,
which leads to the San Francisco Gold
Rush of 1849, ( called the forty niners)
Trails West
19th Century Expansion
Part Two Questions
1. What invention by Eli Whitney led to the spread of slavery and
the cotton kingdom in the Deep South?
2. What two men led the movement for Texas independence from
3. What is the name of the battle during the American migration into
Texas which resulted in the Texans fighting to the last man against
a vastly superior force?
4. Which battle eventually resulted in the Texans’ victory over Mexican
forces and subsequently brought Texas into the United States?
5. Define “Manifest Destiny”.
6. What was the name of the trail that led to Willamette Valley?
7. Where did the Mormons eventually settle?
8. What present day states would eventually come from the
Mexican Cession?
9. Which term describes the gold seekers that travelled to San
10. What are the years of the Mexican War?
19th Century Reform and Crisis
Part 3
The first half of the nineteenth century
represented the women’s suffrage
movement, abolition, social reform, states
rights, and changes in literature and the
However, sectional differences would lead
to the worst crisis in US History-The Civil
Women’s Rights
1st Women’s Right Convention- 1848 in Seneca
Falls, NY.- developed the Seneca Falls
Declaration which stated the need for women’s
rights, including women’s suffrage.
Women’s right’s movement was led by Elizabeth
Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Dorothea Dix- campaigned for women’s rights,
care for the insane, and the poor.
Women’s Rights
Abolitionist Movement
Many in the North began to see slavery as a
violation of Christian principles, and began
campaigns to end slavery.
William Lloyd Garrison- began an anti-slavery
newspaper called The Liberator.
Harriet Beecher Stowe- wrote Uncle Tom’s
Cabin, a best-selling novel about the horrors of
slavery which inflamed the growing strength of
Frederick Douglass- An African American
born into slavery, Douglass was a self
taught influential leader in the
underground railroad and the abolitionist
(During the Civil War, Douglass urged
Lincoln to recruit former slaves to fight for
the Union Army)
1855- Douglass published My Bondage
and My Freedom, which gave eloquent
expression calling for an end to slavery.
“… No man can put a chain about the ankle of his
fellow man without at last finding the other end
fastened about his own neck”
In Virginia, Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser
led slave revolts.
Slave revolts supported white Southern
fears of slave rebellions, and led to
harsher laws and punishments against
fugitive slaves.
Sectional Crisis
The addition of new states to the Union led
to sectional and state conflicts regarding
the issue of slavery.
Compromises were made to maintain a
balance of power in Congress.
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 18501.California would be admitted as a free state.
2. New Mexico and Utah territories would be
created without restrictions on slavery
3. Slave trade abolished in the District of Columbia
4. A new Fugitive Slave Law allowed slave owners
to retake fugitive slaves and to fine or imprison
anyone that helped fugitives.
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 :
repealed the Missouri Compromise
Slavery in Kansas and Nebraska would be
decided by popular sovereignty.
Resulted in bloody fighting in Kansas as pro-and
anti-slavery forces fought each other.
Kansas was called “Bloody Kansas”
The Republican Party was formed as an antislave party.
Lincoln Douglas Debates -1858
Abraham Lincoln- the Republican
candidate and Stephen Douglas- the
Northern Democrat candidate conducted
debates when running for the Senate in
Lincoln opposed the spread of slavery and
Douglas favored popular sovereignty.
Candidates for the Illinois Senate - 1858:
Abraham Lincoln
Stephen A. Douglas
Douglas won the Senate seat, but Lincoln
gained national attention with his House
Divided Speech in which he stated:
“… a house divided against itself cannot stand. I
believe this government cannot endure
permanently half slave and half free. I do not
expect the Union to be dissolved- but I do expect
it will cease to be divided. It will become all one
thing or all the other”
Supreme Court Decision
Dred Scott Decision 1857- Scott v. Sanford
Supreme Court ruled that:
1. Scott could not sue in the federal courts
because he was not a citizen, just property.
2. Congress had no right to forbid slavery in the
territories, it should be decided by settlers.
Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was
3. Basically set abolition back because any
congressional action would be now be
considered unconstitutional.
John Brown’s Raid – 1859
A Kansas raider and
abolitionist, John Brown
and eighteen followers
raided the Federal
Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry,
Virginia in an attempt to
gain weapons and arm
slaves for a slave revolt.
Brown was hanged for
treason, but he became a
martyr for the anti-slave
movement in the North
and a symbol of violence
and hatred in the South.
Election of Abraham Lincoln
The Election of 1860- 4 candidates
Stephen Douglas-Northern Democrat,
supported popular sovereignty
John Breckenridge- Southern Democrat,
supported protection of slavery
Abraham Lincoln- Republican, supported limiting
the extension of slavery
John Bell- Constitution Union, favored
compromise and moderation.
Lincoln won and a majority of the electoral
vote, but received only 39% of the popular
vote, and no votes from southern states.
Mass hysteria swept through the South.
Many felt Lincoln’s election would lead to
the end of slavery and their economic and
social ruin.
The era of compromise would end and
lead the nation into a bloody civil war.
Election of 1860
1. Where was the first Women’s Rights Convention?
2. What two women led the Women’s Rights movement?
3. What woman was instrumental in advocating women’s rights and
care for the poor and insane?
4. Who published an anti-slavery newspaper called The Liberator?
5. What was the title and who wrote a novel about the horrors of
Identify the following:
1. Frederick Douglass-
2. Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser-
3. What were the 4 main provisions of the Compromise
of 1850?
4.What were the two main provisions of the KansasNebraska Act of 1854?
5. What resulted in Kansas as a result of the KansasNebraska Act?
6. What was the result of the Dred Scott Supreme Court
7. Why were abolitionists upset by the Dred Scott
8. What abolitionist led a raid against the Federal Arsenal
at Harper’s Ferry Virginia in 1859?
9. Who was elected President in 1860?
10. After the election of Abraham Lincoln as President in
1860, why did some southern states pull out of the
11. During Lincoln’s Senate campaign, what did he state
regarding the future of the Union?