Civil War - Reconstruction final copy

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Chapters 8 & 9
War Begins
President ________ pleaded for the continuation of the Union. He also
promised the South that he would not interfere with __________ in those
states where it already ________.
On April 10, 1861, U.S. Major _____________ waited for additional men and
supplies, the new Confederate government directed Brigadier General
______________ to demand the
of Fort __________. Major
Anderson refused to surrender.
3 important questions confronted the United States after the U.S. Civil War
(1) What would be done with 4 million newly _______ _________?
(2) How could______________ differences be healed so that the nation could
be reunited?
(3) How could the South resurrect itself and its __________?
Freedman’s Bureau
Freedmen (__________ __________) faced great hardships. They feared
that their _______ _________would try to re-enslave them. Most whites
found it difficult to accept former slaves as _______ persons, nor would they
accept them as ___________.
The Freedmen’s Bureau, was to help both former __________ and _______
_________ cope with their everyday problems by offering them
____________, food, and other necessities. An important focus
Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
President Lincoln developed a plan to rebuild the South and restore the
southern states to the Union. The process was known as
Lincoln’s plan had two simple steps:
1. All southerners, except for high-ranking Confederate civil and military
leaders, would be ___________ after
taking an _________________ to the United States.
2. When __________of the voters in each state had taken the oath of
____________, the state would be permitted to form a legal government and
rejoin the _________________.
_________________ and many northerners thought that the South should be
punished harshly. They believed that those Confederate states that seceded
should be treated like a conquered country..
Death of President Lincoln
April 14, 1865, Lincoln and his wife went to Ford’s ____________ to see a
play. __________________, an actor and southern sympathizer, entered
Lincoln’s theater box.
Booth shot the President in the back of the head. Booth leapt from the box
and slipped out of _______________
without getting caught.
The wounded President was taken to a boarding house across the street from
the theater. Lincoln _______________ the next morning.
As it turned out, Booth probably did more_________ to the South than
__________. Lincoln was no longer around to keep the radical
______________ (favored harsh punishment on the South) in check.
Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction
Upon Lincoln’s death, Vice President ____________ _____________ became
the nation’s President.
Johnson’s plan was much like Lincoln’s plan. However, those who had owned
property worth more than $________ or those who had held high civil or
military positions had to apply directly to the ____________for a
After some pressure, President Johnson added several more ____________.
First, the southern ___________ had to approve the __________
Amendment, which made slavery _________.
In addition, the southern states had to _____________(declare invalid) their
ordinances of secession. (take back the fact that they left the Union).
Finally, the southern states had to promise not to __________the
__________________ and institutions that had helped finance the
Congressional Reconstruction
To ensure states would give equal rights to all, Congress passed the
___________Amendment, which granted ________________ to the
freedmen and forbade any state from denying anyone the “equal
______________ of the law.”
States must ratify the Fourteenth Amendment before they could
__________the Union.
Reconstruction Amendments
13th Amendment was designed to
14th Amendment helped to clarify
15th Amendment gave
African Americans in Politics
Just after the Civil War ended, twenty-nine African Americans to the Georgia
___________________ and three African Americans to the Georgia
__________. Tunis G. Campbell, Jr., Henry McNeal _________, and Aaron A.
Bradley were a few of the notable leaders.
All of the African American legislators were _______________in
Septemberm1868. Their removal was on the ground that although the
_______________ had given them the ________________, it did not
specifically give them the right to _____________ office.
Georgia Act & 15th Amendment
The 14th Amendment gave all men the right to _____________. However,
many African Americans were not given the right to vote in the 1868
___________ election. As a result, Governor __________ asked Congress for
As a result, Congress passed the ___________ Act. This act returned Georgia
to federal ________________control
and required that the state _________ the ___________Amendment before
it could return to the Union.
Reconstruction Ends in Georgia
The Georgia __________ ___________ ruled that blacks were eligible to
hold __________________. When the General Assembly met in January
1870, it reseated the _____________ who had been expelled from the
General Assembly in September 1868.
In addition, the legislature again approved the Fourteenth Amendment and
_____________the Fifteenth Amendment.
Ku Klux Klan
The Klan, as it was called, was one of several secret organizations that tried to
keep _______________ from exercising their new civil ____________. The
group began in Tennessee, in 1865 as a social club for returning
________________. It quickly changed into a force of ____________.
They terrorized and intimidated African Americans to keep them from
______________ and, by doing so, to return control of the state to the
Sharecropping and Tenant Farming
Planters and farmers needed ___________ to work on their land. A
______________ was one type of worker. Under this system, the landowners
________________ land, a house, farming tools and animals, seed, and
fertilizer. The workers agreed to give the owner a ____________ of the
________________ (crops).
Until the workers sold their crops, the owners often let them have food,
medicine, clothing, and other supplies at _______________ on __________.
The typical sharecropper had little, if any, cash left. Because few
sharecroppers could read or _________, the planter or the store owner could
easily _________ them.
___________ _____________ was similar to sharecropping. The main
difference was that tenants _________ ___________ some agricultural
equipment and farm animals, such as mules. They also bought their own seed
and fertilizer.
Tenant farmers either paid the landowner a ______ ___________ of cash or
an agreed-upon ________of the crop. Because tenant farmers _________
_________ than sharecroppers, they usually made a small _________.
Atlanta Seal During Reconstruction
Following the Civil War, ___________ adopted a new city seal. The seal was
had a ____________ (a mythical bird) that rises from the__________.
Georgia Studies book p.210
This symbol was used to demonstrate that the city of Atlanta was going to rise
up from the flames and ashes that resulted when _________ marched
through Georgia. The phoenix would bring new ______ to the city. Georgia
Studies book p.210