Transcript Document

Matching criteria
Criteria for Picture/Sound match
Historical / Geographical Matching
Historical Matching
Pair pictures with music created in same time period
 Example:
baroque church with music by JS Bach
 Example:
1960s London photo with music by Beatles
 Example:
modern building with contemporary composer
Geographical matching
Select music that is typical of geographical area
 Example:
Vienna scene with waltzing music
 Example:
Japanese scene with traditional koto music
 Example:
US South with Dixieland Jazz
Thematic matching
Select sounds that are typical for specific event or
 Example:
Church with organ music
 Example:
Parade with marching-band music
Tonal matching
Sounds that fit the general tone or mood of the
event or content.
 Sad
scene with sad or minor music
 Happy scene with music that has upbeat tempo
 Moonlight embrace with romantic music
Structural matching
Parallel pictures and sound according to their
internal structure
 Look
at picture texture, colors, and content
 Decide
 Try
does picture look loud, slow, simple beat?
to match the visual beats with the aural ones.