5cpptdd - Cell-as-a

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Transcript 5cpptdd - Cell-as-a

• A nuclear cells where found in both plant and
animal cells. The nuclear cell is enclosed in
double membrane and communicates with the
• Inside of the nucleus is a DNA responsible for
pervading the cell with its unique characteristics.
The DNA is almost the same
as the rest of the
cells in the body. This is like main office.
• Nucleolus was found in both animal and
plant cell. The nucleolus produces
ribosome, which move put the nucleolus
and takes poison. Also the nucleolus is
also inside the nucleus. This is like the
outer part of the main office.
Cell Membrane
• The cell membrane was found in both
animal and plant cells. So the cell
membranes act as a provided barrier to
the uncontrolled flow of water. It is also
made into two layers of cells working. This
is also like our officer.
• Cytoplasm’s are found in both animal and
plant cells. The cytoplasm is a collective
term for the cytosol plus the organelles
suspended within the cytosol. This is like
the brick wall outside of our school.
• Ribosome are found in both animal and
plant cells. These are pated of RNA and
protein that play a role in both prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells. They are the site of
protein synthesis. Ribosome has 2 parts,
and a large subunit and a small subunit.
This is like all the students in the school.
• Vacuole is found in both plant cells and in
animal cells. Vacuole plays a role in
intracellular digestion and the release of
cellular waste products. But in animals
cells their smaller.
Golgi Body
• A Golgi body is found in both animal cells
and plant cells. Golgi body is a
membrane~ bound structure with a single
membrane. It’s a stack of membrane that’s
important in packing macromolecules.
The stack of larger vesicles is surrounded
by numerous smaller vesicles containing
those packaged macromolecules. This is
like classes.
• Mitochondria are found in both animal
cells and plants cells. Mitochondrion
provides the energy a cell needs to move
divide, produce secretary products
contacts. They are all about the size of
bacteria but others may have a little
difference shapes depending on the types
of cells. This is like the classrooms.
Rough ER
• Rough ER is found in both animals cells
and in plant cells. Appears “pebble” by
electron microscopy due to the presence
of numerous ribosome on its surface.
Smooth ER
• Smooth ER is found in both animals cells
and in plant cells. Smooth ER played
different functions depending on the
specific cell types including lipid and
steroid hormone synthesis.
• Lysosme is found in both animal cells and
in plant cells. Lysosome contains
hydrolytic enzymes necessary for
intracellular digestion. Their more common
in animal cells then plant cells. This is like
all the teachers in our school.
Cell Walls
• Cell wall is only found in plant cells. Plant
cells have a rigid, that is protective cell
wall made up of polysaccharides is usually
cellulose. In higher plant cells, that
polysaccharide is usually cellulose. This is
like the inside walls of the school.
• Chloroplast is only found in plant cells.
Chloroplast is specialized organelles found
in all higher plant cells. These things
contain the plant cells, chlorophyll. This is
like the hallways and teams of the school.