Multicolored Bubbles

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Sensation and
• Involves everything we are exposed to
• Our brains are designed to recognize
and translate what we are used to
• Our brain adapts to the environment
around us (adaptation)
• Absolute Threshold: The amount of a
stimulation needed for our brain to
register its action
• Sensation: The process of receiving
• Perception: Process of organizing the
• Vision
- This is the most dominate of the
senses that we posses
• This is determined by the amount of
white light that hits an object
• - The “color” we see is the wavelength
of the object AFTER the white light hits
Parts of the Eye
• Cornea
- Covering in the front of the eye that
contains fluid
• Iris
- Colored part of the eye
- This is the muscle that allows the pupil
to expand and contract, depending on
how much light comes in through the
Parts of the Eye
• Lens
- This helps focus the light as it comes
into the eye
- If it is not in focus, then glasses
• Retina
- This is the back of the eye
- This is where the rods and cones of
the eye exist
Oh there are more parts of the
eye to learn
• Pupil
- This is the opening that appears black
- This can have light added to it, and
you can see into the eyes
- Dr. Exam
- Redeye is caused because the light
flashes into the eye, and then is
reflected back
And More parts…
• Rods
- This is what we use to see black and
white in objects
• Cones
- Used for colors and for sharpness
- If there is a deficiency in the cones,
this is what causes color-blindness
The colors you see…
• All colors we see are made up of three
- Red, blue, and green
- They mix together to show us shades
and colors
- The wavelengths of the object (reflected
back at us) is picked up by cones
• - Afterimages are an example of how you
can saturate the cones in your eyes
• Sound is really energy that our ears
can detect
- There are several characteristics of
sound, and they are…
1. Pitch: The highs and lows of a sound
2. Timbre: The “texture” of the sound
- Difference between a C on a piano or a
3. Intensity: This is how loud something
really is
- Measured in decibels
4. Decibels: The scientific measurement of
how loud a sound is
• - Too loud, or too close, and the sound can
actually kill sound receptors on the ear
3. Intensity: This is how loud something
really is
- Measured in decibels
4. Decibels: The scientific measurement
of how loud a sound is
- Too loud, or too close, and the sound
can actually kill sound receptors on the
Structure of the ear
• How do we hear?
– Hair Cells!
• The cells are in the Cochlea.
• The Cochlea is also filled with fluid along with the
Hair Cells
• The Hair Cells have cilia at the end of them
• The cilia are tuned to hear specific frequencies
• - As the cilia moves, an electrical current is
sent to the auditory nerve, in the brain, and
the brain interprets what is being heard
• The Hair Cells have cilia at the end of
• The cilia are tuned to hear specific
• As the cilia moves, an electrical current
is sent to the auditory nerve, in the
brain, and the brain interprets what is
being heard
Psychological effects of
• Our brain is used to hearing certain
things and develops a conditioned
– E.g. recognizing familiar voices
• Cutaneous Sense
- These receptors are broken into
- All of them are wired to the brain so we
can tell what is going on
1. Pressure
2. Temperature
3. Pain
• This is also called olfaction
• This is purely a chemical
• There are cilia in your nasal
- Once an odor attaches
itself to the cilia, an
electrical signal is sent to
the olfactory bulbs which
sends a signal to the brain
Can you smell that smell
• Pheromones
- These are “odors” given out in the
animal kingdom that alert animals to
sexual desire
- more prevalent in animals
• Taste is activated by taste buds on your
- They are divided up into four groups
1. Salt
2. Sweet
3. Sour
4. Bitter
• These combine, like the cones in an eye, to
tell us what we are eating
• The level of all of these tastes differ and
change throughout our lives
- Small children do not usually like spicy
foods, yet most adults like mustard
- As we get older, taste buds diminish and
stronger foods are needed for the full effect of
• Is the process by how we interpret all of
the information that comes to us
- How do you react to situations that
you are not used to?
Rely on experience and instant
• All of the sensations previously
discussed also help with us dealing with
our world
• Size: we are used to seeing sizes and we use
this memory to judge how far something away
- Ex: The size of a playing card and its
distance away from you
• Color: The color of something is already
known, so we can “guess” the color of that
item in different conditions
- Ex: Taking an apple from a bright kitchen
to dark room
• Brightness: The brain knows what it
should be seeing, so it compensates
when it sees something it does not
• Shape: Once we know what a shape
looks like, we can adjust its angle and
still tell what it is.
– Book laying down or standing up
Space: There are two types of motion, when we
discuss space
1. Object motion (Other objects around us move)
2. Self motion (We move within our environment)
When you drive, subtle differences in motion are not
always noticed because we combine the two
Major differences are seen, but they often come too
- Brake lights
- Distractions while driving
Depth Perception
• Is the ability to judge space between
objects and tell how far/close they are
• Retinal Disparity
– Each eye sees a different image
– The brain must combine these images so
we can see correctly
– If there is a loss of an eye, the brain does
not know what to do with the loss of an
image, so the brain creates an image
Perceptual Organization
• Gestalt: A common region of something
that we create
• We use the similarity of objects to
create images we expect to see
• Proximity: Sometimes we group things
together if they are close to each other
• Closure; We can see an image even if
the whole picture is not there
• These are pictures that the brain
creates to help us understand what we
are seeing
• They are not mistakes of the brain, but
the brain trying to decipher what is
actually going on
Perceptual organizing
a. Figure + Ground -1) Figure -- stands out
2) Ground -- it’s behind
What takes importance -- What does take
b. Grouping -- Gestalt -- Whole
1) Proximity – group near-by fixtures together
2) Similarity – group objects that are similar
3) Continuity – patterns are seen as smooth
4) Closure – fill in the gaps
5) Texture
Perceptual Processing
• Top-Down – involves perceiving patterns
as meaningful wholes (eg recognizing
faces of people we know) without
having to piece together parts
– Based on acquired knowledge and
experience with patterns
• Bottom-Up – brain assembles specific
features of shapes to form patterns that
we can compare with stored images
Perceptual organizing -c. Perceptual
1). Consistent --Feature changes
2). visual size -- Closeness or far Retina
threshold changes -- lens
(a). shape constancy
(b). bright constancy
Depth Perception Cues
1. Binocular - cues provide depth
information when viewing a scene with
both eyes.
2. Monocular - cues provide depth
information when viewing a scene with
one eye. Includes:
Monocular Cues
1. relative size - closer bigger
2. Height -- Horizon is farther
3. Interpositions -- Blocking =
4. Linear perspectives -- Lines RR
5. clarity – hazy = farther away
6. Light + Shadows - Depth
e. Motion
e. Motion -- Structural
1). Accommodation - lens flexes more depth
2). Convergings - Rotation
3). Binocular -- Illusions Motion sickness
4).Motion + movement
(a). Looming - Approaching – faster; away - slow
-- expansion of the stimuli -- Somatosensory –
Vestibular balance
f. Illusions –
perceptual mistakes
Not a delusion. . . Thot quirk!