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O-O, What Are They Doing
to Relational Databases?
(The Evolution of DB2 Universal Database)
Michael J. Carey
IBM Almaden
January 1999
Plan for Today's Presentation
The relational DBMS revolution
The object-relational DBMS evolution
O-R features in DB2 Universal Database V5.2
Some O-R implementation tradeoffs (V5.2)
What lies ahead for DB2 UDB & O-R databases?
Questions (and possibly answers)
Please ask questions throughout...!
The Relational DBMS Revolution
The pre-relational era (1970's)
Graph-based data models
Hierarchical (IMS), network (Codasyl)
Low-level, navigational interfaces
Labor-intensive and error-prone
The relational era (1980's)
Simple, abstract data model
Database = set of relations ("tables")
 3 schema levels: views, base tables, physical schema
 Algebra of set-oriented operations
High-level, declarative interfaces
SQL, QBE, et al
 Embedded languages, 4GLs
The Relational Model (in one slide)
Employees and departments
select, E.salary,
from Employee E, Department D
where E.salary < 100000
and = 'Shoe'
and E.dept = D.dno;
Relational Databases: A Success Story
The relational model has been a big success
Simplicity has made research tractable
 Data independence yields productivity gains
 Both academia and industry have benefitted
Relational DBMS "goodies" include
Efficient query optimization and execution
 Well-defined transaction semantics and support
 Excellent multi-user performance and robustness
 Views for data independence, authorization
 Constraints, triggers, and stored procedures for (shared)
business rule capture/enforcement
 "The" success story for parallel computing
We've Achieved Nirvana ... Right?
The world is becoming increasingly complex
New data types are appearing (e.g., multimedia)
 Real-world data doesn't fit neatly into tables
Entities and relationships (vs. tables)
 Variance among entities (vs. homogeneity)
 Set-valued attributes (vs. normalization)
Advanced applications bring complex data
E.g., CAD/CAM data management, web data management,
geographic information management, medical data
management, (your favorite application goes here)
So maybe objects are the answer...?
Yes, if we can keep all the relational "goodies"!
The Object-Relational DBMS Evolution
O-R extension #1: Abstract data types (ADTs)
New column types and functions/methods
E.g., text, image, audio, video, time series, point, line, OLE...
 For modeling new kinds of facts about enterprise entities
Infrastructure for extenders/datablades/cartridges
O-R extension #2: Row types
Types and functions/methods for rows of tables
Desirable features include references, inheritance, methods, late
binding, and collection-valued attributes
 For modeling enterprise entities with relationships & behavior
Infrastructure for DBMS-native object management
Recent SQL3 merger: Structured types
Can use for types of columns and/or tables
"Not Your Father's Employee Type"
Beyond name, rank, and serial number
New attribute types
Location (2-d point), job description (text), photo (image), ...
Associated functions
Distance(point, point), contains(text, string), ...
Beyond your basic employee record
Employees come in different flavors
Employees have many known relationships
Emp, RSM, Programmer, Manager, Temp, ...
Manager, department, projects, ...
Employees have behavior
Age(Emp), qualified(Emp, Job), hire(Emp), ...
An Employee is a simple "business
The OSF Project at IBM Almaden
OSF stands for "Object Strike Force"
Semi-autonomous group "outside" UDB development
 Focus: object-relational extensions for DB2 UDB
 Both near-term and longer-term interests
 Collaborate with our Toronto and Santa Teresa labs
Significant activities to date
Prototyped "row type" support for DB2 UDB
 Delivered in DB2 UDB Version 5.2 (9/98)
 Significantly revised SQL3 draft standard
 Working on next step plus future technologies
DB2 Universal Database, Version 5
DB2 for Common Servers (Version 2)
User-defined column types (UDTs/distinct types)
 User-defined functions (UDFs)
 Binary/character large objects (BLOBs/CLOBs)
Distinct types: new data types for columns
Ex: create distinct type US_Dollar as Real with
 US_Dollar is an available UDT with functions =, <>, <,
<=, >, >=, US_Dollar(Real), Real(US_Dollar)
User-defined functions: associated operations
create function CA_Tax (US_Dollar) returns
US_Dollar external name 'money!US_Dollar' language
DB2 Universal Database, Version 5 (cont.)
Lots of other interesting features as well, e.g.:
Constraints and triggers
 Recursive queries
 OLAP support (cube and rollup)
 Extenders (based on UDTs/UDFs)
Wide range of hardware/software platforms
PCs: Windows95, NT, OS/2, SCO
 Unix workstations: AIX, Solaris, HP/UX
 Parallel platforms: SMPs, MPPs (e.g., SP2)
Descended from Almaden's Starburst system
Extensible query compiler (with rule-based query
rewrite and query optimizer components)
New O-R Features in DB2 UDB V5.2
Structured types and references
Named types with attributes, O-O subtyping model
 Ref(T) for directly modelling relationships
Typed tables and table hierarchies
Oid (user-provided) plus a column per attribute of T
 Subtables for querying and managing subtype instances
Query language extensions
Substitutability for queries/updates (data independence ++)
 Path expressions for querying relationships easily
 Functions/predicates for runtime type inquiries
Object views (via a novel approach)
Virtual table hierarchies for flexible access control
 Also facilitates O-O views of legacy tables
A Simple Example
Employee and department tables in the (late) 90's
Structured Types and References
Create structured types (and references)
create type Person_t as (
name Varchar(40), birthyear Integer
create type Emp_t under Person_t as (
salary Integer, dept Ref(Dept_t)
create type Exec_t under Emp_t as (
bonus Integer
create type Student_t under Person_t as (
major Varchar(20)
Structured Types and References (cont.)
Create structured types (cont).
create type Dept_t as (
name Varchar(20),
budget Integer,
headcount Integer,
mgr Ref(Emp_t)
Okay, so I lied (a little) on the last slide...
alter type Emp_t add attribute dept Ref(Dept_t);
Typed Tables and Table Hierarchies
Now create typed tables (and subtables)
create table person of Person_t
(ref is oid user generated);
create table emp of Emp_t under person
(dept with options scope dept);
create table exec of Exec_t under emp;
create table student of Student_t under person;
create table dept of Dept_t
(ref is oid user generated,
mgr with options scope emp);
SQL Query Extensions (by example)
select E.* from emp E
where E.birthyear > 1970 and E.salary > 50000;
Data modification (insert; update/delete)
insert into emp
values (Emp_t('e100'), 'John Smith', 1968, 65000,
(select oid from dept where name = 'Database'));
update person set birthyear = birthyear + 1 where name = 'John Smith';
Path expressions
select, E.dept->name
from emp E
where E.dept->mgr->dept->mgr->name = 'Lou Gerstner';
Querying Table Hierarchies: An Example
select name, dept->name
from Emp
where birthyear < 1960
select *
from Person
where name like 'H%'
SQL Query Extensions (cont.)
Support for type-dependent queries
select *
from only (emp) E
where dept->budget > 10000000;
select name
from person P
where deref(oid) is of type (only Emp_t, Student_t);
select type_name(deref(E.oid)), E.*
from outer (emp) E
where e.oid = Emp_t('e13');
Other Data Definition Features
ref is for object id column
Unique, user-generated (on insert)
scope clause for reference columns
Provides critical information to the query optimizer
not null constraints
Definable at any level of a table hierarchy
 Enforced for indicated table and its subtables
unique constraints
Root level (and columns) only
create index for physical schema
Unique or non-unique index on root table
 Non-unique index on subtable
Other Data Definition Features (cont.)
Authorization model for table hierarchies
grant and revoke on table or subtables
 Substitutability: implicit subtable authorization on
columns inherited from an authorized supertable
Ex #1: select privilege on person table
 Ex #2: update privilege on salary column of emp table
Some operations require authorization everywhere
deref function
 is of type predicate and type_xxx functions
SQL3 also supports granting of table/subtable
privileges with hierarchy option
Object Views in DB2 UDB
Typed views and view hierarchies
Requirements: virtual table hierarchies
Typed rows with (derived) object ids
 Views may be quite different from base data
 Support for interconnected "view schemas"
Types For Object Views
Create types for use in views
create type VPerson_t as (
name Varchar(40)
create type VEmp_t under VPerson_t as (
dept Ref(VDept_t)
create type VStudent_t under VPerson_t as (
kind Varchar(8)
create type VDept_t as (
name Varchar(20), mgr Ref(VEmp_t)
Typed View Hierarchies
Now create typed views (and subviews)
create view vperson of VPerson_t (ref is oid user generated) as
select VPerson_t(Varchar(oid)), name from only (person);
create view vemp of VEmp_t under vperson
(dept with options scope vdept) as
select VEmp_t(Varchar(oid)), name, VDept_t(Varchar(dept))
from emp where salary > 0;
create view vstudent of VStudent_t under vperson as
select VStudent_t(Varchar(oid)), name,
case when major like '%Engineer%' then 'Geek'
else 'non-Geek' end
from student;
create view vdept of VDept_t ...;
O-R Implementation Issues/Tradeoffs
Some guiding principles for DB2 UDB V5.2
Performance must equal/exceed relational equivalents
 Design amenable to future plans w.r.t. type evolution
 Structured types must be supported in columns (someday)
 Localize initial changes to query compiler where possible
Want "free" indexing, rewrites, optimization, parallelization, ...
Influenced by discussions with a CAD/CAM vendor
Information on existing approach and installations
 Requirements for efficiency of new products
Let's look briefly at two areas
Table hierarchy representation
 References and path query processing
Implementing Table Hierarchies
Implementation table approach
One physical table per table hierarchy with:
Type tag column (to distinguish subtable rows)
 Object id column
 Columns for all columns of the root table and its subtables
Vertical partitioning approach
One physical root table with:
Type tag column
 Object id column
 Columns for each root table column
N physical delta tables (one per subtable) with:
Object id column
 Columns for each column introduced by this subtable
Implementing Table Hierarchies (cont.)
Horizontal partitioning approach
N separate physical tables with:
Object id column
 Columns for every subtable column (inherited or not)
So what did we do for UDB V5.2...?
Vertical partitioning approach rejected quickly
Too many joins to materialize subtable rows
 Multi-column constraints and indices problematic
Horizontal partitioning approach rejected eventually
Uniqueness issue for user-generated object ids
 Query complexity for multi-hierarchy join queries
Ex: select, from Person p, Person q where ...
Implementation table approach taken for V5.2
Appeared to give us the most "free" functionality
 Adopted despite row size (null columns) downside
References and Path Expressions
Reference values in tables should have a scope
"Other end" info for query rewrite and join optimization
 Ditto for authorization checking (static vs. dynamic)
 Schema makes overly wide references unnecessary
 Uniqueness is hierarchy-relative, enforced with an index
V5.2 self-references (object ids) are user-generated
CAD/CAM vendor had "legacy references" in files
 Different users have different id generation schemes
 Loading cyclic data (e.g., emp<-> dept) is messy and slow
 Ditto for creating objects from an object cache
References and Path Expressions (cont.)
Path expressions are logically equivalent to subqueries
select, E.dept->name, E.dept->mgr->name
from emp E
where E.dept->headcount > 10;
Actual approach: shared subquery generation (QGM)
Compute common paths (prefixes) once to save work
 Not every SQL context accepts an actual subquery
 Also need to handle non-serializable locking levels
Efficiency obtained through query rewrite, e.g.:
Subquery to outer-join transformation
 Outer-join to join transformation where possible
Where We Are Today in UDB
V5.2 of UDB contains new O-R features
Structured types with inheritance
 Object tables and table hierarchies
 References and path expressions
 Object views and view hierarchies
Moreover, so does the SQL3 standard
Includes object views and user-defined references
 IBM, Oracle, Informix heading in same general direction
Work continuing on O-R extensions
Let's have a brief look...
Additional Object Table Support
Business rule mechanisms for typed tables
Check constraints on tables/subtables (w/inheritance)
 Referential integrity constraints to and from tables/subtables
 Triggers on tables/subtables
Object modeling and management extensions
User-defined reference types (ref using)
 More flexible object view definitions
 Type and instance (i.e., row) evolution
Structured types for attributes/columns
Work in progress at IBM Santa Teresa Lab
 Functions/methods just around the corner as well
Other Exploratory O-R Work
Efficient support for collection types
Multivalued attributes (e.g.,
 Flavors: set, multiset, array, list, ...
 Need to integrate into SQL, support querying well
 Some experience from a first prototype
Other activities (and open problems)
Java mappings & bindings for O-R data
 XML & data-centric web sites ("d-commerce")
 Business object servers (caching/consistency)
Heterogeneous data & O-R database systems
 User-defined and/or external indexing
 Optimizer "hooks" for new data types
 Etc.!
Partial List of UDB O-R Contributors
Almaden Research Center
Mike Carey, Don Chamberlin, Srinivasa Narayanan, Bennet
Vance; C.M. Park; Guido Moerkotte
Santa Teresa Lab
Nelson Mattos
 Gene Fuh, Michelle Jou, Brian Tran
Toronto Lab
Doug Doole, Serge Rielau, Rick Swagerman
 Leo Lao, Walid Rjaibi, Calisto Zuzarte
 Cheryl Greene, various other consultants/hecklers
And as for future versions of UDB
Your name could appear here! (MS/PhD)
The End
What About Object-Oriented DBMSs?
Commonly based on C++ or Smalltalk
 Persistence, collections, queries, versions, ...
Lots of interesting and useful research results
O-O data models and query languages
 O-O query processing, system architecture, performance
 Various products (O2, Objectstore, Versant, Objectivity, ...)
No widespread commercial acceptance
Many differences across systems (despite ODMG-93)
 Never really caught up to RDBMS techology
Schema compilation, evolution painful
 Missing many of the relational "goodies"
 Single-language focus, lack of (relational) tools
Stonebraker Fellow Criteria (found on web)
Industrial database researcher
PhD from UC Berkeley
Must agree with the following motto:
Databases are the answer...!
 What was the question again...?
At least 6' tall
Had a PhD thesis advisor with first name Mike
Produced a PhD student with first name Mike