Fluid Dynamics: Thrust Lesson 9 Dr. Aaron P. Wemhoff

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Transcript Fluid Dynamics: Thrust Lesson 9 Dr. Aaron P. Wemhoff

Lesson 9
Thinking About Motors
 What
Device that converts energy into mechanical
 What
is a motor?
are motors used for?
Hard drives, disk drives, fans, DVD players etc..
 How
do motors work?
Magnets- Necessary Component of Motors
Named for a region in Asia Minor called Magnesia
Magnesia was the first location magnetic rocks were
Earliest Uses- 11th Century China
Compass needles
Needle is made of a magnet that points towards the
north pole
How Magnets Work
 Magnets
Metals: iron, nickel cobalt
 Why?
Alignment of atomic structure of material
Magnetic Poles
 Magnets
North pole- attracts south pole, repels north
South pole- attracts north pole, repels south
 Easy
have two poles
way to determine north vs. south pole
Hold a compass next to a magnet
The compass needle will point to the south pole
Mechanical Motion from Electricity
 Hans
Christian Oersted
Discovered relationship in 1800’s between:
• Mechanical Force
• Magnetism
• Electricity
Followed up by Maxwell, Farady and Lorentz
Mechanical Motion from Electricity
 Basis
for Electric Motor
A wire conducting current will experience a
force when it is placed in a magnetic field
F = iL x B
F (Force)
i (Current)
L (Length of Conductor)
x (Cross Product)
B (Magnetic Field Strength)
Mechanical Motion from Electricity
 Vectors
Vectors represent a quantity with a size and
 According
to the formula:
The force is a cross product of the vectors B
and iL
Cross Product: takes two vectors B and iL and
produces a third: BiLsin(Ө)
We will only consider vectors at right angles:
F= iLB
Mechanical Motion from Electricity
Right Hand Rule
Used to find the direction of the force on the wire
Point hand with open palm in direction of first
vector in the cross product (iL)
Close fingers in the direction of second vector (B)
Your thumb is now pointing in direction of F
Practice the Right Hand Rule!!!
Inside a Motor
Force on current (i) in a magnetic field can be turned
into torque
Simple: run current through a loop of wire in a magnetic
Current switches direction based on what side of the loop it
is on
Results in a pair of forces which cause torque
The loop will align with the magnets but will not spin
How Does a Motor Spin?
Add physical components to make current change
Brushes: attached to power source, do not move
Commutator: attached to the coil , spins with coil
When commutator spins , brushes change direction
which results in current switching direction
 The torque will increase with more coils
A Motor in Pieces