Can we measure Quantum Gravity effects?
Transcript Can we measure Quantum Gravity effects?
Florian Girelli:
I decided to study the fundamental nature of space-time when finishing high-school.
My university/research cursus:
• Master of Mathematics in Toulouse, France
• PhD theoretical physics in Marseille, France
• 3 years postdoc at the Perimeter Institute, in Waterloo , Canada
• 3 years postdoc at SISSA, in Trieste , Italy
• Starting 3 years of postdoc in Sydney, Australia
Doing some research:
• Main good points :
• Love to do research! I do what I like!
• Free to do my research and get organized how I wish
•Travel all around the world (conferences/jobs/collaborations)
•Difficult points:
•Have to be committed 100% of your time
•Hard to get a permanent job (money is often not very good)
•Travel too much sometimes….
Florian Girelli
School of Physics
Can we measure Quantum
Gravity effects?
Quantum Gravity:
From Special and General Relativity to Quantum mechanics
An important issue:
QG effects are too weak…
Gamma-rays Bursts and quantum space-time
Special Relativity (1905)
Time and space are unified. There is
no more an absolute time.
There is an universal (maximum)
speed: the speed of light c.
We have contraction of length and
dilatation of time.
General Relativity (1915)
Space-time becomes dynamical.
Gravity is curvature of space-time.
Newton’s law is some approximation of General
General Relativity (1915)
Gravity is curvature of space-time.
Matter tells space-time how to curve.
Space-time tells matter how to propagate.
Special Relativity is a specific solution of the
Quantum mechanics
Microphysics is given in terms of « quanta »: discrete quantities.
Uncertainty principle:
In particular , we have a minimum on the precision we can measure
a particle position: the Compton length.
Quantize a theory:
consider a classical theory, identify the right fundamental variables,
quantize them:
introduce a new mathematical formalism such that the variables are
quantized , ie quanta are introduced.
« We put a hat on the variables »
Quantum Gravity
• Interaction between quantum systems.
Like all the other interactions :
strong force
Weak force
W+, W- and Z bosons
Quantum Gravity
• Interaction between quantum systems.
•Solving singularties issues in General Relativity.
Quantum Gravity
Interaction between quantum systems.
Solving singularties issues in Gravity.
Look at when quantum effects (Compton length) are comparable to
gravitational effects (Schwarschild length).
Very small length!
Quantum Gravity
• Interaction between quantum systems.
•Solving singularties issues in General Relativity.
Quantum Gravity
•How to construct it?
Add extra dimensions to space-time
(4+7=11), more symmetries
(supersymmetry), consider strings and
branes as the right degrees of freedom,
and quantize them: String theory.
Quantum Gravity
•How to construct it?
Add extra dimensions to space-time (4+7=11), more
symmetries (supersymmetry), and quantize strings and
branes: String theory.
Start from General Relativity and quantize it without
adding anything extra, you get Loop Quantum Gravity.
LooP Quantum Gravity
Quantum space has discrete
structure, just like the quantum
Hydrogen atom. It is encoded into
spin networks
A quantum spacetime is a spinfoam.
A big issue…
Fine, we can constrcut a nice theory, but physics is more
than about theory!
Quantum gravitational effect are extremely tiny!
Grav. Interaction << electomag. Interaction for atoms
Planck length is just incredibly small…
A possible solution
Use astrophysical mega events, such as the gamma rays
Their origin is not clear: possibly collision
of neutron stars, formation of black
Possible origin of a massive extinction on Earth,
450 millions years ago
A possible solution
Being so energetic, ie high frequency, they can feel the
« granular » nature of space-time.
If they travel long enough, the high frequency
gamma ray could « interact » with the « atoms of
space-time » and arrive later/earlier than the low
er frequency ones.
QG phenomenology
(Consider flat space-time)
Rays with different energy travel at different speed due to the quantum
gravitational background.
What is the distance L that the rays with different energy E1 and E2 need to
travel to get 1 second of difference in the time of arrival?
• It is therefore possible to find
astrophysical effects to enhance
the QG effects.
• We need more smart ideas to find QG
• Very recently such delay in a gamma
ray burst was measured!
But we need much more data to really
relate it to QG…
Help guys!!
A bit of help would be
• Lee Smolin: Three roads to quantum gravity
• Lee Smolin: The trouble with physics
• Fermi Observations of High-Energy GammaRay Emission from GRB 080916C
Science 27 March 2009, Vol. 323. no. 5922, pp.
1688 - 1693
Gravity and extra dimensions
In a n dimensional space-time, the Newton force becomes:
For n=5 dimension, and one is compactified, with radius R:
Lower Planck
End of the XIX century: Lord Kelvin said
“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics
now. All that remains is more and more precise
measurements. “
He mentions however some “Clouds over the
Dynamical Theory of Heat and Light” due to
the Michelson-Morley experiment and the
black body radiation.