Transcript DO NOW!!!

 Why
is the United States interested
in stopping countries from becoming
 Why are we willing to risk American
lives to stop the spread of
Soviet/Communist influence?
 Do you agree or disagree with the
US policy of containment? Why or
Why not?
The Cold War Abroad
China had halted a civil war over communism
during WWII to fight Japan
US sends aid to the nationalists and tries to help
arrange a peace treaty
– Neither size will compromise
The communist side begins to win more and
more support after the war (Mao Zedong)
– Should the United States intervene or leave China
Communists win (1949) establishing The People’s
Republic of China
– US rejects this new government—does not intervene
militarily though
The Korean War Begins
Soviets and US drove Japan out of Korea during
– Develop 2 zones—North Korea (Soviets) South Korea
– Cold War tensions keep the two powers in Korea after
the war
2 separate governments are set up (1948)
Both armies are built up, US and Soviets leave
(1949), North and South Korea go to war
– US aids South Korea with the support of the United
Why is the Unites States willing to put so much effort into
helping the South Koreans?
Complete the following items:
 Define
 Define proxy war
 What superpower has an alliance
with North Korea?
 What superpower has an alliance
with South Korea?
Korean War Memorial Washington
Korean War Propaganda
Intense Fighting
Fighting was intense—US/UN forces
pushed back by the Soviet Armed North
Koreans—US/UN able to later respond
with powerful counter attacks (1950)
 China decides to enter the war and
support the North Koreans—MacArthur
wants to attack mainland China—Do you
agree with this move?
 Truman strongly disagrees—MacArthur
demands surrender from enemies without
Truman’s approval and he is fired (1951)
(many Americans support MacArthur)
1952 Election
 Stalemate
in Korea causes Truman to
avoid running for re-election
– Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower wins
the election—(ends 20 year Democratic
reign) “I like Ike”
Results of the War
Armistice is signed in 1953 after
Eisenhower steps up bombing North Korea
and hints at the use of nuclear weapons
 North Korea is divided exactly the same
way it was before the war—54,000
Americans dead about 100,000 wounded
– In your opinion, was it worth it to sacrifice all
these lives?
The art of getting as close as you possibly
can to war without it actually happening
 John F. Dulles (sec. of state) believed it
was necessary to take a tough stance
against the Soviets/communism—
including war or use of nuclear weapons if
– Would you agree or disagree with this
Eisenhower takes a more careful
approach—used the CIA (est. 1947) to
secretly fight the Cold War
Secret War
CIA is used to take out Iranian premier
Mohammad Mosaddeq—he is arrested and
replaced with a pro-American leader
 CIA sets up a pro-American government in
– Overthrow Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán
– (1954)—stirs up resentment of the United
States in South America—Why?