Transcript PowerPoint

Nutrition: Student Q & A
Fall 2016
Student Question: Which Squash
Varieties are GMO?
• Zucchini
• Yellow (summer) squash
• Modified for virus
• According to,
varieties being monitored:
– Acorn squash (winter)
– Delicata squash (winter)
– Patty pan (summer)
Student Question: Why Are Vitamins A & C
Being Omitted on the New Nutrition Labels?
• Per FDA, research has
determined deficiencies
in Vitamins A & C are
uncommon (FDA page)
• Calcium and iron will
remain mandatory
• Vitamin D (bone, muscle,
nerve, immune benefits)
• Potassium (blood
pressure benefits) added
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• A “processed” food has been altered from its
raw state:
– Cooked
– Dried
– Canned
– Pasteurized
– Ingredients added
• Texture
• Taste
• Preservation
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Think about foods
lying on a
– Completely
processed on one
– Completely
unprocessed on
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Completely
– In natural form,
without any
• Banana from a tree
• Egg directly from a
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Low processing
– Freezing
– Canning
– Cutting
– Drying
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Moderately processed foods
– Raw foods have been changed
• Whole grains to bread, cereal, pasta, crackers
• Sweet potatoes peeled, seasoned, shaped into fries
– Can be part of a generally healthy diet, but try to
minimize ingredient number
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Highly processed
– Many ingredients added
– Pre-cooked or otherwise
– Cookies, snack cakes
– Prepared dinners, side dishes
(frozen, boxed)
– “Energy” bars
– Candy
– Sugary cereals
Center for Science in the Public
Interest: Food Additives
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• As a general rule, minimally processed foods
will be healthier
– Fewer synthetic additives
– Less sugar, fat, salt
• “Minimal:” think two or fewer additives
– Cut carrots
– Rolled oats
– “Natural” peanut or almond butter
Student Question: What are Health Differences
Between Processed & Unprocessed Foods?
• Health Implications
Fat and sugar
Gluten sensitivity
Food coloring
– Pesticides/herbicides
– Dependence
Vegetarian? Vegan? Pescetarian?
• Vegetarians do not eat
meat, do consume eggs
& milk
• Vegans do not consume
any animal-based
• Pescetarians eat fish,
milk, eggs, no meat or
• Animal concerns (,
Student Question: What is the best thing to
eat before a workout?
Be sure you are well hydrated
– Water is best
– High-sugar drinks, fruit juices may
cause cramping
You may not need to eat if you
have a healthy diet (carb from
muscles and liver)
If not eating leads to dizziness, eat
~100 calories 30 minutes prior,
1-2 hours prior to exercise
Trail mix
Yogurt smoothie
Veggies & hummus
Almond butter, apple butter & rice
– Egg, chopped veggies
Student Question: What About Ergogenic Aids?
• Creatine
– Body converts to
phosphocreatine for
– Seems to improve highintensity, short-term
– Can increase body weight
– How much? (calculator)
– No long-term problems yet
– Present in meats;
supplement is higher dose
Student Question: What About Ergogenic Aids?
• Glutamine
– Amino acid
– Used to boost immune
health and reduce postworkout muscle breakdown
– May be helpful in
– Present in animal-based
foods, smaller doses
• Other ergogenic aids
(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)
• Whole foods options for
ergogenic aids (ACE Fitness)
Student Question: What would you say are the
most valuable (if any) supplements to take?
• Depends on a person’s individual
circumstances (diet, activity, general health)
• First & foremost: improve diet
• Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) = careful with
• Multivitamin
• Lactobacillus for gut health = immune health
Student Question: Are there any
favorite dieting “tricks?”
• When tempted to eat something off the “diet,” busy
yourself with something - a chore, a walk, a drive, etc.
• Recording food and beverage consumption (tedious
but improves awareness)
• Regular physical activity, include high-intensity
• Include lean protein and/or fiber with most meals
• De-centralize meat on the plate
• Chew food thoroughly
Student Question: Are there any
favorite dieting “tricks?”
• Avoid misery
• Drink water regularly
• Assess alcohol
• Use smaller plates
• Make dietary change a
lasting lifestyle change
Student Question: What’s the Best
Brain Food?
• Water
• Salmon, other oily fish
(memory, focus)
• Blueberries (delaying
potential short-term
memory loss)
• Broccoli, spinach (cognitive
• Nuts (blood flow)
• Coffee (stimulation)
• Avocado (blood flow)
• Sources: BBC GoodFood,
Huffington Post 9/18/12
Student Question: Can You OverConsume Vitamins?
• Assumption that everyone
absorbs nutrients similarly
• General concern over fatsoluble vitamins: A, D, E, & K
• Vitamin A @ high doses can
be problematic during
pregnancy (birth defect risk)
• Regular over-consumption of
Vitamin D may increase risk
for kidney stones
• Vitamin E: cardiovascular,
kidney, skin, Alzheimer’s
patients = careful
• Source: Mayo Clinic
Student Question: What makes cheese and
milk bad for our health?
• Cheese and milk are rich sources of complete
• Milk is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D
• Cheese is a good source of calcium
Student Question: What makes cheese and
milk bad for our health?
• Disadvantage: some
individuals have lactose
intolerance, which results
in gastric distress after
milk & cheese
• Disadvantage: whole milk,
many cheeses are high in
saturated fat, so moderate
to heavy consumption can
increase risk for weight
gain and higher blood fats
Student Question: What makes cheese and
milk bad for our health?
 Disadvantage: some individuals
are intolerant to gluten; since
some cheeses are made by
bacterial cultures grown on rye,
there could be gluten issues;
additives to cheese may also
trigger problems
 Disadvantage: many cows are
given recombinant bovine
growth hormone (rBGH) to
increase milk output; some
research points to an increase
in animal lameness and
infertility among those animals
receiving rBGH
Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods"
to include in one's diet?
 Brightly-colored
 Raspberries, blueberries,
blackberries, strawberries
 Vitamin C, fiber, water,
antioxidants, low calorie
 Freeze for eating in winter
 Beans
 Black beans, lentils,
 Fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty
 Mix with salads
Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods"
to include in one's diet?
• Nuts
– Fiber; plant sterols to
reduce cholesterol;
omega-3 fatty acids for
heart health
– Mixed in salads makes
texture interesting
Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods" to
include in one's diet?
• Salmon and flounder
– Omega-3-rich foods for heart health; flounder is generally
low in mercury and may help prevent cancer
– Salmon: sugar, lemon rind, salt, pepper--dry rub, let chill
for 1-2 hours, roast
• Brightly-colored vegetables (leafy greens, peppers,
tomatoes, etc)
– Vitamins, fiber, antioxidants
– Bok choy preparation video
Student Question: What food chemicals should we
look out for?
• Challenge: People have varying sensitivities
• Challenge: Often, the issue is accumulation
rather than one dose at a given time
• Challenge: Combinations of chemicals
• Challenge: Chemicals used for a variety of
attractive purposes
• Challenge: Some chemicals are naturally
occurring (estrogenic foods)
Student Question: What food chemicals should we
look out for?
• Challenge: Chemicals used for a variety of
purposes attractive to consumer
– Preservatives
– Sweeteners, flavorings
– Fat replacers
– Emulsifiers, thickeners
– Color additives
– List at FDA
Student Question: What food chemicals should
we look out for?
 Guideline: the more
processed the food,
the more chemicals
 Guideline: shopping
around the perimeter
of a grocery store
usually the healthiest
approach to find
whole foods
Student Question: What food ingredientsshould we
look out for?
• Per Center for Science in the Public Interest
Added sugars (calories, lack of vitamins and minerals)
Salt (hypertension)
Artificial sweeteners (cancer concerns)
Food dyes (allergies, cancer concerns, behavioral issues
linked in children)
– Caffeine (some are sensitive; may trigger arrhythmia)
– Alcohol (calories, lack of vitamins and minerals; over time,
overconsumption can lead to liver disease)
Student Question: What benefits
does fasting have?
• Fasting: willfully
restricting food and/or
• Various reasons
throughout history:
spiritualism, religion,
therapy, famine
• Practice empties the
Student Question: What benefits
does fasting have?
• Benefits:
– Sense of control, other
psychological benefits
– Increased endorphins
in the brain
– If food allergies or
sensitivities are
present, physical relief
Student Question: What benefits does
fasting have?
• Keep in mind:
– Liver, kidneys, lungs “detoxify” blood 24/7
– Brain needs glucose to function optimally
– Fasts meant generally for short term
• Metabolism may shift to adapt to starvation mode
– Consultation with registered dietician or
naturopathic physician may help reduce risks
Student Question: Are there any
favorite dieting “tricks?”
• When tempted to eat something off the “diet,” busy
yourself with something - a chore, a walk, a drive, etc.
• Recording food and beverage consumption (annoying,
can improve awareness)
• Regular physical activity, include high-intensity exercise
• Include lean protein and/or fiber with most meals
• De-centralize meat on the plate
• Chew food thoroughly
Student Question: Are there any
favorite dieting “tricks?”
• Avoid misery
• Drink water regularly
• Assess alcohol
• Use smaller plates
• Make dietary change a
lasting lifestyle change